the new planet Chiron
Authors Bernadette Sauzea - \u200b\u200bCatalina Juan
Ediciones Obelisco
Chiron aspects to Mars
Mars represents the affirmation of self, his energy, his fighting spirit, associated with Chiron gives great potential to overcome obstacles. We must not forget the heroic warrior and Chiron. The person with issues between these two planets will feel attraction towards the achievement of difficult goals that require a lot of personal effort, the sexuality is also a key point (the male or Animus becomes important), focusing on the collective level, for example, in groups reveindican rights feminists, or gays who want to be recognized as such.
Chiron conjunct Mars
emphasizes the individualism of the person, who hardly accept the advice of others. How they act is very specific and direct. He faces the problems face to face and solve any situation that poses life, quickly and decisively. His sense of survival is very noticeable. This potential can be used for others, helping them find the key that will solve their conflicts.
must become the "impeccable warrior."
Chiron sextile or trine to Mars
Da talent for martial energy use as a tool (which can lead to a gift for surgery, sculpture, printmaking and also policy). No project or company would seem impossible for the person, but may arise at this level tests that require you to become aware of its limitations by testing their ability to take initiatives. Evidence may emerge that could push different solutions that others are not considered and that will be most appropriate.
Chiron square or opposition to Mars
At the time of its discovery, there was a square between Chiron and Mars, which gives special importance to this aspect, indicating, perhaps, the problem which humanity will face in the immediate future or even that the person has to learn adaptability, can not be routine in their ways but must find ways to fit every occasion and situation, to avoid an imbalance. This issue is related to stress, hyperactivity, which, if not channeled can become degenerate in diseases. The opposition is easier, since it implies some objectivity against the action taken, but seems to stress the combative side of appearance.
aspects between Chiron and Jupiter
Jupiter and Chiron have much in common and with a power part of Chiron related to the study and wisdom and indicates how the person learned forward others. The person in possession of such means of education will look original and beliefs arising from their experience that will impact others.
Chiron conjunct Jupiter
These people have a strong desire to learn but struggle to fit any structure imposed by what are often self-taught. Their perception of reality is such that special meanings found in all events and can transmit in such a way that can help others find meaning in their lives through their comments. Their belief system is quite specific.
Chiron sextile or trine to Jupiter
This aspect tends to give clarity to perceive others in depth and to understand what is happening in a given situation. You can give a person the ability to manipulate in the negative, positive and helping others, using this intuitive faculty to guide them in every situation.
Chiron square or in opposition to Jupiter
Here there is a tendency to fix beliefs based on the needs of the person and not their ideals. Events may occur that destroy the validity of your entire system of values \u200b\u200band being forced to leave their state of comfort and conformity. If the person gets overcome this initial phase, will have a great ability to perceive what is beyond most, but must beware of his tendency to always seek the difference for the difference, and its dogmatism.
aspects between Chiron and Saturn
Saturn represents how one seeks to establish and preserve Through efforts and difficulties is the "Lord of the threshold", the keeper of the keys , through which we can find freedom by understanding ourselves. Saturn is the mythological father of Chiron, and the aspects between the two planets are very important and represent both the lessons to draw from our own limitations and potential difficulties.
One of the manifestations of these aspects can be related to the father figure being then conflict with authority and everything that represents it (this especially inharmonious aspects). In all cases there is a difficulty in the relationship with a parent who presents a person as the primary source of constraints to be overcome. As these issues occur in a fairly long time frame, they are really effective if the person has an important SATURN in your letter.
Chiron in conjunction with SATURN
can find people with a strong conflict with the parent, or living a different situation than the other for the family. Having overcome the problem, indicates it will be able to build his own reality if necessary. And will not lock the limits of his past.
Chiron sextile or trine Saturn
Here the father figure is staggering, and can not be considered as a point of supporting a stable base. The person will grow with insecurity will find the people who can find a teacher or a religious or political leader that will serve as a model.
Chiron in square or in opposition to Saturn
emphasizes the difficulties in the relationship with parents. Cause discontent in the individual and difficulty relating to authority. Fear of social rejection is strong and the person may be prosecuted. The need to belong can you establish routines in your life to protect, but they will be torn down and the person will once again unprotected.
The key to overcoming this aspect lies in the acceptance of fear and insecurity by seeking the help of someone (who may be a psychologist or therapist) to restore trust and confidence in itself.
Once past the limits of Saturn, we are in the scope of the collective unconscious (archetypal image repository). Needs symbolized by the three outer planets are rarely accessible to the consciousness of the individual, indicating the transition from one stage of consciousness to another.
Chiron, which is located between Saturn and Uranus, and is free from the shackles of Saturn (the time, actually), but not in the Uranian future. Chiron makes us discover a new sense of time: the immediate moment, the here and now, freeing us from the rings of the past or future, without prejudice or expectations. Chiron can help us in this way to integrate the effect of transaturnianos planets in our psyche.
Chiron in aspect to Uranus
embodied in a letter Uranus individual inherent need to free the psyche identification with the material world and to experience the world of archetypal mind. Freedom of identification with a particular experience is valid for anything. Raises the need to change our understanding of ourselves, and make changes, if needed, in all areas of our lives who need them.
aspects of Chiron will act as amplifiers of the Uranian traits of the person, emphasizing individuality, eccentricity. You'll need to feel like a separate entity from the other and know in what ways is a unique being. Will experienced staff, always looking for situations that test his notion of individuality and difference. During periods in which these aspects are given, accelerate scientific discoveries, especially the dissonant aspects tend not to integrate into the mindset of people at ease. Emphasizes the need for personal independence, which will give you problems in their relationships, and you need space, which can not be understood by others who interpret it as rejection.
These aspects are more apparent generational level personnel unless they are reinforced by other parts of the letter or that Uranus is in a key position.
Chiron in aspect to Neptune
Neptune represents our desire to blend into the sea of \u200b\u200bcollective sentiments, offering our individuality to purify the solution. Neptune symbolizes the drive for personal self sacrifice for a collective (which may be positive or negative).
Chiron in aspect to highlight the needs to engage with the problems of others and the ability to influence masses of people. Depending on spiritual development, the qualities of Chiron can be distorted and lead to fraud and errors may also present the problem of tax evasion through drugs or alcohol. Positively, enhance sensitivity towards others, which will give the person a very special charisma that can be transformed into a healing power and spiritual development of others. Open the person Neptunian field of perception: imagination, the world of dreams and realities of the invisible worlds.
Chiron in aspect to Pluto
Pluto is the planet that symbolizes the need for transformation of the person, he likes it or not, the individual must grow, even growth sie death involves a period of gestation and birth. It is also related to sexuality, in the sense that the sexual act means the death of the individual sense of separateness in the experience of another, representing the power inherent in each, the power generated by the most primitive instincts, which can destroy be but also transform it.
Regarding Chiron puts you in contact with the source of his personal power, with the potential to perceive the way to transform yourself and others, finding ways of healing and removing old and unnecessary to make way for new and regenerated. For a less advanced this knowledge and power will be used to manipulate people and situations to their advantage.
will give an interest and a very deep understanding of everything related to the death. This knowledge can be transmitted to others leading them to overcome the fear that the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath causes
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