WARUQ'U EXTREME II - Nor Yauyos Cars - Huancaya19 to March 21, 2011
On Saturday March 19, 2011, municipal and communal authorities Huancaya district, Yauyos province, department of Lima, will begin officially on Exhibit II Adventure Sports, WARUQ'U EXTREME II in celebration of World Water Day (March 22). The exhibitions will be held from 19 to 21 months in Huancaya present within the area of \u200b\u200btourism and recreation in the Northeast Landscape Reserve Yauyos Cochas.
Waruq'u In Extreme II event will take place in different activities like
- Exhibitions rock climbing, windsurfing and diving.
- Competition Speed \u200b\u200btechnical kayak Waruq'u River Falls.
- Fishing Competition scale with release of prey.
- Presentation of traditional activities such as Shacteo huancayanas, dances and music.
- Workshops environmental information, importance and care of water, birdwatching. The event has the support of different institutions like the Regional Government of Lima, the District Municipality of Huancayo, the National Service of Protected Natural Areas SERNANP, Kayakta Peru, the Peace Corps in the U.S., Peru Puriq Tourism, The Northface, Lima Volunteer Fire and recognized athletes at international level.
The committees in charge of local arrangements are represented by the Community Campesina, the Mothers Club, the Vaso de Leche Program, the Tourism Association of Huancayo, the District Governor and local people.
Huancaya is a friendly and picturesque village is 15 km. Alis Tinco of diversion, at Km 130 of Highway penetration CaƱete - Chupaca, nearly six hours of Lima in particular car. It has great potential for tourism development. The district is located in the central part of the Nor Yauyos Cochas first protected natural area of \u200b\u200bits kind in Peru.
If you want more information, please contact aventurahuancaya@gmail.com
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