Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Dg934g Port Forwarding

human health! I'm the queen Artemia VII, of the lineage of the Sea Monkeys from more than 100 million years
"In the middle of summer time, our pets can give us more of a headache: we take the dog on vacation to the beach? How it will hold the kitten of spending fifteen days at the campsite? Who will come to feed the hamster? To save you much trouble, it is best to have a pet as called Sea Monkeys. "
(...)" To enjoy your new pet, simply type in the water envelopes tank where the eggs are, following step by step instructions on them. "
(...)" You see every day as they play and live in a small town in of the tank ... No doubt, a different and original pet! ".
The complete kit for lovers of Sea Monkeys
An aquarium with a welcoming city to accommodate the Sea Monkeys
Obviously not. The reality was quite different. It was the sale of some rare animals for the public, the brine shrimp, which are known precisely in English is monkeys Or also brine Shrimp.
Artemia Salina can be a "pet" but smart as all advertising seeks
This is the true aspect of Artemia Salina
Life cycle of Artemia
full cycle of Artemia seen through the microscope
Morphology of Artemia Artemia
clear dimorphism between females and males
This expansion can be clearly seen the three eyes (black dots) of Artemia, the two compounds at the ends and center naupliar
Another level detail that you can see the mouth
brine shrimp eggs (also called cysts) can be found in stores specializing in products for aquariums and terrariums.
These are eggs or Artemia presented to introduce water enveloping
With the rains and tides, the cysts absorb water and if the sun shines (a sign for the growth of plankton, algae and other) hatch after 24 -48 hours.
In times of drought the eggs remain in a dormant state waiting for the rains
In aquariums long discussed the existence of a type of brine shrimp "modified" able to live in fresh water. The truth is that there really freshwater shrimp, but there is another creature that is often confused with it, Dendrocephalus the same order, but different genera and families. In fact, in aquariums and colloquial way to Dendrocephalus is called freshwater shrimp, because it looks amazingly identical morphologically that of Artemia Salina .
The Dendrocephalus lives in freshwater, but not a shrimp
In February 2004, published an enlightening and interesting research paper entitled: freshwater Artemia myth or reality? authored by Paul A. Calvino and Roberto Petracini belonging to Killi Club Argentino .
Those interested in the subject can access this document published as a supplement to the journal BIBKO freshwater Artemia myth or reality?. Pdf .
Contrary to what one might think, the habitat of Artemia is in the oceans or seas, but in mangroves , ponds, brackish ponds and lakes
Artemia in their natural environment
These tiny crustaceans can live in environments low in oxygen (due to the high salinity that support). To an increase of salinity in the water increase the synthesis of hemoglobin (the protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood to tissues in the body)
The Artemia parthenogenetica is particularly resistant to environmental hostilities
An example of unique and endemic species in the case of Artemia monica , which is known to inhabit precisely in the Mono Lake in California (above)
Another completely opposite to the previous case is that of Artemia Tunisiana , widespread in Asia and Europe
The Artemia franciscana is found throughout the world
The Artemia salina is the most widely distributed and marketed
The brine shrimp are attracted to light, like plants and many insects . This trend is called phototropism.
The Artemia feel an irresistible attraction towards the light
These small crustaceans are filter feeders, called suspension feeders, as are many shellfish such as mussels or oysters. Current created by the movement of the thoracic appendages, the phyllopods, dried, filtered brine shrimp unicellular algae (Dunaliella , Tetrahedron , Chateocercos ) rotifers and detritus.
A good solution for Artemia fed in captivity spirulina
In captivity we feed the brine shrimp with a variety of ingredients as they are not selective (absorb it all.)
Artemia fed with Spirulina maxima
Rotifers are part of the diet of living things in the Artemia
Thus the inert food can be provided to Artemia as a homogeneous mixture of rice flour, wheat germ, wheat bran rice, soy flour, egg yolk, spirulina and yeast.
Artemia Many breeders keep them in water with green algae as a nutritional source
If our intention is to have live brine shrimp, then offer key points to consider for the eggs to have a proper hatch. Normally our acquisition of Artemia is through their eggs and let's start with this phase, through all stages of life:
1. Within bottles or tanks, Artemia grow comfortably in well-oxygenated waters with a basic pH (between 7.5 and 8.5) and a temperature around 25 ° C.
For the eggs hatch in the water adds oxygen
2. Although these animals endure a salinity varied (including almost sweet water) is recommended for every liter of sweet guide add 38 grams of salt without iodine (importantísimo!).
3. we use tap water if we let it stand a couple of days to evaporate the chlorine.
4. Artemia When they reach 1 inch in length after four weeks ago, is when they have reached maturity and are ready to breed, as they have developed their sexual organs.5. To encourage the development of eggs have to increase salinity and decrease to food shortages. Eggs produced under these conditions can last for many years dormant dry ( cryptobiosis ). To hatch we rehydrated as described in the first point.
6. The chorion is the substance produced by a gland of the brine shrimp (shell gland) that surrounds the eggs and protects the environment. The greater the density of water, the greater the protective layer of eggs and the eggs needed more time to hatch.
7. Watching artemia female whose uterus is clear, we can predict their eggs (an orange spot) if we fry shrimp soon.
8. There Artemia strains that reproduce by parthenogenesis , but the most striking case is that of Artemia parthenogenetica whose individuals reproduce most of the time in a parthenogenetic . parthenogenetic reproduction can colonize new environments because it creates a lot of new individuals on the sole condition that these environments are suitable for shrimp, with no major changes in habitat conditions
The custom is to feed the newly hatched fish nauplii hatched from eggs
To fry food no better live nauplii
For this reason, rearing of Artemia is an economical and feasible to always have a source of live food.
adult Artemia live food is a very convenient and easy to produce
The brine shrimp are small crustaceans very short life, its longevity is just over 2 months old in the case of Artemia parthenogenetica. Males still live as long as the female Artemia. However, Artemia salina more time living with a life expectancy of almost 1 year. For this reason, we calculate the time and the cycles of Artemia maintained, depending on the species.
Always keep providing live food fish and ensures that our bodies stay strong and healthy
Gathering information in various forums and websites about the systems for the reproduction of Artemia, unanimously finally found a method that is highly recommended to use a "artemiero" concrete.
Although there are many types of "artemieros" we have chosen the easiest to use
The "artemiero" chosen as a disc and the eggs are deposited in the outer ring
A. is extremely simple and easy to handle. It is very clean and takes up little space.
B. Based on an ingenious technique which avoids the leftover shells can collect eggs and clean only the nauplius born.
C. does not require additional elements: no air pump or brine extraction tubes, or filters ...
1. First we produce salt water so the shrimp can hatch:
in a plastic bottle of water from two liters introduce a reverse osmosis system. This water is suitable levels for the brine (pH = 7.5 and conductivity = 80mS). Then we add salt to achieve a density of 1-020 - 1030, which is best for the shrimp. Plays a key role here densitometer: a typical thermometer aquarium has added the role of density measurement at the top. If you do not have hydrometer if you follow the instructions on artemiero itself, the salt mixture is obtained from a number of teaspoons of salt in a determined quantity of water (a pint). In practice, this technique is not advisable because it is difficult to ascertain with water density and thus the quality and quantity of shrimp produced is significantly reduced. Note that a hydrometer is a device very simple and inexpensive (15 € / $ 20 approx.) And it is worth the investment.
2. Once we have the correct density of water proceed to fill the tank of artemiero to the mark or notch as shown in the side of it (about 600 cubic centimeters). The excess water can be saved for future replenishments as they do not lose quality.
Non Stop Production of Artemia:
To ensure sufficient production of shrimp during the feeding of fry growing or if you want a continuous source of live food artemieros can use two at once:
two are listed with the number "ONE" and "DOS." We rode the first one (ONE), 24h or 48h to assemble the second artemiero (DOS). A artemiero provides enough food for three days, depending of course, the number of offspring and aquariums to feed. When mounting artemieros in series, the third day, the UNO artemiero has completed its production, while the DOS artemiero is in full production of brine shrimp and can prepare artemiero UNO again for a new production.
This point is very interesting that a single artemiero can be used to produce "twice" nauplii without changing the water. That is, the third day of producing artemia, you can re-enter a "measure" of eggs in the back of artemiero.
A tip: once you have passed three days for the second production in the same artemiero, should be thoroughly cleaned and the procedure described at the beginning of this section.
For safety and control experts use a notebook or mark on a calendar (typical kitchen) on the measures that are put egg with a "1" if the artemiero ONE and a "2" if the artemiero DOS. One trick is to dial the number with a circle to indicate that it is the first time they lay eggs in that artemiero and so we know we can still put a second batch of eggs. If we put on the calendar the number without a circle indicates that three days later we reassemble the artemiero.
NOTE: With the information provided in this article we always have shrimp supply. The benefits of feeding our fish, amphibians and some reptiles with this source of live food are huge. The brine produces a low bioburden, which helps maintain stable water parameters (something that does not happen with food carrier). To this we add the importance of its excellent nutritional content, very comprehensive and hard to find in other foods. And the importance of predators can operate your reflexes to capture that "food" elusive and moving.
- Family, I think tonight we will be dinner for a Clownfish
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