Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How To Migrate Pokemon In Soul Silver?

31. Artificial ant


The film roars marabunta When "(1954) by Byron Haskin and starring Charlton Heston hair stand on end to see the power of the ants when they behave together in marabunta

hits Ants are social insects. Their domains are spread across our planet, less at the poles and the peaks. For more than 120 million years have been adapted to all ecosystems.

Your brain is the higher, proportionately, with respect to other creatures of their size. In recent years, are discovering the many facets of intelligence, far superior to what was thought at first. Like humans, their behavior is socially and even acting for the good of the colony can sometimes be selfish tendencies.

Ants are animals that live in the community for the common good of the colony

Recent discoveries confirm that the ants from a type of wasp which evolved about 120 to 170 million years. After 60 million years of evolution acquired the characteristics that we know today and more importantly, became the true masters of the Earth.

Within amber specimens have been found more than 100 million years

Although they were very few 100 million years ago, began his relentless expansion throughout the world. At the beginning of the Tertiary, 70 million years ago, began to dominate all ecosystems in which they were present. They adapted so well and so quickly that only 10% went extinct in the Cretaceous.

Scientists estimate there are about 20,000 species of ants, many of which have yet to discover and catalog

Today there are 12,800 known species and their numbers defy the imagination. There are an estimated 10 million billion ants (10,000,000,000,000,000, ie a number with 16 zeros). For every man there are two million ants. Occupy 10% of the body biomass of animals living in the world. Another interesting calculation is that even though they weigh about one gram, the amount of ants in the world weighs the same as all mankind.

For each of us there are two million ants


If there were ants in the world to accumulate millions of tons of decaying organic matter that end up causing diseases and epidemics

Ants are insects that curiously apart from others by their antennae, which Unlike other Hymenoptera offer a "hand" that can double up to 90 degree angle. Also, have head, thorax and abdomen segmented with six legs.

There are a variety of ants in size is concerned, despite that follow the same physical structure. The need to measure from less than two millimeters to 2.5 cm.

Ants that we usually do not have wings, they are called workers. They are devoted energies to finding food, transportation, feeding the queen and her offspring.

ants with wings correspond to the queen and the males that inseminated. Depending on the species, we can see the flying ants time of the queen's nuptial encounter with males. In some species the queen stores the semen and may regulate fertilization of their eggs at will.

The queens and males have the privilege of having wings ©

The queen produces workers, soldiers, male and other queens. This production is regulated according to the circumstances of the colony, but by far the most eggs produced are workers. Another way to determine the future role of ant food.

Evolution has endowed an ant specialization that has influenced their different appearance in the same nest

There are variations within the caste of the workers and, depending on the species, can vary greatly in size and behavior.


worker and warrior ants are virtually identical in structure to other ants with the difference that no of sexual organs. Otherwise, have a head with antennae, jaws and small compound eyes, like the fly, allowing you detect motion.

this image can be seen in the brain (and mb) connected directly to the eye (og)

Section side much like the compound eye of the fly (g)

chest out six legs that end in hooks. After the chest, have a segmented abdomen, which ends in some species stinger.

Ants have no heart and the fluid circulating inside the hemolymph , is the equivalent of blood. His breath, as in other insects, is produced through pores in their exoskeleton (hard shell covering its body instead of the skin) whose function is to provide rigidity to the body like a skeleton. The air we breathe through the pores and expire on the same road carbon dioxide.

Chart on the morphology of the ant

Your nervous system consists of a central line, similar to the spinal cord of vertebrates, which runs from head to the ends of the legs.

The main effect of the ants, which communicate, is the smell. Has special organs on the antennae, equivalent to the nostrils, which are sensors that capture pheromones by which ants communicate. It is known that the colony has its odor identification and when they come into contact with other ants reject outsiders the smell. Smell is also used to mark routes and found the food signal.

ANT, specialized creatures

Human beings have always been fascinated by the social behavior of ants. What is most striking is its amazing social structure and collaboration among individuals, which give the colony the characteristics of a single organism.

The famous leaf-cutting used to cultuvar fungus inside the nest

According to the environment they inhabit ants have acquired various skills for survival. Some carrying cut leaves inside the nest to grow fungus which feed later. Capture other insects (aphids) who care like cattle for milking and feeding of fluids mellow.

There are ants that have the ability to weave leaves, which structures used as dwellings for human habitation like an anthill. Others have developed a symbiotic with certain trees, which give them shelter in exchange for protection. There

markedly warrior ants are nomadic and home change once they have exhausted the food around. Many of these, like the so called red Amazons large jaws, unable to eat by themselves, alien nests invade and capture the eggs. These eggs will feed the slaves that.

The Amazons enslave other ants to keep them all their lives


Despite large species and varieties of social structures, the essential form of social behavior of ants is the same: a society of women as mothers, daughters and sisters. The males have little to do, because usually when fertilizing the queen live only a few hours. The queen lives to produce eggs, usually thousands per day. For this reason, the ants of their colony's care continuously with care such as feeding, cleaning, transport of eggs ...

In the privacy of the royal chamber and the queen lays eggs eager


inhibit fertility of their daughters, they engaged in the work necessary for the development of the colony. Their actions are governed by chemical signals. Identical eggs, according to the orders of Queen chemical will produce the kind of sisters necessary for the colony: workers, guardians, explorers and soldiers, depending on the species and needs.


A group of researchers found that there is a capacity of understanding between these insects and say they can learn behaviors after observing and copying the actions of other members of the anthill. Scientists at the University of Bristol, England, discovered that the species ant, Temnothorax albipennis , transmitting information on the best way to get food.

Ants have behaviors that the researchers can move beyond instinct

Apparently, an ant approaches and the first one shows you the second the direct way from the nest until the food source. Both

mutual miracles to control both the direction and speed of travel, experts say in the journal Nature, according to Hoy newspaper.

During the journey, the ants will stop several times for the "student" fixed in details allow you to remember that after the trip.

When ready to continue the journey, the ant waving its antennae, hitting his hind legs and abdomen of the "teacher" and then resume the march.

addition, the scientists noted that the pair of ants interact constantly, since if the distance between them is large, the first slow down and the second is quick and vice versa.

Research shows that there is a learning process and shows created by these insects. He had already discovered the ability of reasoning in other animals such as dolphins and primates.

Scientific research say, with concern, that the queen has a great intelligence that can reach the reasoning


1. has been shown that the ant is an animal with the largest brain in proportion to their size
2. ants are estimated to be 10% of body mass in the animal world
3. An ant can survive up to two weeks under water *
4. The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, and 30 times the volume of your body

5. The ant always falls to the right when intoxicated
6. Although ants are known to work together and putting the common good to individual research reveals that their colonies are a hotbed for developing
selfish and corrupt behavior, making them similar to humans
7. Ants have been around for almost 100 million years and are found in almost any terrestrial environment
8. have so far been discovered and named 9 500 species of ants around. The mirmecólogos (scientists who study ants) estimate there are about 20 000 species in all
9. The biggest ant colony in the world was discovered in 2002. This super-colony has millions of ants living in millions of nests. It has an area of \u200b\u200b3600 miles, from Italy to the northwest of Spain
10. Ants do not have lungs. Breathe through small holes located on the sides are called spiracles

* The Colobopsis are true aquatic ants living almost his entire life immersed in the fleshy flower plant Nepenthes bicalcarata


There are shops and specialized forums where people can give advice on the creation of an artificial mound. Not so much to recreate an ecosystem that produces an attractive visual impact on the viewer, but rather a pedagogical exercise we can learn: the ant microcosm governed by their own laws.

natural Hormigueros: to get these molds of ant used a plaster-like material

artificial Hormigueros: human imagination can create all kinds of habitats for ants

For Kids is an educational entertainment for the wandering of ants, with their constant work, it may be an example to understand the behavior of communication between individual creatures who act for the common welfare (community = the colony).

The queen is the main driver for a successful colony

For an ant to thrive and function normally required of a queen ant, which is procreation. Colonies can also be created without it, but are doomed to disappear in a short time as its members are running their lives.

In the ISS (International Space Station) experiments were carried out for the ants create nests in gel. After several commercial brands have manufactured these spectacular mounds containers

© Alberto_Enfermero

experts always start with a queen (collected from nature, purchased or acquired through a specialized forum.) At first, when we only have the queen, the maintenance is basic:

1. Maintenance constant moisture. They are typically used cotton soaked in water. Many fans use a test tube at this stage, which introduced the ant queen (and a few other workers if they are available) and leave a small piece of food you should change to avoid rot.

Queens tubes


Ant Lasius © CALVIN_REX

2. If you start directly in an artificial nest requires a tube filled with wet cotton or Teflon connecting to a water container.

Scheme ant tube

3. should take special care to keep the queen in the dark. There are experts at this stage using a locked box called black light (it is important to avoid looking directly at the source of this light, mostly children, it can damage the eyes.) If you start an anthill and precast is important to keep this dark, at least in real brood chambers. For this, the most common procedure is to use a piece of black paper to prevent light from entering these areas. To view these intimate chambers of the queen, just enough to separate this paper.

This camera tube ant queen is hidden with foil © TEGUISE

In this other example is covered with a red © ALBERTO_ENFERMERO

4. depends on the selected ant species, food may be different but the general trend is that they are omnivores (eat everything). Some are granivorous (seed eaters), insectivores (carnivorous insects), honey (honeydew livestock that eat insect larvae or fungi) ... For this reason, if the ants have been caught in nature is good to see their dietary guidelines following their trail.

5. Experts recommend starting with granivorous ants because they are the easiest to feed. The so-called canary Bird is the best solution to keep them. They are also relatively easy to care for the honey, because we can provide them with honey. Instead the insect is difficult because we have recurring insect abundance.

Feeding ants in a glass terrarium © Wilco

6. insectivorous ants eventually not have a protein deficiency, which must be balanced in your diet. At varying time periods depending on how large the colony, should be offered an insect that devoured delighted. Special care should be taken as the dead insects can be a source of infection for the colony. After a couple of days the insect should be removed because it breaks down and rots. A good tip is to replace the intelligent insects tiny portions of foie gras, unless they have absolutely no preservatives or flavors, otherwise the ants do not come close.

These cutters in captivity reproduce exactly the same behavior © Attas

7. is important to note that in colonies less than 100 individuals, do not need large amounts of food, particularly protein. However, this changes when the colony grows and multiplies the population firing. As with any kind of ecosystem recreated, an excess of nutrients causes changes, in this case, the occurrence of fungal and bacterial and microbial infections.

An artificial nest must be clean and sanitized. Ant species Lasius © PEDRO_GOLF73

Here are pictures of ant admirable. We appreciate the courtesy of the excellent forum and all its members for giving us the opportunity to approach the world of ants and enjoy their phenomenal creations. From here we invite you to visit this great forum full of thorough information and good friends who do not hesitate to share their knowledge and experiences.

This is one of the nests remained the world's largest artificially © JOAO

Contrary to the previous, this nest is made of a box of CD © XCOM

A tropical ant farm © PEDRO_G

A plate anthill metraquilato © JAVIERCD

Another beautiful creation in transparent methacrylate © LUGUEDO

An interesting proposal that combines a terrarium and plaster © DANI

A functional nest in a sealed plastic container and polyethylene © ENDER

The popular sandwich, one of the most technical © RAUL COMPANY

A cubic model glass and plaster © PEDRO_G

A true collection of mounds © BIGMAN

transcribe below an article thanking the participation of a real expert on ants: TEGUISE . This understanding shown by your posts exceptional knowledge of ants and other invertebrates.
For those interested in the world of ants recommend the obligatory visit to the WEB lamarabunta , where you can find this and many other practical articles about building nests and taking care of specific ant species.


We will work on cast a swarm of your frame. In the following photos I will show you:

The frame and glass that comes when you buy it.

A glass that I cut with the tool shown in the image (a short glass) is far enough to cover the entire frame including the border.

To connect the arena to the nest and make a place to put the water mark humified and includes two holes.

For the future construction of the galleries advise the subsequent realization of a sketch (mine is an image of cyberant hope you do not mind ...) as.

Once we have done all this pour the mixture of plaster or plaster and water over the frame before plugging holes connecting mind, the mixture should reach the border incuse I can spill a little, once discharge we left a few minutes it sets minimum and cover the glass itself level the plaster.

Once this is done we leave a little more time to stay solid.

Then put the sketch on the cast and a look back with some pressure pencil to mark the paths in the cast.

Once marked

began carving with a flathead screwdriver.

When we finished the carving we use a cotton or a stick to the ears with wet and review all the way to smooth and clean of debris carving.

We proceed with the set of tubes and the glass top with instant glue or thermo fuse.

Once we got here we started building the nest box from a Tuper:

The first is to obtain the Tuper and a grid used for the tap (we will use for ventilation).

Once you do have a hole at the top of the Tuper and heat the grill to fire (with a lighter it) and puts it over the hole and to press for is fixed (then can be sealed in case); we also connect to the nest hole.

At this point we started working with the two "projects":

just have to connect the tube to the arena with the nest and make a small ramp of plaster so that the ants can access the tube with ease.

And if we leave it more beautiful by adding a little decoration: For example you can fill the whole with a layer of plaster and add small pieces of wood:

And to not litter the gypsum (bringing diseases such as fungi and consequences) can put a piece of glass, plastic or aluminum foil :


Setting of a table [3 €]
glass box with the extent of [$ 0.50] - x2
sufficient amount of plaster to fill the framework [0.25 cent]
sheet with the sketch of the galleries and tunnels [free]
Two connecting pipes each measure so that one fits the other [0.20 cent]
Tuper (with transparent walls to let in the light) [1 euro]
tap grids [0.30 cent]
TOTAL: EUR 5.50 about as many things I have not bought and I know the prices
This is the top of the table we can use as a cover to keep out most of the light (in my opinion is a very convenient way to cover them.)

also to avoid shock, vibration and grated can be pasted into the bottom of the table is kind of pads that are used for chair legs and stuff.

And to close the area where you pour the water to wet we can remove the gum and tape the end of a pen or something that has a screw cap ...

Finally Here we outline and creation of this great expert in ant:


NOTE: Someone said that as we specialize in, human society seems increasingly to the ants. What we must not forget is that the efficiency and success of the survival of the society of ants is achieved without reasoning or feelings (curiously lacking heart ants), based on an excellent communications system and the absolute sacrifice of the individual by the community. A system that humans already tried without success.

Our sincere thanks to the Web TEGUISE and therefore much of the information contained herein has been possible thanks to your invaluable help. We recommend visiting the Web interesting being conducted on myrmecology .


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