Monday, January 26, 2009

Closet Pole Distance From Wall

23. The latest in Aquaria: The tank for jellyfish


More companies designed aquariums jellyfish © HELLYFISH

ART Maintenance of jellyfish is the most advanced section of the aquarium. And can be purchased the first home aquariums, designed exclusively to enjoy these animals ethereal and almost transparent, floating with a lightness astonishing.

In large aquariums are developed in secret method to keep jellyfish

Anyone who has had the opportunity to see a large public aquarium jellyfish, has been irresistibly seduced by its beauty. Precisely in these tanks was where he developed the system to keep successfully in captivity, in particular, is where you began using the method called Kreisel (German word meaning carousel) that is to rotate the turning water steady but mild.

Operating diagram of a jellyfish aquarium

The basic design of a tank of jellyfish is based on creating an environment where water enters and leaves the tank, getting gravitationally suspended in center, its people, avoiding so you can damage your delicate organs and soft-gelatinous tentacles.

water enters the tank as a thin narrow jet (like a liquid film) called layer or laminar flow, moving along the inner circumference of a tank round or oval. This layer acts as a boundary and is the mechanism that keeps the suspension of jellyfish in the center. In general, the water diffuses through the gap of exit, creating a current so soft and fuzzy that jellies can not squeeze through it. At the same time, separating the waste they produce these, leaving their space clean.


ACUA MEDIC provides this news to jellyfish and other organisms


© JELLIQUARIUM definitva Bet this type of aquarium


levitating jellyfish in an aquarium under the method KREISEL

Jellyfish are among the most primitive living organisms. Fossil records found of the Primary Era, dating back more than 600 million years. Surprisingly a jellyfish and coral are the same thing. Jellyfish are registered in the zoological group of Cnidarians , mostly marine animals that are distributed into four classes:
1. Hydrozoans case of the hydra, jellyfish and other small colonial polyps.
2. Cubozoa , including the box jellyfish.
3. scyphozoans , which represents large jellyfish themselves.
4. anthozoans as anemones and corals.
Representatives of each of these classes have morphologies very different (forms polypoid or medusoide). Even in the life cycle of a species can toggle these ways. The common feature, which allows related in the same group, is the possession of individual cells capable of generating and injecting a liquid stinging, or cnidoblasts cnidocitos calls, which have as their objective the protection of animal and capturing prey. Hence the name of Cnidarians (from the Greek prefix "NEDIC" = nettle).

also have in common the general organization of the body, inside which develop a central gastric cavity with a single opening that functions of mouth and anus. This opening is surrounded by a series of tentacles that are usually located in the cnidoblasts .

Morphology of the Medusa

Although all cnidarians have radial symmetry and tentacles have within the group there are two types of morphologies: the polyp and medusa . The sessile polyp is life (live to the substrate) is cylindrical, mouth and tentacles are directed upwards and usually reproduces asexually by budding. The jellyfish is free living, or bell-shaped umbrella, with the convex side up so that the tentacles hang from the body margin. Unlike polyps, species that have a medusa stage, reproduction is sexual.

The medusa adult should live several radical metamorphosis to reach popularly known as

The life cycle of cnidarians includes a polyp and a medusa stage, although the predominance of one over another varies according to different classes. The Anthozoa are the only class that has no medusa stage. In the Class Sciphozoa the predominant phase and best known is the jellyfish (escifomedusa), usually larger and different ways than those corresponding to the hydroids (hydromedusa) and Cubozoa (box jellyfish). Overall appearance is of a bell or umbrella, whose top is formed by a bulging disc more or less, the umbrella, lobed or scalloped edge and bears a variable number of tentacles. They have great capacity to elongate (often reach up to 5 m in length) and retract, and can build a fine network mode where they are caught their prey (fish larvae, crustaceans, etc.).

Jellyfish and inject the liquid fire to hunt or stinging when threatened

Once the prey contact with the tentacle, the cnidocytes mechanically trigger, injecting the stinging liquid that freezes. Then the tentacles are retracted to bring the dam to the mouth. The mouth, located on the concave side of the body, is surrounded by the handlebars, more or less open tube formed by the merger of several thick tentacles or oral arms. Both in the tentacles and in the oral arms are located is where most of the stinging cells.

The jellyfish are present in all oceans of the world, and today has been a growing population By

rhythmic expansion and contraction of muscle fibers, the jellyfish are able to move, although this capacity is not enough movement to avoid being swept away by currents and winds, which in many cases moved to the coast. His body, constituted over 95% water, has a density similar to that of the marine environment, which facilitates their buoyancy.

Jellyfish have no brain and no eyes (they may not know to differentiate an aquarium Ocean)

chemical perception, lighting or movement in cnidarians is via cell sensory spread over the surface of the body. In the jellyfish, such receptors are often concentrated in organs known ropalias , usually located on the edge of the umbrella.

The jellyfish and its life cycle

The life cycle of a typical jellyfish ( escifomedusa ) begins with external fertilization (in the body of water) that occurs after the expulsion of gametes, sometimes even millions, by male and female jellyfish (most jellyfish species are dioecious, ie have separate sexes). From fertilized egg develops a ciliated larva, called planula , free-living and plankton. A few days is set at the bottom and becomes a polyp . The polyp can last several months and grow in strobilus, which is sexless and generates jellyfish larvae, called Ephyra (or Ephira), star-shaped, which reach sexual maturity within a few months. Depending on the species, the adult jellyfish can live for six months to two years. Here are the stages evolves jellyfish Aurelia aurita :

1 º. The egg fertilized by sperm in the aquatic environment produces the jellyfish larvae called planula

2 º. The planula live free until it becomes polyp. Sticky fixed to the substrate continues to grow

3 º. The polyp grows and changes strobilus. Here are the Ephira

4 º. The strobilus exhausts layered the Ephira , which will continue to grow freely in the water

5 º. Finally Ephira is fed through the arms to become medusa

6 º. The jellyfish has reached its adult: sexual activity with his big start over the reproductive cycle


Considering the fact that jellyfish have a lonely life and pelagic (Open water) in an aquarium conditions differ from what we know:

1. Since jellyfish are 94-99% water, it just makes them very sensitive to changes in its parameters and temperature. Should be monitored to accurately record the pH, salinity and water temperature. Water demand very clean, free of particles. However, it is not demanding animals. Water data (as PRACTICAL AQUARIUM magazine, n º 19):

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrates: less than 60 ppm

PH: 7.7 to 8.7

Ca: 350-400 ppm

T ª: According species

Salinity: 30-34 ppm

Light: 10,000 K and actinic light

Redox: 300 mv

Other: Adding Biocalcio and iodine

2. care should be based on the following:

a. water changes from 10 to 15% weekly. One each end of the month 50%. B.

The temperature depends on the species. The tropics are the same levels as coral reef aquariums. In contrast, the aurelia aurita comfortable living just 20 º C. C.

filtration requirements is less than for other types of aquariums, it is precisely the jellyfish represent a biological load well below any aquatic species that held so far.

This is our design of a jellyfish aquarium as


3. Jellyfish unobstructed open space required as well live in the oceans. Therefore, your tank should be free of rocks and even in the bottom substrate. Like its physical consistency is delicate and fragile, should be designed around current carrying very soft gentle centrifugal force that forces them to be located in the center. The main idea is to avoid current dead zones because there would be standing our jellyfish. Also keep in mind that the aspiration of the filter is almost imperceptible to avoid catching them.

4. Medusa best known and most adaptable is aurelia aurita (also known as moon jellyfish). They live in all oceans of the world and this makes them easily acclimated to aquarium animals. It is harmless, it reaches a size of 15 cm in diameter and is a very fertile animal in a reproductive sense. Goes through different growth stages (metamorphosis). Other jellyfish to keep are the SP Cassiopea the Crhysaora melanastercan the Phyllorhyza punctata and Cothihyza tuberculata.

5. Keep jellyfish is not easy. Unfortunately they tend to be very short-lived and although there are species that live up to 3 years, you usually will not survive in its adult approximately more than half a year. To always keep jellyfish, there must be a commitment to raise them, so you need to know either sexual reproduction and growth cycles, with specialized tools and methods. Economically is a great investment.

6. Their diet is based on plankton and tiny crustaceans in the wild. They must provide food 2 times a day, in an amount to consume about 1 hour. The control is easy, being transparent as we can see the cavity is filled gastrovascular. It provides them with brine shrimp, frozen adult brine shrimp, frozen mysis cyclops.

7. Each species has specific lighting conditions, but if we think that normally live between 15 meters underwater and surface (remember that there are jellyfish that live at great depths), require regular light parameters used in the reef aquarium Coral (pure white light and actinic light). Some have the interesting characteristics of the bioluminescence. With a mild actinic light (light blue) are a real visual feast.


Midwater Systems has developed and customized acrylic tanks to keep jellyfish. His invention is named Jelliquarium. It is a pioneer in this branch of the aquarium, for not only investigating the creation of specific tanks to keep these animals, but offer the systems to be able to play and develop their courses in appropriate tanks. Here are pictures of a great visual impact:

© JELLIQUARIUM shows with products that are pioneering in the field of applied ecosystem for jellyfish and developing technology to enable their life cycles. They are also able to reproduce in captivity and sell these systems to the public.

However, unfortunately as with all innovations, initially high prices also tend to have a few customers demand very exclusive.

jellyfish polyps almost scientific supervision

His site, JELLIQUARIUM , is quite a find in animal husbandry (Applied technology) for rare marine species in our aquarium. We clarify that we only know his work through customer feedback forums (especially Americans), who speak with pride of their products.

transparent in this model clearly shows the method KRUISEL © JELLIQUARIUM

NOTE: I appreciate the help of my friend Luis Rodriguez in this article so interesting. It has helped me greatly, especially to locate specific data for the maintenance of jellyfish.

jellyfish have at home is viable. Can be maintained in aquariums from 100 liters (you can keep groups of 5 to 15 animals for a minimum bioburden), based on the characteristics we have mentioned in this article. Our concepts change with jellyfish aquariums, because they alone are enough to be the protagonists (no live rock and no others). It really is easy and undemanding animals in their care. The problem arises when we should stock up on them, given their limited longevity. Ideally you would have a continuous supply, but that we must become "farmers" of jellyfish ... special equipment for it. Although there are methods and are for sale, as we have seen, now the major impediment is the economic section. Notebooks


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