Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Light Brown Smelly Discharge Urine Pregnant

Noah's Ark 29. Seahorses in the Aquarium

Authors: Victor Carpio and Josep Hair

WHAT IS A sea horse?

A tiny pygmy seahorse, but a great master of camouflage © Yuma

Seahorses are marine fish belonging to the family and syngnathids order of Gasteristeuformes . It is a unique example of vertebrate, it has dermal skeleton consists of bone annular rings, also known as plate armor or shields bone, providing rigidity to the trunk.

are part of the fish with no tail fin. This has evolved into a prehensile tail that allows them to abide in algae, plants and corals.

Suman about 35 different species that live in almost all oceans of the world, in the meadows of warm and temperate waters near the coast.

His name is related to land horses for his face is coincidentally very similar. These animals are in high demand so beautiful ornamental aquarium, but be aware that this is fragile animals delicate and best left to people with an advanced experience that even can help to reproduce in captivity. They are animals that for various reasons have come into the plight of endangered species.

Seahorses are spread over all the oceans of the world. In the graph the blue areas indicate the wild, concentrated in Ecuador and the tropics near the coast.

Seahorses: UNIQUE FISH

morphological features make seahorses unique animal in nature. The evolution has become creatures with interesting quirks that still today remain under investigation. In fact, there is little firm information about them and wonder being so popular animals have been so little studied.

The hippocampus is fascinating and unique fish.

are unique for the following reasons, they represent the final evolutionary line of syngnathids (which can cause us to question at first glance it can be treated fish):

horse Morphology Tues

1. Is unique among fishes having the head at right angles to the body.
2. Its body is laterally compressed, vertebrate skin by a skeleton composed of bone annular rings (plate armor or shield bone).

The horse's skeleton is a complex cage to the surface

3. Its tail is a flexible and prehensile. You can screw around stalks of marine organisms to anchor or other peers because they have highly developed social behavior in physical contact.

Seahorses looking where to tie with its prehensile tail, so they feel comfortable in the vegetation

4. lack caudal and ventral fin. Dorsal and pectoral fins are very light and have a fan. The dorsal drives the horizontal displacements, lies on his back and shakes it about 3 ½ times per second. The pectoral driving vertical movements.
5. His swimming is very slow. Its water displacement is the result of the vibrations rolling exercising its dorsal fin. This motivates his signature move upright and erect. According to scientific experts, a horse sea \u200b\u200btakes one and a half to travel a mile.
6. The vertical position is maintained by the effectiveness of so-called swim bladders, which are tiny sacs in which they can adjust the volume of air at will.

The seahorse can move their eyes independently, always attentive to the appearance of potential predators

7. Their eyes move independently of each other. Their vision is deep reaching great distances.
8. are able to make substantial changes in color, as they have highly developed capacity camouflage.
9. The male is very active part in the reproduction and protection of the offspring. It has a brood pouch disposed in compartments where the eggs are arranged first and then once they are born small, which will come under threat and danger.

Males have a brood pouch which shelter the eggs of the female and then toddlers future


Couples who together to play kept an irresistibly romantic behavior human eye. Many species choose a single partner for life. The death of his partner, also died shortly after the other member.

Is love just a chemical process? These animals know what is the tenderness between the couple throughout their lives

are animals in the reproductive function in a monogamous relationship very close, full of physical contact, touching and full of genuine "hugs." Her delicate synchronized dance can last up to 8 hours daily and scientists say the couple used to assay the post-conception, ie the arrival of the offspring.

Few creatures evoke such sweetness in his courtship © Mariano Fernández

The seahorse is a sexually dimorphic species, meaning that the male is different from the female. Both the tail and the nose of the male are much longer than the female.

These figures show the sexual dimorphism of seahorses

The reproduction of seahorses is one of the most curious of the animal kingdom. Seahorses are looking for a mate for life.

Ritual Mating begins with courtship. The male starts a dance around the female producing clicks with the skull. Both male and female changing color. The couple hides among the corals, sponges and algae, and both are fastened with glue. Then venture to leave his hiding place to float with their tails intertwined with the sea-bottom.

In the first part of courtship the couple intertwined tails © J. Merriam

Between games and caresses it may take more than 8 hours a day

After time, the female body stretches the tail pointing and nose down to the surface. At this point, the male tail retracts and begins to suck and pump water through a stomach pouch.

visually striking image: the transfer of eggs to the bag's father

After rinsing the bag, the male stretches the body and joins the female womb. The couple is engaged when the female lays her body spawner, or tube to deposit the eggs in the male's pouch. For this tube out of the female a number of large eggs and sticky pear shaped that are deposited in the bag.

Once the eggs are safe in the bag, the male releases sperm to fertilize. When all eggs have gone to the bag, the male descends to the seafloor shaking from side to side to accommodate the eggs on the bottom of the bag.

The morning after the onset of male pregnancy, the couple meets and makes the first steps of their mating ritual. Change color, dance and intertwine their tails. After this morning greeting, the female leaves the male during the day and return the next morning to repeat the ritual.

A newborn horse

The young are born in the early morning hours, many times when it is dark. The male gets the bag to help the young to find the exit. Once the brood is born, must survive on their own. Neither parent cares for the pups, which measure only 6 to 12 mm in length. The day the male gives birth, the female returns to lay a new batch of eggs. The pregnant father has no time to rest and recover.

survival of offspring is very low, with only 5 of every 1000 births achieved maturity. In contrast, in captivity, under ideal conditions survive the majority.

Chart reproductive lifespan of seahorses


Keeping seahorses in aquariums is completely viable. Our ethics must take responsibility to purchase these beautiful animals that unfortunately are at risk of extinction. It would be appropriate to keep them in top condition with the intention of playing. © Big Red
Habitat: They live in places where they can hide easily. Since we do not have big fins and the swim is very slow, preferred areas populated by macroalgae, seagrass and coral sea. Usually subject in coral branches and roots of mangroves.

For this reason, the ideal is to reproduce in the aquarium habitat with abundant marine vegetation to feel comfortable.

This aquarium live and breed pygmy seahorses. The success of its owner lies in having played exactly the biotope (easy job!). Not only are their guests comfortable, but has also got a heavenly Eden that is not indifferent to the observer. In the second photo is camouflaged animals where are they? © D. Omar

By all means you should always seek a landscape in which the horses feel at sea

Power: is a key point in the maintenance of these beautiful animals. They have a need to consume large amounts of food throughout the day because its digestion is inefficient and very fast since they have no stomach. For this reason, it is advisable to feed them about 3 or 4 times a day.

Almost all information about your diet determines that eat fry fish like guppies, platys and mollies, but the truth is not always readily available such food. Live brine shrimp is an excellent option (the methods for their production are very accessible and simple), especially as Selcon enriched solutions and garlic.

Within the tank should have a good shelter there is a good development of copepods, mysis and rotifers ... so a full tank of seaweed is ideal for production, apart from being their preferred habitat.
The choice of frozen food is excellent too, and cheap. We can offer frozen mysis shrimp and with the advantage that they are already rich.

The macroalgal vegetation also helps the good food of seahorses

aquarium type: not need a large tank, made in small tanks is much easier feeding. What if we bear in mind is that the tank must be taller than wide.

DIY Here you see an aquarium for seahorses as an example. Along the lines described, must be higher than wide

Once ready, should check if there is any water leakage

Test passed to a tank hermetically sealed after several days, the result is unbeatable

now is be patient. The tank must mature for several months for safety

In this slow process, we added live rock

The weeks turn into months ... and slowly but productively, water ripens to perfection

The thing is very well. Displayed the first guests of the aquarium. Although there are still months before the aquarium is suitable for seahorses

Little by little we shape the landscape. Agencies will be added soon and lush vegetation so that the horses can feel comfortable. This picture corresponds to the current time. In another chapter of the e-magazine will offer you the full sequence with all the explanations. So for now, patience, as they say ... is the mother of all sciences.

Although the literature states that are fairly resistant to nitrites, you should have them in a tank with very matured not only for the parameters are well established but also that it has a sufficient population of copepods and mysis that contribute to their diet (recommend also a good sand bed, to get these).

is vitally important to maintain a stable temperature (the exact temperature depends on the species).

The tank must have objects in which horses can be attached, such as kelp or rock or the gown that is branched.

The horses must have many places to abide

The water current is to be moderate to low, with the caveat that devices such as thermostats and power heads are hidden because horses tend to be attached to objects and can be burned (with the thermostat) or caught by a head of power. Ideally, place them in a sump or filter bag.

Another important fact to remember is that we should never keep a single horse, they are highly social and die of grief alone.

A single specimen of pure sorrow ends dying

Water parameters: The density of water acceptable for these animals is 30 to 35ppm. They like well oxygenated tank, but without the presence of microbubbles (the hunt thinking they are food and accumulate inside, making them float to death). Although to some extent tolerate high nitrate levels, the ideal is to keep as low as possible, controlling together with nitrite and ammonium. If these levels are wrong, the horses were stressed and this will make them vulnerable to exhaustion and disease infections (bacteria / parasites).

should be particularly careful with the bubbles, they mistake them for food and the stomach makes them float to death


Tropical Species (22 to 26 ° C)
H. ingens, Pacific or Caballito Caballito
H. Giant barbouri, Caballito commonly confused with H. barbouri their spines
histrix H. eat, tiger tail Caballito
H. erectus, H.
Atlantic Caballito
H. fuscus
H. kuda
H. procerus reidi, Caballito Caballito Brazil or Brazilian Red
H. zosterae, Caballito Dwarf

Subtropical Species (20 to 24 ° C)
H. ingens, Pacific or Caballito Caballito
H. Giant H. tuberculatus

temperate species (18 to 22 ° C)
H. abdominalis, chubby or Potbelly Caballito
H. breviceps capensis

Then leave a trackback important which lists the status of species of endangered seahorses, prepared by the IUCN (World Conservation Union) Red List Endangered Species . Playing

in captivity: The courtship dance is probably the most spectacular dance there!

Notable is that the male is who carries the eggs (eye produces eggs and gave the female). Once fertilized is the father who subsequently give birth to offspring.

Captive breeding is possible, but the difficulty lies in the survival of offspring.

public aquarium in Singapore is conducting a project you are reproducing endangered species

Perhaps the best example to reproduce the H . zosterae (dwarf seahorse). Despite being the smallest, has the highest success rate in terms of survival their offspring (the literature mentions that an adult can measure 2 inches, but a friend in Mexico City has 8 that are not even 1cm in size, and adults as they are already playing).

The captive breeding is vital to the survival of these fish

Undoubtedly, those who decide to have seahorses should do so with the intent and objective of achieving effective reproduction. Is the way to ensure their existence and to enjoy their hobby in a responsible manner.

A video worth watching: courting seahorses


Although seahorses have always aroused fascination among people of all ages, the sad reality is that we know very little about them. Their behavior, ecology and population dynamics is currently an area with large gaps of knowledge in biology.

Who does not like seahorses?

These intriguing fish are threatened by its application and exploitation. Indeed its fun aspect, which resembles a miniature horse, has condemned them to suffer the brunt of human caprice: dissected as souvenirs, traditional medicine, food and aquarium tonic irresponsible. On the other hand, habitat degradation, non-selective fishing, pollution and increased markedly influenced jellyfish predators to enter the list of endangered species.

indiscriminate fishing kills many seahorses

also kill many horses for food or traditional medicine

Nobody should

buy a souvenir and

Before purchasing these animals should think if we can keep

Their conservation depends to know them better and this requires investigating as possible. Heather Hall, a geneticist at the London Aquarium Fish sums it up:

"I have spent much time saying yes, they are real ... It seems incredible, yet, so popular that an animal has been so little studied. If we look at research found that the pages are blank. "

explains the International Project Seahourse many species of seahorses are included in the Red List IUCN (World Conservation Union) threatened species vulnerable for the reasons mentioned above. This association of which the scientist Heather Hall is co-founder aims to investigate in depth these animals, especially the potential to reproduce in captivity. Seahourse Project is completing a comprehensive review of aquaculture seahorses. Invite experts and specialists in the field to assist in their conservation ( briefing, consent form and questionnaire ).

NOTE: This article is the joint effort of two international and Victor Carpio (Toluca - Mexico), who is very popular in forums I-Reef and the Marine Aquarium Club and Hair Josep (Barcelona - Spain) habitual writer of this e-magazine.

We sincerely hope that you have served to dispel doubts about these fabulous animals, reflect on your acquisition, since they deserve all our support to encourage their preservation and continuity. Our goal is to report from a responsible within the aquarium.

Another example of a fascinating animal that we must protect. Above them hangs the shadow of extinction


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