Photograph taken in the Red Sea © Cesar Funes Caring
anemones is the closest thing to having an alien creature in our home. Its beauty is proportional to its rarity, it looks like a beautiful flower but is actually a hungry animal food. The amazing thing is that by its nature is close to what we remember as pitcher plant, as your body converge in a wide mouth surrounded by tentacles that stun playing catch ... least the clown fish, who care how we protect gardeners.
The failure rate with anemones is so great that we should avoid high demand. Invertebrates are very easy to find in specialty shops and a few from captive breeding. Response to environmental awareness, it should restrict its massive and extremely easy to capture in nature. Unfortunately, this entails the added fishing clown fish born in freedom that accompany these anemones (with the severity of already established as a couple).
There is very little quality information on anemones. It seems that the most suitable species for life in captivity is the Entacmea : the most abundant in nature, the best adaptive artificial conditions, the most accepted by a wider range of clown fish, attractive appearance and also relatively easily be reproduced in aquaria asexually. Fans of these biotopes reefs should investigate and disclose more information on this particular species.
A nice Entacmea : an anemone that grows well in captivity
Before you decide to keep these marine organisms, we should reflect on the following facts:
one. If our intention is the breeding of clownfish, an anemone is not necessary
2. The water must have very optimal conditions, including absolute stability in the appropriate parameters. We recall that the anemones live in clear waters and very poor in nutrients
3. Lighting should be quite accurate and extremely generous. A light tank with a death sentence inappropriate anemone
4. For starters, no doubt, you should expect to gain experience. The failure also comes to ignore the incompatibility of species held and their vital needs
© Manot. View full sequence of video the clown in symbiosis with the duster . Spectacular and hilarious!
As can be seen in these new images, published courtesy of our good friend Paws , clown fish have a genetic print that makes them look for any living thing or object that reminds them of an anemone. In this case the fish has decided to take a feather duster for host (even though it is small).
An image similar to the above, but in this case the clownfish has chosen a zoanthus
Anemones are invertebrates shallow tropical waters. Demand clear water without nutrients free of contaminants and high levels of dissolved oxygen. These cnidarians may be even more demanding than SPS (small polyp stony corals).
addition, the anemones need a moderate water flow and indirect. They "breathe" by absorbing oxygen from the water moving around. They require a good flow of water to catch food.
anemones do not necessarily need to hunt for food, water flows as they delivered food floating organisms as they pass near his mouth. In their digestive tract have been found small fish, sea urchins and crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp. Although there is some controversy on the subject, there are many people who claim to have seen a clown fish caught and dragged other creature in the aquarium, especially other fish, even to the anemone's mouth to feed.
The age of an anemone is difficult to determine, unless it has been raised in an aquarium. For example, a large anemone is not necessarily old, it could be very young. Here appearances are deceiving. All family pets Cnidaria grow according to the availability of nutrients available. On the other hand can shrink when there is scarcity. Many studies have established that the anemones can live from 10 to 100 years.
anemones belong to the zoo of Cnidarians , the class of Anthozoa hexacorales . As we saw with the jellyfish also Cnidarians ("Cnidus" in ancient Greek means nettle) are capable of manufacturing a stinging liquid, called cninoblastos , which serves to protect and paralyze their prey.
Unlike jellyfish physical morphological status is the polyp (flower shape attached). They have a very simple structure. His body is divided into 3 parts:
basal disc. is situated at the base and animal contact with the surface, which either adheres firmly or is buried (always in fine sand or very soft substrates that do not cause irritation). It is noteworthy that a large majority as sea anemones are anchored on solid surfaces like rocks.
column. is presented on basal disk. Depending on the species, or may be completely hidden or may be visible with bright colors. At the top of the column has been the oral disc , such as the name implies it is the mouth of the anemone.
mesenteries or septa. Between the outer and inner wall of the body is located a layer of tissue that will widen as the anemone grows over the years. In the inner zone is the digestive cavity where a part of digestion developed, there are also internal movements of water.
tentacles. The tentacles around the mouth. Material category are the main feature of the anemone, then according to their thickness, number, diameter and arrangement can know what kind it is.
Impressive shot in which we can see the mouth open and its depth, surrounded by the tentacles
tentacles, like the petals of flowers are usually brightly colored (by the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae - zooxantellas-or pigment of the animal). In the stinging tentacles are located cnidoblasts , which contain the nematocysts . As explained with jellyfish, coelenterate nematocyst serves as both the defense and for capturing food.
the best adapted species to the aquarium
We summarize the species of host anemones clown fish, ordered from the most resistant to the most difficult to maintain in a recreated reef biotope.
Entacmea quadricolor (anemone bulb). Its tentacles are swollen on the tips reminding bottle nipples (curiously in captivity, in most cases, not enough to introduce this feature.) It attaches to the surface.
There is much contradictory literature on the clown fish hosting this anemone. The coincidence of different sources tells us that the anemone is more resilient and adaptable in aquariums, which can also host a wide variety of clownfish.
in the ocean is associated with the thorny clownfish and blue band. We offer below a list of clown fish have successfully symbiosis in captivity
akyndynos Amphiprion, Amphiprion allardi, bicinctus Amphiprion, Amphiprion chrysopterus, Amphiprion clarkii, Amphiprion ephippium, Amphiprion frenatus (Tomato), melanopus Amphiprion, Amphiprion omanensis, rubrocinctus Amphiprion, Amphiprion tricintus, Premmas biaculeatus (Brown) and Amphiprion ocellaris (false percula)
Feed for this anemone is the main cause of its good adaptability, because practically devours all what is offered, with special predilection for shrimp, crabs, krill and others.
macrodactyla doreensis (long tentacle anemone.) Is very present in shops as it is easily collected "without damage." His column is always red, orange or pink with warts on the bottom oral disc. Is also distinguished by having tentacles that curl curled. Bury the column on the substrate. Aquarium hosts:
chrsogaster Amphiprion, Amphiprion clarkii, Amphiprion Amphiprion perideraion and polymnus (brown)
We provide excellent lighting (Metal Halide preferable), a thin substrate such as sand aragonite (called sugar sand) and a powerful stream of water (free of nutrients). Like the previous one is considered an anemone resistant. It is easy to feed with pieces of fish and crustaceans.
Heteractis crispa (leather anemone, anemone button). As with the Entacmea quadricolor , this beautiful anemone hosts 13 species of clownfish. We must say that fortunately is very rare in shops since it's short-lived in captivity (the year is not enough in aquariums). It is characterized by a strong and tough column, red or yellow, deep in the substrate. Their tentacles are long and pointed. It seems that it is very easy to lose the zooxathellae , which die before it becomes white. It develops with a moderate flow of water and a generous lighting.
This anemone can host the clownfish following:
akyndynos Amphiprion, Amphiprion bicinctus, chrysopterus Amphiprion, Amphiprion clarkii, Amphiprion ephippium, Amphiprion latezonatus, leucokranos Amphiprion, Amphiprion melanopus , omanensis Amphiprion, Amphiprion percula, Amphiprion periderarion, polymnus Amphiprion, Amphiprion sandaracinos and Amphiprion tricintus
We can base your diet with bits of fish meat adult brine shrimp, plankton ...
Heteractis aurora (anemone crowned). Anemone is a very widespread in the Indo-Pacific little commercialized. Not a good host as part of clownfish hosting the Clark is limited to provide shelter for other species in their young stage, but soon drop to find another host more comfortable:
Amphiprion clarkii, Amphiprion akindynos, allardi Amphiprion, Amphiprion bicintus, Amphiprion chrysogaster, Amphiprion chrysopterus and Amphiprion tricintus
Heteractis malu (seba anemone). Features are unmistakable as it has the spine and pale oral disc with tentacles usually flattened tip color magenta. In captivity can cause many problems, because without a strong light travels in search, destroying other bodies in its path, especially corals. It is also able to catch fish and shrimp for food. Experts say that despite its difficulties, once established, this anemone is very strong.
hosts in nature only Amphiprion clarkii at and captive plus Premnas biaculeatus .
Heteractis magnificent (anemone magnificent ritteri anemone, anemone glowing red.) In the ocean can reach a wingspan of 1 meter in diameter. I like the light very strong, adhering to hard areas with good water flows. Column is smooth and bright colors. In captivity moves throughout the aquarium, even climbing through the windows in search of a good arrangement.
can accommodate the following Clownfish: Amphiprion
akallopisos, Akindynos Amphiprion, Amphiprion bicintus, Amphiprion chrysogaster, chrysopterus Amphiprion, Amphiprion clarkii, Amphiprion leucokranos, melanopus Amphiprion, Amphiprion nigripes, Amphiprion ocellaris, Amphiprion percula and Amphiprion perideraion
Stichodactyla gigantea (giant carpet anemone .) Its tentacles are considerably longer than other carpet anemones, slightly sharp tip. There are varieties of blue, turquoise or purple.
The ocean is home to the Amphiprion clarkii, Amphiprion akallopisos and soiled Amphiprion and unpredictably join aquarium species.
Stichodactyla haddoni (Haddon's carpet anemone, carpet anemone chair). Its tentacles usually two colors, resulting in a mottled appearance. In the ocean hosts the clownfish Amphiprion polymnus and Amphiprion clarkii, and the aquarium we find ourselves once unpredictable host to host anemone species.
Stichodactyla mertensii (carpet anemone Merten's carpet anemone Sri Lanka). It has tentacles flattened, like buttons. Its uniform color can be brown, but sometimes comes in bright green. The ocean is home to the clownfish Amphiprion clarkii , and in the aquarium can host the clownfish Amphiprion akallopisos .
Actinia equina (tomato sea) As we highlight an exceptional case actin is not precisely in the Indo-Pacific and offers a spectacular look and strength. We refer to the Actinia equina native to the Atlantic and around the Mediterranean Sea.
The Actinia equina has five varieties of color. We find two bright red, the red uniform, actin strawberry (mottled yellow spots that give it an aspect of strawberry, is most striking for its maintenance in the aquarium), the green variety (from green of course, prefer a little brighter areas) and finally, the varieties of orange, purple and brown (they own water cooler.)
think this is amazing coelenterate beauty is abundant in the Mediterranean Sea
Although nature is virtually impossible to match a chance clownfish anemone such, many European hobbyists enjoy the symbiosis of a clownfish with a Actinia equine Mediterranean Sea tentacles lusminoso red or fuchsia.
An example of clownfish Actinia equina
Methods that have these animals to survive and perpetuate are staggering in their variety. Can reproduce sexually or asexually, and even a hermaphrodite.
Sea anemones have a simple reproduction, eggs and sperm are released into the water. The fertilized egg becomes a zygote that turns into a larva , which form part of the plankton to find a suitable place to settle. To date, scientists still can not confirm that all clownfish host anemones follow the same reproductive behavior.
Once the egg is fertilized in the water anemone, it becomes a zygote that develops into the polyp
The aquarium is possible reproduce by bipartition, especially if they are overfed. Usually start in his polo basal split up into two animals are exactly alike. You can also start this division in the area immediately below the crown of tentacles, then produce two different sized animals.
A form of reproduction that occurs most often in the aquarium is small polyps expel the hole perfectly shaped mouth. This usually happens when disturbed so as continuing to pose a danger to the life of the actin: in the anticipation of final offspring to perpetuate future launches. Of these two processes of reproduction, the bipartition is usually more common in anemones when overfed, and removal of polyps is very common in sea anemones (something that can happen the first day of its introduction into the aquarium).
anemones "MOVING?
Laymen knowledge of the habits of these marine organisms tend to think that the anemones are like land plants, ie, fixed and immovable in the substrate. Not so. Sea anemones are animals that occasionally slip, albeit slowly or suspended.
Some anemones are inflated with water and with the help of their tentacles are transported suspended in the liquid medium to reach a place they like.
This method also serves to colonize space, carpeting reefs as if they were a true meadow covered with flowers.
A telltale symptom of an environment hostile to an anemone, is to move much to the aquarium. An anemone "happy" will always be fixed in one place for a long period of time (years).
In its natural aquatic environment, their diet tends to be quite varied. Suspended particles, plankton, small mollusks, crustaceans and even unwary fish that have had the misfortune of getting too close and have been victims of crippling the nematocyst venom.
In the aquarium we can feed Artemia salina, clams, shrimp, mussels cooked fish white, freeze-dried plankton and dry food for invertebrates. It is recommended to feed them four times a week.
Using plastic tweezers or aluminum rod provides food directly in the mouth. In the case of food animals not long ago, shrunk and withdrawn, it is advisable to force the bits of food intake by introducing the center of the mouth opening, even when closed. We quietly and with force to enter the piece of food, helped with a rod of aluminum. This emergency action should be applied every day until the animal recovers its normal lifestyle. We must be patient and persevering to to save it.
anemones in the AQUARIUS
The main problem to keep anemones in the aquarium is motivated by its low resistance to high temperatures. The anemones have a higher threshold of resistance to high temperature bearing anemones. The maximum temperature should never exceed 29 º C in sea anemones, or 27 º C in sea anemones. This means sudden death.
To show its best should not be kept above 25 ° C. If the aquarium is specific for these invertebrates and have a team cooling, we must adjust to a temperature about 18 º C (which is most convenient).
The aquarium should be creating some stream that reaches to shake the tentacles of anemones. For this, we focus on the animal outside the filter outlet or have a small submerged centrifugal pump for this purpose.
For proper development of animals is essential that the quantity and quality of light is adequate. The light must be intense for mid-level anemones and sea anemones for. If the light is insufficient, the animals will arrive to become pale white anemones, like albino specimens. Anemones require intense lighting for single-celled algae that live symbiotically inside (zooxanthelae) can be maintained in adequate amounts because they are responsible for the synthesis of certain substances resulting from the digestive process.
The zooxanthelae (zooxanthellae) function as a kind of kidneys that remove nitrogenous products of metabolism. At the same time is a food reserve for the animal. Depending on the quality of light sea anemones may change its color (eg move from bright green to pink). This is because the preponderance of one or another symbiotic algae. DISEASES
causes that may lead to the deaths of these fragile animals.
1. Water Pollution: The animal goes and dies within hours.
2. abnormalities lighting, temperature, salinity, etc.: The animal begins to lose its tentacles and is a progressive decline in agony that leads to certain death in several weeks.
3. Insufficient power : The animal is retracted and not reopened. It gnaws away slowly until it dies. This agony can last for months.
4. High temperature : die within hours. Literally melt in water.
5. When we extract a copy dies immediately to avoid contamination of the water as it decomposes rapidly.6. Sometimes, in waters too aged, the anemones have an excess of mucus, especially at the base of the trunk. If too much coming to form a constricting ring must act quickly remove debris by hand to prevent infections in animals.
should always calculate our impact on the existence and destiny of all living beings for some reason caught our attention (and either as pets, food, etc..). The problems caused are proportionately so large that there is currently no viable proposals for solutions.
Fishing trawl is literally sweeping the seabed. Industry and cities throw their waste pollutants into rivers that eventually reach the oceans as dumping grounds used bottomless. Are deforested forests and jungles, breaking the cycles set by nature, with the loss of huge amounts of substrate which also ends in the oceans causing havoc. The reality of global warming, with the unstoppable CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and ever closer shadow of a radical climate change at the global level ....
For this reason, talking about the capture of sea anemones might seem a "ridiculous little problem" next to all these other human activities criticism.
Sustainability is a word that sounds more and more begins to make more sense for many people. Responsibility is another word older, we all know since we were children. Disaster is the word that recurs most often in the media.
Before taking an anemone or actin, which is really easy, we need to be the life that we offer in the future. We should also remember that these actions involve an impact on the environment. In specialty shops, think twice the purchase of these fragile and complex organisms.
NOTE: We appreciate the great help received by Manotas , locovich and seak33 , great Internet friends and all those who are part of Marine Aquarium Club . It also highlights the collaboration of Cesar Funes , with excellent image that opens this article.
On the other hand, we call for better research on Entacmea quadricolor , such as explained is an anemone that is rugged, reproducible and adaptable to captive conditions. The same is true of the Actinia equina, originating in colder waters.
The Entacmea quadricolor , an anemone is notable for its interesting features
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