Monday, February 9, 2009

Nadine Jansen Small Bra

virtual ecosystems 25. Sea Slugs "in the aquarium?


Who would not want to have an animal like this in the aquarium? © Photo

The beauty of nudibranchs, with its rounded shapes and bright colors makes them a great crowd of fans throughout the world. Not for nothing are creatures distinguished by their morphology exotic streamlines clearly engraved (it would be more appropriate to say "water" dynamic ").

their color and shape are irresistibly flashy © Steve Childs

But neither can nor should be in captivity. Surely some readers will feel a real passion for care. All that we love the aquarium we have crossed his mind the possession of a nudibranch . Before you buy, we consider the following consequences:
1. There is currently no standard food for nudibranchs . The big problem of keeping them in captivity is not able to feed: it is sad to see them die in agony of starvation. Metabolism of these animals makes them resistant and some can carry up to a month without eating, but lose the skin color and fray, eventually dying.

These splendid nudibranchs are doomed to die of starvation © M. Westermark

2. All nudibranchs live in perfect harmony with their natural physical environment. Is likely to kick in its ecosystem imbalances can trigger fatal. Each species is specialized in a particular type of food. Many nudibranchs , for example, only eat two types of sponge. Even a Once you know the agency that feeds the nudibranch is very difficult to develop in captivity. With so many difficulties, better to leave this work to the experts. Many biologists and scientists study their behavior under conditions of semi-free life.
3. currently in the aquarium do not get to reproduce in captivity. Buy capture means encouraging indiscriminate in their natural habitat. Given the massive demand there is a danger of extinction. The consequences of the lack of nudibranchs can not be estimated, but it would mean the loss of organisms and a splendid unpredictable trigger the imbalance in nature.

fosters demand for an end indiscriminate capture fatal © David Berghens

4. The pretty spot colors are so attractive, proportionately, as their large capacity poisonous. Can be extremely dangerous to hold in a domestic environment. Go back to the idea that it is best left to experienced hands.
5. As has happened with other animals, now we know very little about these fragile organisms. It is necessary that more studies and knowledge of their habits. In the future it may be possible to develop methods to maintain them in captivity.

We must be accountable to these fragile and beautiful animals © Minette Layne

Bill Rudman, biologist in nudibranchs recalls site is slug forum AUSTRALIA the Museum (highly recommended) , the following facts:

The nudibranchs are very difficult to care, they are very picky about the food: their diet is limited to one or two specific foods. Their diet is based mainly on sponges, hydroids, anemones sea, and other colonial animals difficult to maintain in aquariums themselves nudibranchs. Normally nudibranchs purchased for aquariums are doomed to die of hunger, because usually only survive two weeks.

Bill Rudman is a marine biologist in slugs attending consultations in SEA SLUG FORUM © Daniel Hershman

(...) In general, no nudibranchs should be sold in aquarium shops. 99% die, as both traders and aquarium enthusiasts lack knowledge of their maintenance in captivity. All nudibranchs are carnivores and have a very specific diet. Even knowing what they eat, whether a type of sponge, soft coral polyps ... delicate organisms that are usually not sold by their fragility and in almost all cases not survive under conditions of captivity.

If you live near the sea and was found aground some, it may take about three days in an aquarium to investigate, but then it is advisable to leave it in the same place was found for that to continue living.

is tempting to keep these slugs collected on the beach, but it is best to leave them in place again

course are brands that sell food for sea slugs, but its effectiveness is absolutely zero. As a biologist poses, each specializing in very specific foods. This makes it difficult, even for the future, the creation of specific food for these animals. Perhaps individual nutrients can be produced for each species, which would mean a price increase for its exclusivity. Thus, keep these agencies also be viable for the vast majority.

Specializing in the diet is the main problem to keep these animals in captivity

Anyway, Bill Rudman insists that foods marketed for sea slugs are not effective and are a hoax:

No artificial food nudibranchs. Sold "red algae" manufactured for sea slugs. Only works herbivorous species like sea hares Aplysia and .

should be considered precisely such bodies are not nudibranchs are tectibranquios .

Another group of sea slugs tectibranquios are usually larger and less showy

Whereupon, the tectibranquios , they can stay (for advanced aquarists) in captivity ... So what is really a sea slug?, Does a nudibranch? Tectibranquio also what ...? How do they differ?


The Opisthobranchia (subclass molluscs Opisthobranchia) are almost entirely marine and gather all the sea slugs. Therefore, when we talk about sea slugs are talking about Opisthobranchia.

Graphic outline of the sea slugs. © Joseph A. Hair

In general, a gastropod suffer during post-embryonic development a process that involves twisting a 180 ° counter clockwise, the entire visceral mass. This involves a series of changes, which these animals have to adapt. Undoubtedly, these processes have had to make a number of evolutionary advantages (though not quite know which), as gastropods twisted not been extinguished.

These gastropods are the product of an evolutionary process which has lost the shell or it has been reduced © Leedonahoe

The housing (shell or shell) tends to be reduced or even be missing, and the gills and anus are moved to the back of the body. They have two pairs of tentacles and all are hermaphrodites monoecious. They are classified into nine or more orders, but is often simplified by grouping them into two groups:
1. The tectibranquios are large without radula and jaws, but with a veil around the mouth, and some deciduous large dorsal papillae. In the past it was wrongly taken by parasitic flatworms.

The Aplysia are herbivores and can be kept in captivity. As cephalopods, in an attempt to preserve, expel a liquid similar to ink.

The best known example is the lumpfish , aplyisia or octopus egg. Includes the family of pteropods .

Breeding Aplysia californica © National Resource for Aplysia

incubation system roe Aplysia at the University of Miami © National Resource for Aplysia

Tanks development and growth of Aplysia at the University of Miami National Resource © of Aplysia

The Aplysia is an animal that has attracted scientific interest and means real hope for the solution of many diseases. Aesthetically, like almost all tectibranquios , it is not attractive nor for its form or because they are colorful but it is likely his life, reproduction and breeding in captivity.

2. Nudibranchs have no cloak or covering, nor shell. Nor have true gills, instead of these appendages have uncovered in the back of the mantle, or around the anus with a comb. His appearance is notable for its striking color.

The nudibranchs are colorful, carnivores and usually have external gills © Leedonahoe

Among the nudibranchs, and according to their anatomy , can distinguish two groups:

2.1. DORIÁCEOS. are characterized by large mantle or cloak, covering the entire dorsal part of the animal and even the foot. Its surface is covered by tubercles (warts formations) and small spines. This group stands out as having as appendices rinóphoros visible in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plume head and gills in the rear.

A beautiful example of Doriáceo , with rinophoros as horns and posterior gills plume © Juan Delsaz

2.2. AEOLIDÁCEOS. Besides possessing the rinóphoros and gills , his body is covered with wax appendages called cerata or (expansions of the mantle), and in the front are usually endowed by developed tentacles.

interesting example of Aeolidáceo with arms waxes reminiscent © Jahaoha Biological Club (Japan)

Therefore, confusion is common referred to as any slug nudibranch marina (very common in old books).

The nudibranchs, by their prominence, are popular among marine aquarists, but it is an order of the opisthobranch. In particular, nudibranchs are not suitable for aquarium animals as they do not support life in captivity, something that does not happen with tectibranquios .

Businesses, either through ignorance or lack of scruples, they sell these animals will not survive more than three weeks hopefully. Is encouraged massive demand, which is taken without truce in their natural habitat.

opistrobranquios The move sliding on a prune (foot). The anatomy of these animals is characterized by a large prune locomotive that covers its entire diameter, head to tail, and that is advanced by a wave. There is still some controversy due to a few cases in which adventure they can swim through appendages that do not reach the degree of fins ( Glaucus atlanticus).


Head. is located in the front, although it is often difficult difference (especially in Doriáceos ). It concentrated the major organs of sensory perception (rinóphoros, eyes, tentacles, etc).

Eyes. are usually tiny and rudimentary. Are photosensitive, ie images but not capture the changes of light and darkness. React to moving shadows and coordinate the day and night. Are inserted into the skin as spots, sometimes hidden, invisible, just ahead of his brain.

Boca. is located on the underside. The organ used for feeding the Rabbula , a kind of coated tongue of little teeth, the shape and number varies in relation to food

Rinóphoros. (rhinophores) This word comes from Latin rhino (nose) and phor (place or stand). This body is able to sense chemicals dissolved in water. Locate food and other members of the species (especially at the time of playback.) Being outside and being in a place accessible to predators usually retract retractable and can be hiding.

Gills. are characteristic in all Opisthobranch and, in general, in almost all marine animals. As with the lungs, are irrigated by liquid circulatory structures where gas exchange is possible, although in the case of nudibranchs may be possible to swap the entire body surface. In Opisthobranchia as tectibranquios (lumpfish) can be covered (protected by the mantle cavity or on the mantle). The aeolidáceos lack of gills, but the waxes do their function.

waxes or cerata. Its name comes from the Greek kerato, meaning horn describing as usual. Waxes may also have club-shaped or sphere. They are present in aeolidáceos and are basically a fluid-filled sac circulation. Its function is twofold: circulatory and defensive. In these appendices are concentrated stinging cells and poisons that are absorbed when they feed.


Each time the divers found a small sea slug is described as an unforgettable all

The opisthobranch have spread throughout the oceans the world. In fact, they are animals with a great power of evolutionary adaptation, but markedly specialized for particular species as the food that they can exploit. The different species are found on reefs, sea, lakes and shores.

These animals have very specific life by feeding strategy. They are herbivores, carnivores, predators of other invertebrates, molluscs or sessili ( idrozoi , corals, sponges, sea squirt , briozoi ). In most of them, diet is monotonous, including many species feed exclusively for a single prey. Generally agrees that nudibranchs are carnivores tectibranquios and herbivores.

Opisthobranchs have a monotonous diet © Leedonahoe

or The opisthobranch sea slugs have a look and life seemingly helpless, but the reality is quite different since most toxic substances accumulate and expel or repellents (produced independently or derived from your diet), resulting inedible to predators. The range of colorful, very lively especially in the nudibranchs are unmistakable signs of warning or danger.

When you capture a sea slug is common to make an egg-laying effects of stress. Are not usually fertilized.

Most sea slugs are hermaphrodites , which means they have full operation of both organs of male and female, though not self-fertilize.

Various scenes of intercourse between sea slugs

In many species, in a first phase running from their male organs after activity of the feminine. It appears that the sperm is exchanged and stored for a time before the eggs are fertilized. This usually occurs during the spring and summer.

When an animal has is that fertilized eggs have been removed abruptly from their natural environment. Lay eggs in captivity before a traumatic response or shock
The shapes of the eggs are so diverse and beautiful as themselves opisthobranch
Some nudibranchs groups such as Aeolidáceos , have the ability to use nematocysts (stinging cells of jellyfish, anemones, sea anemones from ,...), prey they eat, to their own protection. Once ingested, the dam prevents the nematocysts are discharged and digestive tract, pass them to a kind of tentacles on the tip of which place them, ready to be downloaded at the slightest contact with a predator. Therefore, the effectiveness of the defensive response go in terms of prey ingested. The more powerful are the nematocysts of what will be the prey of nudibranch that ingested. This process is called Cleptocnidia .

Finally, although the striking color of some species represents a danger signal (which exploit other non-hazardous that mimic them) in other cases it is a cryptic coloration. These beautiful invertebrates have hundreds of species and every year we discover a few new ...
Starting from the premise that having sea slugs in an aquarium is complicated, we here the names with a link to their characteristics *:
Aplysia Sp

Level: Experts only
tranquil water features: 72-78 º F, dKH 8 to 12, sg 1,023 to 1,025, pH 8.1 to 8.4
Color: orange - black and blue
Diet: Herbivore
Source: Indo-Pacific
Family: aplysidae
animals that are reproducing in captivity by specialists, whose diet and care are complex:

Hermissenda crassicornis
Hypselodoris bullocki
Berghia verrucicornis
Animals can be maintained in aquaria under conditions and very expert hands:
* IMPORTANT: The authors of this paper we discussed the option of including or not these species that could live in captivity. Finally we decided to do as information that may be of interest. Currently, sea slugs have a responsibility that requires extensive knowledge of marine aquarium. Many of these sensitive animals, once they have completed the available food, die after a few days.
NOTE: About opisthobranch sea slugs or there is still much to learn. Although nudibranchs represent a forbidden ground for the aquarium, the Tectibranquios many possibilities. The latter are not so beautiful, but there are cases such as Aplysia that are studied in depth and may even offer solutions to modern medicine. Elysia is remarkable chlorotic living in their adult only light by photosynthetic capacity. This animal can stay perfectly in an aquarium.

Is it a leaf? No, chlorotic Elysia!



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