43. Clown Fish Aquarium for
After reading the previous chapters, we will now hand to work: how does a clown fish aquarium?
The clown fish is part of the life of the coral reef biotope. The creation of an artificial aquatic environment to keep these animals should always be based on the conditions of the marine world.
In this chapter we will provide the basics for conditioning clown fish in an artificial space adequate water.
In recent decades much has been done on the concept of reef aquarium. The proposals created in small bowls are impressive: the peak nano reef and reef. In the nano reef (particularly those with capacity of approximately 50 liters), can host clownfish. But experience shows that aquarium size is proportional to the stability of its parameters . For this reason, a small aquarium will always require more attention and more assistance than an aquarium.
reef A peak of less than 12 liters ... for invertebrate organisms is adequate, but not for keeping fish
Another factor is the living (in quantity, size and type of species) that will be included in the aquarium. Is not the same hold only a couple clown fish, to add more animals compatible with them. This is called bioburden, as living beings produce and organic matter flow from the equivalent of chemicals that accumulate in your living space, an aquarium in this case that means a virtually closed ecosystem. The number and size of living things is proportional to the biological load that occurs. When it builds up a heavy load of water biological parameters may become unbalanced to levels harmful to living beings themselves (paradoxical situation created by themselves).
The trend that started in aquarium is to fill the tanks with as many living organisms. This means that the biological load that has to support the aquarium could end up destabilizing and therefore the faster the algae explosion. The reason is that water, far from being essentially free of nutrients as is desirable, the umbrella so that eventually trigger unforeseen changes. Thus, under an ecological point of view, it is preferable to create an ecosystem and essential creatures seeking balance.
Clownfish are suitable for beginners, but even the experts consider one of the best acquisitions in marine aquarium
In this case, we will focus on the experience of maintaining a reef biotope, starring a pair of clownfish (the principles for marine aquariums are practically the same.) Our concept is a space artificially maintained constant search for balance and durability.
The clown fish as explained above, has the amazing ability to be a pre animal naturally adapted to captivity
Of the books and the experience of many hobbyists can discard 2 basic rules to follow:
1. The aquarium must have an acceptable size for the comfortable life of the couple to maintain. This size, difficult to define exactly, should be from 90 to 120 liters (for sure, the larger the aquarium, the better).
2. should recreate a habitat that reflects the nature verisimilitude. We must take into account water quality, substrate, live rock, living beings will accompany the pair of clownfish, filtering, lighting, thermal conditions, etc.. Therefore we call husbandry assist, to help us keep these necessary environmental conditions.
Thus the clownfish get to enjoy a pleasant life, and even meet their reproductive instincts.
Remember that if our intention is to accompany the pair of clownfish with an anemone, we just meet all the environmental requirements of this which are much higher than those demanded by fish.
© FENRRIL. Schematic example of a reef biotope aquarium
Although in later chapters delve on the requirements of marine aquariums, we will offer some quick ideas to understand its functioning. We are going to serve as examples. In this section we acknowledge the help provided by aquaplant of Chile, who very kindly allowed us to use images of their magnificent creations.
© aquaplant : The first aquarium is 96 liters, the second belongs to Paula Cabrera 80 liters and the last at 96 liters Marcelo Beltran. It is a good example of the marine aquarium is being developed in Chile. WEB In explaining details of their assembly.
Before the creation of a marine aquarium is very important to your planning. If we are to succeed, avoiding problems and disappointments, it is best to calculate the creation of the aquarium with lots of peace and patience. Better get to the finals with the ecosystem in its glory, although we have taken several months.
First we must wait some time for the cycling of water (the eagerness of the learners promotes the premature death of fish and other disasters in the aquarium). In the aquarium forums we can find good information (and there are always good friends we tend a hand to solve problems and queries above). Tonto is not the one who does not know but do not ask.
As in our case we want to keep just one pair of clown fish, accompanied by invertebrate species look stronger and not detract in compatible with other more delicate beauty.
Finally, we propose as an example those tanks that go about the amount of 100 liters. This area covers the perfection we aim to create an ecosystem with enough space, not more expensive at the same time as the equipment necessary for operation. Within
planning is important to know how to choose the team you can get more performance quality - price.
The glass case.
All too often not given due importance to the glass container that will hold the biotope reef. There aquariums of all shapes and sizes.
Currently, there are many who believe that a reef tank should have nearly cubic dimensions. An interesting example is the 98-liter aquariums are 45x45x45.
More and more people decide to have a box full of glass, not plastic or funds that complicate the cleaning and maintenance. The glass is easier to clean (algae or coral). In this sense, the rocks of the interior should have a strategic position for flowing streams, without relying on glasses.
Although all we have to adapt to free the few openings that remain in our homes (that, if any!), the ideal would be to have our corner submarine in a place with us. On a practical fact, the aquarium should be on top of a sturdy stand that we can use as a wardrobe. Inside, we include a sump (shelter) and a space dedicated to maintaining an orderly collected all the tools and materials we use for our aquarium.
1. filtration system.
If our purpose is to maintain an aquarium, we assume that we will have a continuous pulse with a problem that affects water quality: excessive nutrients. Neglect do not appear ill or because we apply techniques from the aquarium ... this is an event associated with the biological load. All living things produce waste. In a semi-enclosed ecosystem as an aquarium, these organic and chemical surplus resulting from living creatures (even microscopic) are accumulated. If not evacuated, directly affecting the water parameters.
Therefore, to date, is indispensable part of a good filtration system, periodic changes water. We think that in nature water coral reef ecosystems has little nutrients.
In the next chapter we will work extensively and in a simple way to explain all the biological process of surplus that occurs in an aquatic environment to living organisms (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate). Here let us pause to remember that our research on aquaponics
aims to maintain a constant balance with a water quality provided to avoid time-consuming changes of water.
With Method Berlin there is a before and after in the marine aquarium. The idea is based on nature. Sea spray that occurs when the waves break up the rock or sand is artificially imitated so-called "skimmers" (skimmers) accompanied by the filtering action of the beneficial bacteria in the rock-off. With this system does not require other filter materials or apparatus itself as a filter.
different foams and an outline example
The foam precisely promotes foaming protein (fractionation). As in nature (at sea), the aquarium water containing dissolved organic matter, and thanks to this system caused foaming, this stuff sticks to the surface of the bubbles. These bubbles rise inside the unit for forming a foam that rises, reaching the top, which houses a container that is filled with a liquid slightly viscous, brownish-green (which can remove the tank course set up for this purpose.)
Another recommendation highlighted by experts is the use a skimmer with venturi valve call. Venturi skimmers are a great invention, which speaks a lot in the marine aquarium forums. Its valve mixes water and air, needing little maintenance (compared to operating with an air pump fitted with diffusers, some wood, which should be changed every 3 or 4 weeks)
Live rock not only the ornamental base on which it is based and fixed many marine invertebrate organisms, but are also real biological filters. Live rock must be cured (temporal process in which, under controlled conditions, collected rock the sea is clean, maintain life, but losing the sediments are harmful to the aquarium). As its name suggests, the rock is a carrier of life, mainly microscopic. Colonies of beneficial bacteria in the rock are an important part of biological filtration system.
2. lighting system.
aquarium lighting needs are closely related to the type of living beings who wish to care. Thus, in our case, the requirements with a pair of clown fish are not complicated, but we calculate the color and light output when maintain photosynthetic organisms (attention here include anemones with their symbiotic algae). It is important to know that the reef aquarium or underwater require actinic light (blue light) precisely for the development of these living beings. We talked about this extensively in our book (light
We have a wide variety of fixtures to choose from: fluorescent (depending on the width, the type T5 and T8), halogen lamps (HQI, HQS, etc.), High power LED light ...
On the other hand, we simulate the light and dark times (day and night). This process is called photoperiod, which is based on cycles of 10-12 hours of light radiation.
3. The temperature control system
The ecosystem that we play has a constant temperature between 24 º C and 27 º C. These temperature ranges are essential, because changes can be fatal. For this reason, the temperature control is important.
always recommend a heater more powerful than recommended (eg, if we heat the water in an aquarium of 100 liters, best buy for a 150 liters).
But problems with the temperature reaching those living in areas with warm temperatures. It's easy for an aquarium can reach 30 º C appalling and beyond. This terminal is a real disaster at the aquarium.
The refrigerator is the machine that allows us to maintain circulating cooled water in the aquarium. Unfortunately, its effectiveness is proportional to its price. There are economic machines. We note that although Incredibly, this is an important point that sadly is letting many to not enter this hobby.
4. The water circulation system
As in the sea, the liquid medium is in constant motion. In an aquarium has many advantages these currents play soft, it will prevent dirt from accumulating in the corners of the aquarium.
This will require water pumps, also called driving heads.
1. glass urn (aquarium)
2. Cover tank
3. protein skimmer or foam
4. light display for the system previously chosen
5. Heater and cooler
6. One or more small driving heads
7. Timer photoperiod
addition to understand and analyze the parameters of the water we need:
1. Thermometer
2. Hydrometer
3. test equipment to analyze pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate (priority) and other components
a. Installation
1. Once we have the aquarium, rinse it with fresh water rinsing well. I settled on what will be its final one level and check it is straight.
2. If we put a fund, now is the time. We do not advise it, not a cosmetic issue but a practical question of cleaning and hygiene.
3. Place protein skimmer, pump or pumps (pumps heads driving or nano) and the heater, without connecting anything yet.
4. proceed to fill the aquarium water. In this case, exceptionally, be the first and only time in the mix directly into the freshwater tank and additives, to create synthetic sea water. This first water (also called base of the aquarium water) is recommended to come from a purification procedure osmotic (RO water). This will save potential trouble in the future, because the water is free of unwanted elements. When we manufacture our own synthetic seawater follow the same process in a container (bucket, basin, etc.), Using proportionally higher osmotic water additives.
5. With careful to dry the droplets left on the outside, do a check on the operation of all equipment (skimmer, driving heads, heating ...).
6. until the next day we left the calm water, watching for leaks in the tank.
b. water treatment tank base
1. For an aquarium with a capacity of approximately 100 liters of water will require about 12 cups preparation of salt (additive). In the market there are many suitable compounds, which carry everything you need to make an excellent artificial seawater. As already mentioned, this is the only time point at which we will make the creation of synthetic water in the aquarium directly. At this point, the water is not habitable and must spend several weeks (or months) to meet the cycling process to mature.
2. The next day we check the specific gravity with a hydrometer: must read between 1.0230 and 1.0240 to 26 º C, or be from 1.0260 to 24 º C. If we do not reach these numbers prepared to add more salt and wait to make new measurements about four hours later. If contrary to the specific weight is higher, we must go and be gradually replaced by new water measurements (when well mixed).
3. When we analyze the pH must read between 8.2 and 8.3 (0.1 pH units above or below).
c. The introduction of
1. Many references exist on the amount of live rock to incorporate into an aquarium. A widespread opinion is that the more better, it is an important factor in the biological filter by Berlin method as described above.
For this reason, we can not provide an exact figure but estimated at 125 grams per liter . The best cured live rock comes from the Indo-Pacific area.
The larger pieces are arranged on the base (by weight and less flashy) and we build on them, allowing a structure with holes so that water can circulate freely.
The placement of the rock must emulate nature. Ideally, fish clown is leaving an amphitheater in the middle of the aquarium and build different clusters without ever touching the glass of the tank. We always think of the free movement of water.
2. The recommended substrate is one that is thinner. Prevents accumulation of dirt and is more convenient for organizations such as anemones. Among the marine aquarium is widespread white aragonite, also called sugar sand. Other substrates such as crushed coral rock, fragments of little shells, coral skeletons ... but between their holes there is always a large accumulation of waste.
There is a tendency to widespread in not added substrate in the tank (BB), or if the option is placed in the bottom plate a starboard (polypropylene). This system achieves perfect symphony the aquarium water parameters are stable with far greater ease and Berlin method works best result. Many people think so aesthetically detract from an aquarium.
If our idea is the introduction of a substrate such as aragonite, we clean it before placing it in a container like a bucket. Once fully rinsed with water, introduced into the aquarium, removing finger which is deposited on top of the rock. Some experts also decided to add a handful of live sand (also available at specialty shops), it appears that fosters the emergence beneficial invertebrates and tiny organisms that help maintain the ecosystem good recreated.
d. zootechnical equipment at full capacity
Once we have introduced the material in the aquarium, we operate all the devices and put everything in place, preparing for the future receipt of living beings.
We leave on the skimmer, which so far little has formed foam. Following a few days, the water is crystal display.
We turn on the light with the timer set to mark the guidelines of the photoperiod.
e. living Incorporating
Impatience is no friend of the aquarium. Many misfortunes come to us because of our carelessness, especially when introducing the life of the aquarium ecosystem.
During the following weeks, the aquarium water will undergo a process of change. This time the water serves to mature and stabilize as the perfect aquatic environment suitable for living organisms. Be an explosion of microscopic life, in which beneficial bacteria are spread throughout the aquarium. It is very advisable to wait several weeks for the water to mature without problems. Some experts advise many months (between 4 and 6).
is recommended that the introduction of animals is slow and gradual. When they occur we must introduce algae-eating species. Thus, we will incorporate other animals. In many specialized books states that we can introduce an animal for every 7 gallons of water. Invertebrates have a lower bioburden for the aquarium.
An ecological reality would introduce organizations to contribute their part in the ecosystem. Another great truth is that the fewer fish including, but problems have for the stability of water. A single pair of clownfish is insufficient to provide a visual feast.
f. ecosystem balance
1. Check nitrate level every week and change the water when it exceeds 20 ppm.
2. Check the pH every week
3. Check the temperature on the thermometer every time you look at the tank
4. Add osmotic water (or distilled) which evaporates from the aquarium
5. Use hydrometer to know the specific weight and if we have to correct osmotic adding water (or distilled) very slowly.
Once routine offers established parameters (this normally happens a few months later) is a great time to introduce the clown fish. At this time we guarantee a huge bonus with a real piece of coral reef ecosystem at home.
This time we have the opportunity to interview a person who has made the underwater world of his life. Cesar Funes , like a lot of marine aquarium is a diver and has an ecological ethic worth knowing. Our thanks to this good friend, who not only gave us part of your time to answer our questions, but also gave us good advice on aquarium and allowed us to publish some of his great images in our blog e-magazine.
1. diving Since when and where you have made dives?
Diving I practice about 4 years ago, although I have many years with a snorkel and a few others with the spear fishing, which I decided to quit because every time I was harder to kill an animal.
2. What came first diving and marine aquarium?
The first was the diving, as one can not always be submerged, so we can continue to observe the wonders of the sea is to the aquarium.
3. What was the experience that most stand out in the Big Blue?
Every time I dive is an experience I wonder, but the most prominent was diving with a pack of 7 hammerhead shark about 5 meters.
4. What is your favorite marine animal? Why?
Shark undoubtedly one of their species, but the main attraction gives me the Great White Shark. The reason is the respect they provide, the look so cool with the beauty and fear mixed.
5. Have you seen signs of climate change on coral reef biotopes?
I personally have not seen major changes. That does not mean it is very noticeable lack of red coral, sea fans, anemones ...
more experienced people is that if we said that every time is a little less of everything. Where else I could see the consequences of climate change is in the documentary on the Great Barrier Reef, that due to the rise in temperature and therefore higher salinity, reproduction occurs aggressive algae that cover practically the bottom like a blanket, and therefore fish and coral die because they can not feed themselves.
6. In your opinion, what will the future of the human - oceans?
I once read a quote from a diver I attention. He said: "If we were all divers, maybe the Earth would have the opportunity to save." Only when you immerse
you realize the great harm we do to sea, and that we only see a tiny fraction of destruction that man-produced, destroying everything nets, traps with many dead fish, dirt, etc, etc. . Excluding toxic waste, cleaning of holds of ships ... The truth is that either we consciousness, or kicking ass.
7. Is it possible to reproduce a piece of the sea at home?
If possible, with patience you can get: a Mediterranean reef fish only, tropical ... Have an aquarium also helps us to want a little more our seas.
8. What can you say about the clown fish?
most popular fish are there because of "Nemo." I particularly like very much for their color and their mobility, since they do not stand still and give life to the aquarium. In the wild are still more spectacular and something that many people do not know is that they are "aggressive" because if you come to "their" anemone pull the face mask or hands to dissuade you. It is a wonderful experience and very curious.
9. Any advice for beginners in the world of marine aquariums?
especially great patience, patience. Read a lot and in forums (where I have most learned) or books, ask questions, observe and put a lot of affection. With this all goes ahead.
10. We give you the opportunity to be able to express another point that we have not addressed in the interview.
Since I have the opportunity to express myself, I would like to raise awareness that the earth and seas are not ours. We pass, and as I say, when my daughter diving, at least I can see what I: therefore LOOK BUT DO NOT TOUCH is the first rule of a good diver and a better person. I would not contaminásemos, we plant trees instead of cutting them down, to care animals and much more. Finally an Indian proverb that I like and resume a bit all I say:
NOTE: FUNES Our sincere thanks to a good friend who has given us the opportunity to know his philosophy and ethics of nature, in this case, underwater.
In this chapter we have provided the foundation for creating an aquarium dedicated to the maintenance of a pair of clownfish. Much of this information has been compiled from books, the experience of many expert friends (many forums) and the entire Internet.
Here closed a period of information that have accompanied each week on time. Our effort has been rewarded through your notes and messages. This blog e-magazine has gone further than we expected, because we have entered into new songs that bring scientific research on ecosystems is maintained artificial. Our aim is that these ecosystems provide decent conditions for its inhabitants.