Thursday, September 30, 2010
Doctors Note From A Walk In Clinic
1 ° TYPE: AMOROSO : basic impulses : strong need to belong, to interact and be accepted, sensitive and receptive to the environment. Signs
: it is built around locations with Cancer, Libra, Pisces.
Metro s: is built around the moon, Venus or Neptune prominent. Homes
: IV-VII, or XII strong
Elements: accentuation of signs of water. Deformations
: too worried about what other people think. Lack of differentiation. Difficulty in establishing limits. ----------------------
basic drives: expressed desire for power and self-expression, "You will adapt to me." Signs
: building with locations in Aries, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius (also Taurus and Sagittarius)
Planets: it is built around a sun, Mars or Uranus (also Jupiter, Saturn or pluton) prominent.
Homes: I-V-o X strong. Elements
: accentuation of signs of fire. Deformation
s: addiction to power, selfishness,, excessive competitiveness, controller, boundaries and limitations. -----------------------
basic impulses: Moved by a need to progress, transformation and change.
Signs: location in Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries.
Planets: is built around a Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus or Mars prominent.
Houses: III _ _ IX or XI strong. Elements
: accentuation in air and fire.
Warps: tendency to change to change, exceptionally fearful of the limits and limitations. -----------------------
basic impulses: a strong need to consolidate and retain a desire to secure, anchor, preservation and maintenance.
Signs: is built around locations in Capricorn and Taurus (also cancer and virgo).
Planets: it is built around a strong Saturn.
Houses: II - IV - VI, or X strong. Elements
: Accentuation earth signs
Deformation: stubbornness and inertia, excessive conventionalism, maintains the status quo for fear of the unknown. -----------------------------
basic drives: tries to escape from the earthly, to achieve transcendence and spiritual expansion, ruled by the right brain.
Signs: is built around locations of Sagittarius and Pisces (also Aquarium)
Planets: is built around strong Jupiter or Neptune (also Uranus).
Houses: IX-XI, or XII strong. Elements
: accentuation in water and fire.
Deformation: : To be spiritual is to "withdraw" or "destroy the ego" , Excessive dreams, life in the realm of possibility, without sufficient roots. ------------------------------------------------
6 ° Pragmatist
basic drives: expressed a need to set limits and draw distinctions, ability to cope practically with the environment, governed by the left brain. Signs
: it is built around locations in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (sometimes Gemini).
Planets: are built around a strong Saturn or a strong mercury in soil.
Houses: II - III - VI, or X strong. Elements
: accentuation on the ground. Deformations
: excessive attachment to the land, not enough vision, lack of a general vision of life. "If not I do not think so." Extracted
----------------------------------- Howard Sasportas seminars. **************************************
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Raimuiro Senkitan Uncensort Anime Stream Online
Magic City Portraits
few days ago I received an invitation to this event. At first I did not pay much attention because it seemed poítico content, and in recent weeks the city of Cusco has been awash with election propaganda, which not only generate solid waste pollution (banners, flyers, posters, balloons, banners, etc..) but also sound, because the candidates believe that the loud music and speeches to all volume placed in homes and cars throughout the city will win the vote of the electors.
I went through the door of this exhibition and I decided to enter. What a wonderful surprise!
is a great number of facilities also very well done, are educational and invite the city to thought.
The exhibition is organized by topics and by following a simple but creative circuit also has young people who will explain each item as it comes to areas.
's all based on improving the quality of life, respecting the environment. Thus we have such an interesting representation of the pros and cons of building on hillsides and ravines without proper planning, how deforestation and pollution in these areas puts at risk the health and lives of the people, greatly increasing the danger of landslides and landslide.
We presented the idea to recover the old river city, now under the concrete, creating bike paths and rearrange traffic so that subsequent generations will grow up with healthy habits and respectful of their environment.
We are taught about waste segregation and suggest alternative solutions for the recovery of rivers for example. Did you know that the city of Cusco generates nearly 400 tons of solid waste DAY?
But for every problem and proposes a solution Guaman Poma de Ayala NGOs gives us the opportunity to participate. There is a section dedicated to the initiatives and suggestions from visitors, a call to reflection for a conscience vote for candidates who respect the environment and health of citizens. It also presents solutions to improve the quality of life in the city and countryside, respecting and caring for the environment.
The circuit ends with a positive message: Yes you can solve or at least slow these and other problems, with the help of all regional and municipal governments and the general population.
is an excellent initiative, full of proposals and invites dialogue and participation. In addition to the artistic, plastic and visual, have scheduled a series of interesting lectures. Admission is free, so there's no excuse not to view if you are in Cusco.
The exhibition runs until Sept. 25 at the Hotel de Turistas Heladeros Street.
Cuéntame ... What do you think of this initiative? Did you participate in any proposal like this before, where while education is given to the spectator stands to propose solutions?
few days ago I received an invitation to this event. At first I did not pay much attention because it seemed poítico content, and in recent weeks the city of Cusco has been awash with election propaganda, which not only generate solid waste pollution (banners, flyers, posters, balloons, banners, etc..) but also sound, because the candidates believe that the loud music and speeches to all volume placed in homes and cars throughout the city will win the vote of the electors.
I went through the door of this exhibition and I decided to enter. What a wonderful surprise!

is a great number of facilities also very well done, are educational and invite the city to thought.
The exhibition is organized by topics and by following a simple but creative circuit also has young people who will explain each item as it comes to areas.
's all based on improving the quality of life, respecting the environment. Thus we have such an interesting representation of the pros and cons of building on hillsides and ravines without proper planning, how deforestation and pollution in these areas puts at risk the health and lives of the people, greatly increasing the danger of landslides and landslide.

We presented the idea to recover the old river city, now under the concrete, creating bike paths and rearrange traffic so that subsequent generations will grow up with healthy habits and respectful of their environment.

We are taught about waste segregation and suggest alternative solutions for the recovery of rivers for example. Did you know that the city of Cusco generates nearly 400 tons of solid waste DAY?
But for every problem and proposes a solution Guaman Poma de Ayala NGOs gives us the opportunity to participate. There is a section dedicated to the initiatives and suggestions from visitors, a call to reflection for a conscience vote for candidates who respect the environment and health of citizens. It also presents solutions to improve the quality of life in the city and countryside, respecting and caring for the environment.

The circuit ends with a positive message: Yes you can solve or at least slow these and other problems, with the help of all regional and municipal governments and the general population.
is an excellent initiative, full of proposals and invites dialogue and participation. In addition to the artistic, plastic and visual, have scheduled a series of interesting lectures. Admission is free, so there's no excuse not to view if you are in Cusco.
The exhibition runs until Sept. 25 at the Hotel de Turistas Heladeros Street.

Cuéntame ... What do you think of this initiative? Did you participate in any proposal like this before, where while education is given to the spectator stands to propose solutions?
Friday, September 10, 2010
Forumophilia Milena D
Astrology, karma and transformation - author Stephen Arroyo-Editor Kier
experiences for the transits of various planets are described often in terms of "influence" that an individual feels at that time in his life.
The following is a concise set of key concepts related to each planet in transit.
¶ PLUTO: bring to the surface and turns, ending completely, often at an old way of life.
¶ NEPTUNE: mina, dissolves, awareness, purifies, refines and spiritualized.
¶ URANUS: accelerating the pace of nature, speed change, breaking, revolutionary and brings to consciousness as he was below the threshold of consciousness .
¶ SATURN: delay and slow the pace of nature, thus concentrating our experience, constrains, we are faced with a realistic approach to life.
¶ JUPITER: opens the door to plans, aspirations and new improvements, we harmonize with future possibilities, urges us to expand into new areas of experience.
¶ MARS: upsets the normal rhythm of nature, revitalizing and giving an impulse to action, often makes us impatient and temperamental.
¶ VENUS: Harmonize, smooths the flow of experience and expression of our ideas. Sometimes up to welcome news or a feeling of relaxation of tension.
¶ MERCURY: rarely important, but it is sometimes to communications and meetings that are meaningful.
¶ SUN AND MOON: be taken together as a unit, hence the new moon position is important, because everything looks more dynamic. L a full moon can be activated to the natal planets.
thanks for your visit, have a good day
Monday, September 6, 2010
How To Update Cellebrite Ume
few weeks ago told them about Oscar Vilca , talented Peruvian naturalist illustrator since last September 3 presents the exhibition "Portraits" in the Qorikancha, Cusco.

Oscar studied arts and went for a long time to urban art, until a coincidence (great chance for those who admire the quality of their work) led him to make his first artwork natural world.

Oscar is a passionate naturalist, in his projects whenever there is a need to educate, raise awareness, disseminate and help preserve the treasures that are now part of our immense diversity biological. Collaborated illustrating scientific material for private companies and other institutions, but their main concern is to get your work to as many people as possible to push it respect for the environment and creatures around us.

The exhibition of his latest work will display in the great gallery of spectacular Qorikancha until 28th September, if you have a chance to visit you will not regret. If you have questions about the sample and the material presented here you can contact the artist writing

Cuéntame ... did you know the work of Oscar Vilches? Do you know the work of other illustrators naturalists who like to share? You saw examples of this type before?
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