If you follow this blog for a while, you may have noticed that we always try not only to inform about the environment and promote conservation, but also are disseminated, courses, seminars and competitions related to the topic, there are always people interested in these issues but rarely gets to them the information.
Today I refresh the memory with AWARD NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CITIZENSHIP 2010 . This initiative of the Ministry of Environment and National Technical Group Environmental Citizenship to recognize and highlight every year the good ideas, projects and experiences in various fields of creative individuals, groups or organizations nationwide, has two main objectives: IDENTIFY / SPREAD innovative and HIGHLIGHTS / AWARDS to those who created and led these initiatives.
categories to participate this year:
1. Environmental community participation.
2. Popular environmental traditions.
3. Environmental education.
4. Artistic expressions.
5. Media campaigns.
6. Environmental volunteers.
7. Ecobusiness.
can find more information about classes, details for the nomination and application forms here .
The nomination is open until September 30, 2010, after the period of assessment and verification of applicants and winners will be announced the December 3, 2010.
Cuéntame ... do you dare to participate? Do you think that this award will encourage others to create and implement environmental projects? Are there other such initiatives in your region?
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