Friday, July 30, 2010

Rubbermaid Store In London Ontario

Mercury retrograde 2000 of Rene Favaloro

Ascendant in Aquarius: You have to do with the fleeting, a desire to change, transient, sudden behavior extreme, it was so unexpected for the community, it is sudden to the public, the person is already meditating, but it was sudden for Capricorn in house pueblo.Con XII was all very rigid, was alone.
  • This falls on your house up native VIII transformation coregente house Uranus is at home I solar his personality, his physical, the planet Uranus has a quincucio with its sun, this aspect relates to home health VI, here you saw something unexpected would happen to him is also set in the sun planet Mars has to do with the weapons (committed suicide with a bullet in the heart (Sun), Saturn (also former reg. aquarium) governs VIII natal home and it has a semi-square in the solar sun, the moon in Scorpio on X. given the spread of the tragedy, gave the knowledge of the foundation financially compromised.
  • VI in the house is a large Stellium solar, all the personal planets that come from home II native home of his moral values, their self-worth.
  • between the two ruling natal asc (mercury) and asc. Solar (uranium) make a sesquiquadrate this aspect has to do with locks, breaks, breaks: There is a break in a way to be thinking, mercury here has to do with their values.
  • House IV XI solar home is falling on to the institutions or projects, the house XI has to do with the ruler medicos.Su Mars has a quincucio (the asp. In this case is related to pluton House VIII) with Pluto the planet of transformation. VIII
  • solar home falls in house III: transformation in their thinking, over money and debt, mental restlessness, introspection. IX
IV solar home is the final form to transcend.
  • solar VIII XII evidence related birth to death, the making of changes.
  • Another significant change and transformation
  • His progressed Moon to the date of death 29/7/2000 at home was VIII.
  • The transit of Mars to this day is located at the midpoint between his natal Sun and Pluto.
to here a synthesis of the most significant.

I leave this link to read the letter he left before his death Dr html


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