44. Playing clownfish
Play "clown fish in the laboratory? Fortunately it is easier
3 In previous chapters we have reported a simple and accessible information on what the best conditions for maintaining clownfish and anemones:
41. The clown fish in the aquarium (suitable species and their classification)
42. "Inseparable from anemones clown fish?
43. The aquarium clown fish (the best conditions to keep them)
© Mariano Fernández. In the picture you can see a brood brought forth by the expert aquarist Mariano Fernández
Now let's take a step further and we will enter fully into the sphere of reproduction of these striking animals. Although not a particularly difficult task, if we recognize that they must have a minimum experience and a willingness to exercise. Raising clownfish can be exciting but, comparatively, they are different for easy maintenance of a couple in an aquarium and methodical breeding of the species. The difficulty comes when we to seek the support of the newly hatched fry and their vital growth in the first days of life.
Those who have lived the experience of playing clown fish, have sometimes reported to occur with drawings and color copies than usual. It is interesting to investigate these genetic mutations, but we must always preserve a line with the characteristics of the species
Will my clowns are suitable to have children?
A happy couple, living in a small environment recreated as a coral reef scene with good food, awaken their reproductive behavior in a courtship ritual that precedes the mating and conclude with a subsequent egg laying. This is from the first year of settlement in the aquarium (it is usually happens when the copies have reached full adult development at two years).
Scheme with the reproductive cycle and
clownfish should be noted that the instinct of reproduction is so These large fish, sometimes under some conditions conducive anything, they are able to satisfy their procreative instinct. It is not unusual to see a clutch of eggs in the tank austere store sales.
The selection of the breeding pair should always gather vital characteristics. We must know whether the samples have been collected in the wild or bred in captivity.
Specimens collected from the ocean are genetically pure, but some problems such as illness or lack of age
1. couple from the ocean. must be a couple that has always held together (this is very difficult to verify, even under the claim of a vendor with good intentions) and be healthy (after quarantine should become apparent good health without symptoms of disease or parasites).
The disadvantages on these specimens is often very expensive and we can never ensure their age (which may be from older animals).
Unfortunately since the premiere of the Walt Disney film "Finding Nemo" has become so popular that this fish has abused its freedom capture
2. couple born in captivity. This case offers great advantages. We help to prevent the capture of wild fish, while respecting the environment ecologically. These copies are affordable for our pocket. We
avoid inbreeding (genetically related animals, among siblings or parents and children do not produce offspring, strong, healthy and perfect). It is advisable to certify that each fish is from a different breeder.
A breeding pair happy © Mariano Fernández
copulation PARTNER
The ritual of laying (spawning) are encouraged to give live feed to the breeding pair. The brine shrimp is a good choice. Also must increase the temperature between 26 and 28 degrees C, the most suitable 27 ° C.
Although the ritual may occur throughout the year, the most fertile time is precisely the spring.
Although the photo shows an anemone, for reproduction is not necessary (many people mistakenly think that eggs are deposited in this animal). The female has the eggs on a flat surface, usually a rock
The breeding process begins when the female anything about an area of \u200b\u200bclean rock and deposited a small line of eggs in her ovipositor. The male comes and fertilizes them. The activity of egg laying lasts 2 to 3 hours. The egg-shaped capsule 2 to 3 mm long and 1 mm wide. If adults have been well fed, the eggs will have a bright orange color. During this time, the clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii in particular, can lay up to 600 eggs. More often, however, the number of eggs is small, about 200 and increases with each birth, as with the size of the female. Once the fish have begun breeding are likely to be repeated at intervals 12 to 18 days.
The tiny eggs have eyes!
One thing is to keep clownfish and quite another to rear larvae until adulthood. If we intend to bring up a brood have to take into account:
A. Once egg laying should be removed from aquarium inhabited by parents and other animals. The reason is that the newly hatched larvae are at risk of being devoured. In the freedom of nature, the strong water currents away from the predation of parents and other hazards.
Posted egg on a rock you have to leave this rock in the main tank and move always submerged in an aquarium tank to the nursery!
is true that the parents care for the incubation of eggs, meticulous care, but once the larvae hatch simply mistaken for food and eat all the offspring.
In the event that has occurred eggs hatch in the main aquarium there a trick to recovery of larvae. The aquarium was kept in the dark (also the room where it is installed) and a small flashlight illuminate its surface. Small mesmerized by the light will come. At that time, with a glass or bottle of trapping for onward go to the aquarium care.
must always preserve the larvae of the dangers. The trick of the light is a good option to catch them if they were born in the main aquarium
B. For are placed, it is not necessary to replicate the habitat of a coral reef. It can happen in an aquarium full free of obstacles, even without substrate ( importantly anemone not needed). Some scholars left in half a pot hole or a simple dish, which instinctively female lays eggs.
A technique for clown fish play based on the use of an aquarium with only one pot. After that pot should move to another tank for hatching and larval growth
Alternatively, spontaneous likely to be that the fertilized egg takes place in the same aquarium (display in our home) , so that if the nest is on a rock, we must act with the same technique. Whether
a pot, a plate or a rock, we pick up the object carefully in the whole process not to affect the eggs, immerse in water in a container and move it to the tank intended for breeding.
Parents care for the eggs in a pot (it's important to be held or supported to not roll into the tank)
Hatching usually occur a week after spawning, when low-light intensity at dusk. For this reason, many connoisseurs who advise the breeding tank is opaque, usually a large black plastic bucket or a large dark plastic container.
fry survival is increased when the lighting conditions are minimal and are in darkness. For this reason the nursery tank should be opaque and not glass
C. There is no absolute standard to build the aquarium or tank for breeding. It may be a glass aquarium walls covered or painted on the outside (increasingly obsolete), a large plastic basin, or to facilitate a practical and effective, as we mentioned, we can use a large plastic container connected to the water circulation system, either by the same shelter (if any) or the same tank (through a small pump with protection to avoid trapping the larvae).
A makeshift nursery tank
most important features of this tank is to be round, to prevent the young to huddle in corners, opaque walls to prevent the passage of light (known to directly affect offspring) and within our means as bigger is better.
Two different schemes of tanks for breeding clownfish. The current trend is advised that no corners are round
D. Once we have observed egg laying we must start preparing food crops. The larvae feed must be very nutritious because it depends directly on their survival. The usual practice is creating strains of crops or a microscopic organism, called a rotifer Brachionus .
The rotifer Brachionus is a small invertebrate that is considered one of the best foods for larval clownfish
The difficulty of getting a new generation of artificial methods, in any form of life, whether animal or vegetable origin, always requires a double effort. On the one hand we provide a specialized food and other temporal cycles should be performed in perfectly measured.
Preparation of nutrient broth based rotifers
For fish larvae, we must ensure a constant food supply and alive. Brachionus strains are suitable food for small fish clown. These strains can be obtained from aquarium shops or friends of the Internet (through forums).
An example of a complex production of food crops
Once the larvae have reached a larger size, a few weeks, we will provide brine shrimp nauplii (see
Chapter 32. Artemia: pet or live food?).
The growth process is closely linked to the type of power: at birth the tiny larvae are planktonic state (between 8 and 12 days), during which they should be nurturing rotifers. After the larvae transform into miniature copies of adults, which can now eat newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii as. Design
growing system of tiny invertebrate rotifer Brachionus
is vital to the survival of the larvae. There are many methods, in which the main idea is based on obtaining new fed rotifers continued to accumulate a higher nutritional value.
Another fascinating example made from recycled material originally as plastic bottles for soft drinks contain. You can clearly see the fluorescent tube at the rear horizontal
For this reason, the practice of experts recommend the use of three bottles or jars, laterally and horizontally illuminated by fluorescent tubes. Each of the three content will be offered throughout the day, ie morning, noon and night. These crops also require a ventilation assisted by an air pump.
important thing is not the complexity of the system, but is practical and allows us to provide food for our larvae
The following is a written information (with pictures included) by Master Nacho71 (we consider a good friend and a true example to follow), which recounts his experience in breeding clownfish. The informative value of this explanation is so important that we decided to include in this article. We thank the good friends e-coralia transcribe here the possibility of adventure, and in particular commend Nacho71 and Mariano Fernández for their dedication and great contribution to the world of aquatics.
One of the best sites for marine aquarium: e-coralia
Author: Nacho71 (with references to the meritorious work of Mariano Fernandez)
Posted: Portal e-coralia
© Nacho71
In this first image can be seen putting a pair of clown fish in an aquarium exhibit. These individuals have served two years and only now awakened instinct reproduction.
Evolution in the display aquarium: Day 2, day 7 and day 8. The eggs, attached to the piece of rock, are guarded by parents. Before they hatch need to be transported to another more suitable space away from parents, because after hatching the tiny larvae are mistaken for food by their parents live. © Nacho71
At this time the male is responsible for the care of the eggs. The proposal has reached about 100 eggs and was placed in a small rock, fortunately easy accessibility.
If we want future larvae thrive, we must work in preparation for that purpose. For this reason, first you must make a shrine for the rearing of children, which will push the rock where the eggs were deposited, and secondly, we must begin the cultivation of live food (rotifers in this case).
An effective working formula is to have three jars of rotifers at a time. The idea is that future fry will eat rotifers with high nutritional and this we get when we are just fed algae liofitizadas. For this reason, we always have nourished rotifers at any time of day the hungry clown fish fry. Each of the three strains have bottles, a first feed in the morning, a second ago and a third at night.
© Nacho71
The construction of the carrier for the development of the fry, in this case, is made with cheap material and easy to obtain. Since the round tanks are recommended for the fry are not concentrated in the corners, has used a black plastic pot.
© Nacho71
This container, like a sump or refuge added, is connected to the main tank overflow. To this end, he made a hole and have a pasatubos as can be seen in the snapshot. It is important to monitor for leaks of water between the tube connections.
© Nacho71
with a pipe from our creation to the overflow taking into account the water level we want to maintain. We set a sponge around the mouth and then a fine mesh, with the intention to reduce the suction of water avoiding the danger that the larvae are absorbed.
The mesh should be as used for the brine shrimp (available from aquarium stores).
Process excellent nursery tank DIY © Nacho71
Then prepare a small pump with a tiny output and key to regulate the flow. Each time you touch the larvae feed then you should turn off the pump for one hour. On the one hand allow clownfish larvae eat without stress and on the other, once past the hour, to put back into operation recirculating water rotifers dislodge excess of the carrier.
© Nacho71
So we have made ready the new tank nursery for future shoots. The stone with attached eggs are transported to the appropriate container just created.
© Nacho71
21.30 h. With great care and sensitivity to extraction of the rock carrying the eggs. For the eggs to remain in liquid medium and do not suffer, we help with a container, which completely bathe the rock, transported, and deposited by dipping it in his new "home."
© Nacho71
main tank in the parents are left confused and disoriented. Especially Dad, who was the most had taken care of them, not to look between the rocks where they were, waving fins to remove something, and nibble on rock da has been as if taking care of them. Yes, let them near other fish, which in these days had not consented.
Meanwhile, the eggs are now safe and well-off in the dark. Only hope to hatch.
© Nacho71
23.35 h. In a few hours a miracle happens. The eggs begin to hatch and the larvae first swim quickly to the surface (in search of light). They should be fed (with the first rotifers).
Evolution of larvae in the aquarium care © Nacho71
24.06 h. Almost all the children are swimming. There are only about 20 eggs unhatched in the rock. At 24.27 h. miss 10 eggs hatch. It was decided to decrease the flow of water to prevent the fry move by swirling currents. Now begin to swim at your own will. Are given the first dose of food.
The process proposed in the diet schedule is as follows:
07.00 h. Feeding larvae with 250 ml (strain 3 with ) and feed the strain 1 (rotifers)
10.00 h. Feeding larvae with 250 ml
13.00 h. Feeding larvae fed with 250 ml and the strain 2 (rotifers)
16.00 h. Feeding larvae with 250 ml (from now with the strain 2 )
19.00 h. Feeding larvae with 250 ml
23.00 h. Feeding larvae with 250 ml and nurturing strain 3 (rotifers)
Mariano Fernandez, expert aquarist and senior member of the team e-coralia is the precursor of the idea of \u200b\u200bthree bottles of rotifers in a effective process to provide continuous food to the larvae. These measures are called safe yields "non stop", very useful for breeding and reproduction of fish. Here we give a link to an exceptional item, highly recommended, who did Mariano Fernandez on breeding clownfish
see ).
breeding tank © Mariano Fernández
Finally we facilitate the recommendations at the conclusion of experiments proposed by maestro Mariano Fernández:
1. - CLEAR AQUARIUM LINING BLACK. (NOT worth an opaque container unless it is black, the larvae will reflect and starving the bottom)
Eggs hatch about 8 days
© Mariano Fernández
2. - LIGHT 24 HOURS A DAY. Essential to have a glimmer, not directly to the aquarium or container where we fry, always a very soft, indirect light
larvae within 2 days of life © Mariano Fernández
3. - AERATOR. Have a very soft air pump to be in constant motion the rotifer, and somehow, is introducing oxygen into the container
larvae with 8 days of life © Mariano Fernández
4. - POWER ROTIS. It must be a feeding of rotifers. Cleaning is not so important as food. Many times we are obsessed with having clean container tightly and most often cause accidents and kill some fry (I have lived in their own meat). Feeding my rotifer is based on the three types of algae that we use (Nannochloropsis Cadiz, Chuii Tetraselmiw , Phaeodactylum tricornutum )
Larva 11 days
© Mariano Fernández
changed once a day throughout the rotifer vessel, leaving almost no water fry, BUT CAN NOT HOLD SO LONG, I say this from experience, since almost no water left and left. When I returned half an hour, were almost all suffocated from lack of oxygen.
14 days larvae feasting © Mariano Fernández
Also, at night, adding about 25 ml of broth algae, previously prepared in 500 ml of water with 200 mg of algae. This was done so that the rotifers were kept fed.
5. - CHANGES OF WATER. Food at each feeding, changing a liter of water, taking into account that the container was always about three liters of water
6. - OUTCOME MEASURE: The best way to get an update forward is to have connected with the main aquarium tank and thus avoiding many problems such as ammonia. But as in my case is very difficult and I did it in a bucket separate from the main tank, then it is VERY IMPORTANT to measure pollution parameters, such as ammonia, and you can have a very large increases when the fry are growing. In my case, I got to be between 1 ppm and 2 ppm and for this reason, in the last two days, I had 6 low
larvae with 17 days of life © Mariano Fernández
7. - have much luck. In my case, the first time, now that you can count, I have 38 fry, and I had a 7 casualties, which left with a number of larvae of 45
larvae to 34 days © Mariano Fernández life
8. - Pass them to the AQUARIUM OF BROILER. At this point I can not say yet because I have them in the same container from birth, I have no filters, or mechanical, chemical NI, NI anything like that. Wednesday, October 11, I spent the tank farm, and I did as follows: measured the parameters of the tank farm, and the basin where they were juveniles, as the KH, density and pH, values following:
fry Aquarium: 7.7 KH 1025 Salinity pH 8
fattening Aquarium: KH 8 1025 Salinity pH 8
... And we have real replicas of clownfish © Mariano Fernández
NOTE: In our book on research in artificial ecosystems have always advocated sustainable practices and protecting the environment. Those who love nature we know we must preserve it.
For this reason, all those practices on reproduction of species in controlled environments information should always be open to everyone. In the case of clown fish could easily avoid the massive collection of the oceans simply using these techniques of captive breeding as accessible to all those who feel concerned by this experience.
On the other hand, the shadow of a planet-wide climate change and marine pollution precisely adversely affect marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs. Who knows if a disaster of this magnitude can only save the creatures of which we have extensive knowledge as with these magnificent fish. Hope you never get to that tragic moment.
clown fish farming should not be a purely commercial activity (pictured aquaculture China), as they also must be accessible to all those responsible and restless fans
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