Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Masterbait Mess

Natal Charter Symbols

When one tries to understand the symbolism of the natal chart, it is useful to into account what we know about the psyche, as the chart is really a model, expressed in symbolic terms, the various energy patterns or psychological components that constitute the individual. I know that, as the center of the field of consciousness, is a controller at the service center function to illuminate those areas of the unconscious, both personal and collective
who strive to achieve light
and we also know that the self is the vicar, or reflection of that mysterious center
that Jung called the Self, and esoteric teaching
called the Soul. We also know that as it evolves, it is likely that an individual
excluded from the scope of their conscious awareness those aspects of his nature
actually belong, but who for one reason or another are
incompatible with their values \u200b\u200bor the values \u200b\u200b
your family or your company. Finally, we know that for those seeking self-realization
and wants to lead a meaningful life, which also meets wider
that purpose for which we were born, it is extremely
important to make light of these aspects of nature, rather than condemn them to perpetual darkness of the unconscious
. As has been designed ideally
from the early days of childhood, personality is not expressed
rarely in full, only a specific part, and this part, for
lot of people, is much smaller than which is their true heritage.
In such cases, we say that man-or woman-has not truly realized its potential, which has squandered its opportunities
or their talents, or that he himself never actually "justice has been done."
The birth chart is a seed or whatever project that, potentially,
belongs to the personality of a man ... if they reach full bloom
and was completely conscious. Es in the truest sense,
a road map, because the object that is studied is not "overcome"
"influences" of the planets, but rather to leave that life itself has room
to express all those qualities and impulses that
are symbolized in the letter. Only then the individual can approach
the original plan for the evolution of life, as is "designed"
, because they ultimately must admit, by implication, evolution and intelligent intentional
by Itself.

Liz Greene = astrological guide to living with others


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