Thursday, June 4, 2009

Implantation Bleeding Multiples

41. The Clown Fish in the aquarium

With the collaboration
Black Ocellaris expert
A FISH "pre-adapted to the captive?

The biotope reef is home to colorful clown fish

Sometimes, we have spoken of animal species can not and must live in captivity. This situation of deprivation of liberty the killing ends. On this occasion we are exceptionally opposite:

is very difficult for a clown fish over 30 cm distance in their territory

The clown fish is a fascinating animal, magnificent singularities from a ecological standpoint, it also offers great advantages to be conditions-based care indoors. The challenge is to provide a truly comfortable habitat, an entire ecosystem that represents their tiny paradise. The clown fish will live full, long life up to 13-15 years in this small reproduction of the exotic world, upholstered with blue chromatically bright spots where other creatures will accompany them on their passage through the existence under human control.

The clownfish is preadapted for its natural conditions of life of the aquarium © Victor F. Tovar

For this and many other reasons, we will dive into a didactic chapters on the clownfish: the seduction of her magnificent beauty, because it is a lively animal that accepts life in captivity, and its easy to supply requirements for beginners ...


internal anatomy

clownfish Clownfish are members of the family of damsel fish . The clown fish is characterized by intense colors: red, orange or pink and white. Its origin can be found in the Indo-Pacific coral reefs. His life is developed in conjunction with anemones, theoretically a kind predatory ", which obtained a protection against potential predators. In return, the clownfish provides the possibility of ingesting harmful substances to the anemone.

Anemone and clownfish, an inseparable pair in nature

Easy to get, is a fish easy to maintain. Therefore, all varieties are a good choice for aquariums. It is a carnivorous species, of simple food in captivity, you need a light vegetable intake in their diet. In the wild clown fish to chase and catch small prey.

The clown fish habitat is concentrated in the Indo-Pacific reefs

The clown fish is native to a wide variety of warm waters in the Pacific Ocean generally is not usually find one in the Atlantic Ocean (exceptional case the Caribbean). The clown fish live in a mutual fellowship with sea anemones, or in some cases can live with corals. Once the fish has been installed on an anemone or coral, defends it vigorously.
However, the clownfish can live well without an anemone in an aquarium, as these are difficult to maintain in captivity. In addition, in all honesty, in an aquarium lacking predators it is not necessary. The anemone has an important role for the clown fish in their natural habitat just because reef life is dangerous for small fish, with bright colors and little ability to swim. For this reason, clownfish never stray far from their homes. Even in an aquarium, where they have to find food, is very common to remain between 15 to 30 inches from his home throughout his life.

Clownfish live peacefully in well-maintained aquarium

The failure of the anemones in aquariums is enormous. Having a coelenterate is a decision which involves extreme care of the aquarium. Anemones are living organisms that have been besieged by the operation because of its demand on the market. Everyone is free to make decisions which suit them, but in defense of the anemones, we report that are disappearing at great speed from its natural environment. If we do not have enough knowledge or the best conditions for their maintenance is better to wait until you are really convinced or prepared.

Anemones are demanding creatures to keep them in captivity

The clown fish and damsel fish are the only kinds of fish can survive the powerful stings of an anemone. There are several theories as they succeed.
The first theory is that the slime layer of fish has a base of sugar instead of protein, thereby not recognizing the anemone fish as food and do not release their nemastocito .
The second theory is that the mucous lining of fish mimics that of the anemone. This theory was reinforced by the fact that the fish takes several days to adapt to a new species of anemone. But when the fish move to another anemone of the same species there is no adjustment period.
The third theory holds that the unique moves different from other fish are known to the anemone that are not food. This theory is reinforced by the fact that young clown fish can not survive long without the protection of an anemone, and although they have a cover to protect them, seek shelter immediately in an anemone compatible and do not get any bite.

Clownfish are immune to the anemone host

anemones are not all good homes for clown fish, some of the sting and eat. There are also individual species of clownfish they can only use a particular species of anemones. In captivity, some species of clownfish adapted to other species of anemones, but not many.

These pieces are authentic marine aquarium live reef © avilamillar

precisely in aquatics have been major advances that have greatly facilitated a concept really natural building reef aquariums. The proposal is to create small atolls of live rock, active as a biological filter to sustain marine organisms. For those starting out, be easy to find species, and for those who already have experience can venture with others that are interesting but also more demanding. However, complications need not look so simple as we can conceive of a space spectacular and colorful.

Hatchery fish breeding clown © Orafarm

These advances in marine aquariums have allowed the great advantage of The clown fish come in an abundance of breeding and not nature. You may have to be found in different stores, but end up finding it easily. We promote responsible fishkeeping, and we must be aware of buying farmed fish, to prevent indiscriminate exploitation of their capture motivated by fashion, in particular from the Walt Disney production , Finding Nemo . Animals are not toys (in this fantastic movie is saying "the fish are not food," we say "the fish are not toys.") Although the marine aquarium is easier than a few years ago, required as all fans of dedication and time devoted to care. But this time dealing with living beings.

In the film, Finding Nemo the situation arises that a fish can fall into the hands totally inadequate © Walt Disney

We require farmed species, cheaper, they are not carriers of disease (as might happen with those born in freedom), better suited to waiting for a real home and hand from experts who have watched over them from hatching, since the contrary what happens in the wild, allowed to survive 100% of births.

If demand calls for farmed fish, it helps that there is no environmental impact on coral reefs of nature © Orafarm

We will focus on species that breed in hatcheries but there are others that we have not included because susceptible of being caught in the wild (to be exact, also may have been able to play some other species, but we're talking certify that we find in stores):

Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris )

Image Amphiprion ocellaris species and geographical origin

Features: is the most popular species. It is easy to breed in captivity and can be found in virtually all marine aquarium trades. This particular species will be subject to further analysis in our notebook.

Amphiprion ocellaris

Anemone compatible: can accommodate the Heteractis magnificent, the Sticodactyla gigantea, the Stichodactyla mertensis and accepts either the Entacmea quadricolor (highly contested by experts).

Common Clownfish (Amphiprion akallopisos )

Image akallopisos Amphiprion species and geographical origin

Features: Although it is not an aggressive species and tolerates fellow competitors in the aquarium, they should not be mixed with other fish with this species.

Amphiprion akallopisos

Anemones supported: Heteractis magnificent and Stichodactyla mertensis .

Clark's Clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii )

Image Amphiprion clarkii species and geographical origin

Features: This species is very resistant and easy to find. At the time they reach maturity (with an approximate size of 7.5 cm) evenly and becomes aggressive with their peers. Experts speak of the great fertibilidad of this species that often reach more than 1000 babies.

Amphiprion clarkii

Anemones supported: gladly accept any anemone.

Fire Clownfish (Amphiprion ephippium )

Image Amphiprion ephippium species and geographical origin

Features: We are facing the only species that has white stripes on their adult form (when Young people have 3).

Amphiprion ephippium

Anemone compatible: their relationship is most passionate about Entacmea quadricolor .

white band Clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus )

Image Amphiprion frenatus species and geographical origin

Features: is advisable to have one or two copies as adult couples attack other guests of the tank. It is a kind of easy reproduction available to beginners.

Amphiprion frenatus Anemone

compatible: Likes quadricolor Entacmea and macrodactyla doreensis .

red fin Clownfish (Amphiprion melanopus )

Image melanopus Amphiprion species and geographical origin

Features: As with other species can be kept in groups until they reach maturity. There are two variations emerged from captivity, one with white stripes and a light blue stripes. Procedens also farmed specimens with fins bright red.

Amphiprion melanopus

Anemone compatible: The ideal host is Entacmea quadricolor .

black band Clownfish (Amphiprion percula )

Picture of the species Amphiprion percula

Features: is easily confused with ocellaris, it has exactly the same behavior and almost coincides in appearance. Be visually distinguished by white lines bordered in black. We may be at the first variety developed in captivity for the aquarium market.

Amphiprion percula anemone
compatible: Same as ocellaris.

edged Clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion )

Image species Amphiprion perideraion and geographical origin

Features: We are witnessing a non-aggressive. When rearing also behave peacefully with other guests at the aquarium.

Amphiprion perideraion

Anemone compatible: Although in nature as the host looks great Heteractis , macrodactyla and doreensis Stichodactyla gigantea in an aquarium, mix well to macrodactyla .

So far we have listed species clown fish are relatively easy to find in stores and come from captive breeding.

Other species of clownfish, but are likely to be caught in the wild (with the operation involved) and is usually more difficult to find are:

yellow mouth Clownfish (Amphiprion akindynos ) clownfish Allard ( A. llardi ), Red Sea clownfish (A. bicinctus ) clownfish Chagos Islands ( A. chagonensis ), yellow-bellied clownfish (A. chrysogaster ), fish Yellow Tail Clown ( A. chrysopterus ) clownfish Seychelles Islands ( A. fuscocaudatus ), wide striped clownfish (A. latezonatus ), White-headed clown fish ( A. leukokranos ), McCulloch's Clownfish (A. mccullochi ) feet clownfish Black (also in the Maldives) ( A. nigripies ) Omani clownfish (A. omanensis ), saddleback clownfish (A. polymnus ), red-bellied clownfish (A. rubrocinctus ) , white-backed clownfish (A. sandaracinos ) Seba clownfish (A. sebae ) Thielle clownfish (A. thiellei ) and tri-band clownfish (A. tricinctus .)

Anphiprion akindynos

Amphiprion allardi

Amphiprion polymnus

Amphiprion bicinctus

Amphiprion mccullonsi

Amphiprion fuscocaudatus

On the other hand, if we play our own fish Clown is a good idea. Clown fish are almost adequate for the amateur who is just starting to biotope reef aquariums.


The clown fish despite its incredible popularity has behaviors and very unknown to the public

In an educational and research we will discuss how to reproduce a world of reef in a glass box. We must remember we are dealing with an endangered ecosystem. The zooxanthellae are photosynthetic creatures that live with corals and other organisms marine. It is known that the temperature of the reef zones have a minimum of 18 º C (normal being the 23-25 \u200b\u200bº C) and that if it reaches 29 º C, the zooxanthellae leave the coral is bleached and die. For this reason keep a reef aquarium is much more than having a "fish bowl". The conclusion is that reproduce in captivity this ecosystem can lead to preserve and lower the looming specter of global climate change.

clown fish and anemone are true candidates to represent the biotope reef. First we will experience life in the free nature of our animal study.

Its evolution those determined to live associated with another agency, sea anemones. Both species, very different, they help each other in a symbiotic act. The fish is protected under the stinging tentacles of the anemone and it is free from all sorts of uncomfortable parasites and substances that could kill.

Upon playback, the anemone also an important part because the clown fish lay their eggs on a solid surface nearby.

At this point note that in captivity, if we want to keep an anemone, it is more difficult than the clown fish themselves (food, light and water parameters). For this reason, we must understand that the idea to get an anemone should not be taken lightly. Discussed later anemones and their requirements. If our idea is to facilitate the reproduction of fish, we just dispense with an anemone, as there are other easier ways to do this.

At birth, all clownfish are males

The clown fish is a protandrous hermaphrodite , this means that their sex is determined by its environment and maturity. At birth, all clownfish are males. Once the eggs have hatched, the larvae live camouflaged between plankton. At this time they feed on other small organisms. Once this phase, after metamorphosis, young clownfish have the mission of locating and binding to a family already established their own species occupying a host anemone. Interestingly, the resident male will not accept and will alienate those who are not to your liking. Still not being adopted, these new arrivals of less than 2.5 cm is likely to never get to exercise their reproductive role in life.

The couple resident is defined by a larger female and a male proportionately smaller. However, the resident male will always have larger young males as part of the clan.

Living in groups, when they die the only female, the male takes his place becoming female. Another male moves to place the newly converted.

Nature has created this association in clans as a means of survival of the species. In the case of the premature death of the female reproductive mate automatically takes its place and becomes a fully functional female. At that time, one of the young males of the clan takes the place of old male now become female. This is always the same anemone as a stage in a long period of time that exceeds more than 10 years.


The experts' recommendation is to keep just a couple of clown fish in an aquarium, it is easier to balance the water parameters. The idea is to accompany other invertebrate creatures

The advantages of maintaining clownfish:

1. Experts say the fish is most suitable for the amateur that begins in marine aquarium. Support imbalances in water conditions better than other species, This means that any beginner's mistake will not dramatic consequences (a fact not true anemones).

2. is a relatively small fish, which can fill small tanks (remember that in nature move little over 30 cm distance).
3. With good care and proper care these fish can live 15 years.
4. is striking about fish color spots, sympathetic to their way of swimming and some very interesting behavior for observers of all ages.


5. With marine organisms can easily recreate a perfect habitat type biotope reef full of invertebrate life and shades of colors. The Rock (live) to function as part of such living accommodation, also serves as a powerful biological filter.
6. If we are able to take responsibility seriously to keep an anemone (on one side are high and the other is not necessary), we live near one of the most spectacular symbiotic associations of our world.
7. is not advisable to purchase The specimen was captured in the wild. It is very likely to be carrying any disease or parasite. For this reason we must take precautions to ensure that this healthy.

8. The bred in captivity are better suited to the aquarium and always have fewer problems. So we must demand at retail.
9. In aquariums, the young clownfish a few months can make the change from young to male and male to female in the period of a month. So, look for pairs of clown fish can be tricky. If you mistakenly choose two females, they tend to fight. When choosing the right mate, the male showed submissive behavior. Normally this behavior is that the female is aggressive with the male.

10. more people choose to play correctly coral reef ecosystems from the perspective of responsibility, we in our homes artificially preserving a biotope in serious danger of extinction.

is no coincidence that in recent decades have increased markedly specialized reef aquarium. Many are sufficient to care for a couple of clown fish, for enjoy a piece of marine ecosystem home.

Clownfish under good water conditions and a specific care, can live in small aquariums to reach just over 50 liters. Anyway, in favor of a life with quality aquarium should provide a minimum of 100 liters (actually not so great) where we can live the experience of playing. We propose a step by step creation of a tank of this capacity for clown fish, with the intention that they can raise.

For those who want to keep a clan must have a long aquariums larger (from 280 liters).

NOTE: In the next chapter provides information on the basic operation of a marine aquarium, applied to a reef ecosystem clown fish. We'll discuss the best conditions for maintenance, the most appropriate feeding, breeding, etc. Also discuss other related issues, such as sea anemones and other compatible tankmates.

We will create a clown fish aquarium step

We especially thank the collaboration CAM ( Marine Aquarium Club) in this series of chapters. We also wish to pay special tribute to Victor F. Tovar, who is not only expert in aquatics (of proven ability as a moderator of the forum appreciated Todomarino ), but an excellent photographer of marine life. Our thanks and appreciation for his outstanding work. Notebooks


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