Tuesday, January 20, 2009
How To Get Money From Probate

An underwater scenery only 8 liters in the room! © Elizabeth D.
This little from my friend Elizabeth (Barcelona) is huge inside © Elizabeth D.
An Approach to enjoy this magical underwater garden © Elizabeth D.
A tiny crab, an inhabitant of this mini idyllic © Elizabeth D. Eden
Their relative difficulty lies precisely in order to keep them stable. Many people with a certificate and a simple dedication, genuine care successfully these tiny marine ecosystems.
operate under the rules of the Berlin method, and balance is achieved through:
1. A generous amount of rock that acts as a biological filter. Be placed in the center of the aquarium, with a stream of water that remains in suspension for coarse particles are more easily absorbed by the filter (recommended for waterfall).
2. water changes every 7-10 days of 10-20%. It is therefore necessary to obtain water from an aquarium matured more, a marine aquarium trade specialist or directly from the sea provided that is free of contamination.
3. Salinity must be stable, osmotic filling with water that is lost by evaporation. Are aquariums in which it is advisable not to include fish, as both their excretions as its destabilizing power of the water components.
4. contained life should be based primarily on invertebrates such bodies and soft corals.
© Photo truly NO ONE Pico Reef
Mexico has an important trend that has created a school that has spread worldwide. Precisely NO ONE, is one of the most important precursors, admirable person close to having participated in many forums to disseminate their findings and advances. It is a true teacher noted for his skill in the aquarium.
is simple and easy to maintain as long as you're aware of what can and can not fit. Being so small tanks, it is not advisable to have larger organisms (fish) because they provide many nutrients to the system by their own waste and underutilized food.
Another "trick" is to the arrangement of rocks in the center of the tank so that nothing impedes the flow of water.
Good lighting and good circulation through a small powerhead or filter cascade (only to move the water) without any filter media within the. (See full discussion forum Dr.Pez 14/10/2005)
Pico Reef Creating a step by step. Article by Gerardo H. (GeoMx)
My friend Gerardo presents his small 12-liter © Gerardo H.
In this article I am happy to explain step by step how I set up a peak reef from the beginning. I emphasize that with a little effort, we can save a lot of money and equip the tank with the best guarantees for its proper functioning.
also highlight the contribution good friends of the fans, thanks to internet forums and do we have known that this passion is even more rewarding. General Specifications
1. tank 12 Lts.
2. 3 kg of live rock from Tonga, Fiji and national costs.
3. Aragonite substrate fiji pink mixed with another a little thicker.
4. Lighting based on 1 PL 13W 50/50 (9000K actinic and white) and a pair of 8W T5 each (one actinic and one 6500k white.)
5. pump water movement just 90 liters per hour.
6. A cascade filter keep your sponge and with a dose of activated charcoal.
7. 25W automatic thermostat.
8. Instant Ocean Salt .
Calculation (very basic) cost approximately € 60 (sixty euros by the conversion of $).
I keep the tank with distilled water as it is economical and ideal for my needs (about 2 € per 20 liters). Change the water each week religiously, to be exact, every Saturday I change 4 liters, or 5 if I see that the water is very cloudy.
The tank was mounted in the summer. The snapshot shows just the beginning of the maturation of water or cycling.
First, wait patiently for about 1 month cycling © Gerardo H.
Then the lights can be seen used. We should pay special attention to lighting, it is an important element for the success of our reef's peak:
1 PL 13W 50/50 (9000K actinic and white) and a pair of 8W T5 st u (one actinic and one 6500k white.) © Gerardo H.
And here a shot of the rock, which has been transformed over time ...
The rock contains large colonies of beneficial bacteria for biological filtration © Gerardo H.
The call must be cured live rock and kept moist to prevent the death of all his creatures (necrosis), which are developed to reach the aquarium. This is a friend who came along with the rock courtesy of a good comrade.
transports rock creatures that become guests of honor © Gerardo H.
But the simple fact to have the parts needed for the aquarium is not guaranteed to work, so I searched the Internet for information regarding the best way to go. Buy
ballasts for lighting, as well as a timer to the photoperiod (only on / off) and good-meter cable for connections. Likewise, my brother supported me with a small wooden cabinet to support the urn, while fluorescent and make power supply ... about the following images show our DIY.
Screen with the electrical circuit. © Gerardo H.
This is the wiring to the top of the aquarium; Mains cable used to not having too many loose threads, using computer monitor connections.
PL Installing dual-color, white and blue and two 13w 8w T5 white and blue. © Gerardo H.
here and with the placement of the lamps. Although not exactly appreciated in these images, there is a glass screen that allows the sealing of the entire circuit. Safety first.
The peak electric hidden reef base. © Gerardo H.
This is the shot of the base, where rest the aquarium, here set the timer (time control), an extension with multiple connections and ballasts for the lamps, plus a separate subwoofer for a fan if necessary (all knowing accommodate it.) And this is the result after connected and placed all, and a rearrangement of the rock.
entire assembly provides a practical and aesthetic result impeccable © Gerardo H.
This step took place nearly a month after starting the cycling of the aquarium through the so-called Berlin method. During the cycling
and after giving photoperiod, I noticed that the tank began to produce life, as small crystals appeared in small animals. Investigating I found that were copepods, amphipods and hydras, all indicators of that was on the right path.
Hydras (which look like stars) © Gerardo H.
Copepods © Gerardo H.
amphipods © Gerardo H.
After a couple of months have mounted aquarium I decided to put my first colony of zoos, in this case a purple-blue with green fluorescent center, and were alone for about three weeks since the end of October I had a visit from some classmates that they gave me small frags and took some polyps that had separated. Here are the pictures.
My first Zoanthids (affectionately called "zoos") © Gerardo H.
Knowing that this hobby is not as economical as we'd like, here in Mexico made two common practices: sharing and giving.
In the first case, especially among those who already have aquariums and wish to increase their variety of species providing part of their exchange for other, whereas in the latter case is usually done when one is beginning in this matter and have virtually no nothing ... that was my case, with the premise of sharing when they have a good population. Take this opportunity to publicly thank these donations from people who have proven to be excellent companions and good friends.
In late October, as I explained before, I was visited by the friends who put their grain of salt for the aquarium, among them brought about 6 or 7 small pieces of sea between zoos, candy and Sinularia and fungi ... I share the photos.
lines Hongo © Gerardo H.
star polyp © Gerardo H.
pink polyp Clavularia © Gerardo H.
Zoos of mine (purple) and a file that brought me © Gerardo H.
After this reshuffle had to do a rock to make it more aesthetic and that the agencies have more space and better placement.
These other photos are part of the animals that I have, I hope you enjoy it:
Zoos "hairy" © Gerardo H.
Here I have doubt if it is a zoo or a Palythoa ... whatever is very spectacular © Gerardo H.
And how about this dicosoma national cost ... © Gerardo H.
Here the panoramic © Gerardo H.
Indeed, in I refer here to a peak of less than 6 liters, which greatly helped me to make my own. It is a very experienced hobbyists whose nickname in the aquarium hobby is No one . We consider a teacher: Installing a Nano Reef:: Fish and Reef. Com
Life proliferates months. And to show today, 6 months later, I found this pair of individuals wandering in my rock ... How did they get there I do not know (hehe, the truth that I imagine). As has the fact that species it is because the share is engaged.
Wanted! Stowaways in the aquarium © Gerardo H.
Well unfortunately I still can not find the species of crabs, but I'm still investigating ... while I share these photos of my margarita snail, a dicosoma "hairy" and making a fragment of my zoos that I liked it.
The family grows © Gerardo H.
These bodies in my opinion and experience are the most resistant (basically any type polyp), I have to tell you that I spent 3 days without power and temperatures dropped to 20 ° C, and there was no watercourse (I have to get a pump batteries) ... and yet I had not a single casualty in approx. about 200 zoos, mushrooms and polyps more.
With this I note that shipment may arrive at, for example, to Spain without much mishap.
For variety ... I have no exact figure, I've seen posted somewhere and if no bad memories are about 500 different species ... Imagine the range of colors.
And here ends my article, but not the story of my little piece of sea ... I hope to share many years since its existence through my care.
My sincere thanks to my good friends who have helped with donations from and tips for my pico reef assembly: locovich , dpavon , Tavo_Santana , marinopshyco ... and all those who share my enthusiasm.
NOTE: Our great friend Gerardo (GeoMX) from Mexico (DF - Distrito Federal -) has given us permission to publish his article that shows the evolution of the jewel of 12 liters. On the other side of the ocean, our good friend Elisabed from Spain (Barcelona) shows the fantastic mini aquarium of only 8 liters. Like them, are increasingly people who manage the challenge of keeping a bit of sea in your home. Just a few decades was impossible to get. More and more progress is being made through the experiences of these true artisans of nature.
Mexico is a quarry in the creation of artificial ecosystems, apart from the great partnership that raises the fans there. Much credit is what the prestigious CAM ( Marine Aquarium Club ) and its splendid forum. Notebooks
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