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Ophiuchus and Tarot Symbolism

Carl Jung and Numbers

According to the conception of the Pythagoreans (sixth century BC), the numbers are the key to the harmonic laws of the cosmos, therefore, symbols of order divine cosmic. As "divine archetypes" are hidden in the world and become evident at the show through the universe with them. "The numbers were not thrown blindly into the world, fit to form balanced orders, such as crystal formations and the tunes on the scale of the notes, under the laws of harmony all-encompassing." They are considered "key links the eternal and uncreated things intracósmicas permanence. "

The frequency that is based on countable units of cosmic cycles should have suggested the idea that numbers are not just supporting the order made by the man, but primary qualities of the universe, footprints 'absolute' , detached with superhuman powers, and therefore sacred symbols of divinity. According to Novalis, "is very likely that there is a wonderful nature mysticism of numbers, also in history. Is it all what matters is not symmetry and relationship? "They can also talk to the aesthetic sense gifted man and make this experience a kind of extra-human 'harmony of the spheres. "

According to Jung, "... if you take a group of objects each of stripping all its properties, will always, ultimately, their number, which seems to indicate that the number is something irreducible. " For Jung, the numbers are archetypes that have been made aware, but even in cases where they are not, can arise spontaneously from the unconscious mind, as was witnessed repeatedly in the dreams of their patients, and in myths and dreams primitive tribes from all over the globe. Thus, entities would unexplained autonomous through concepts, probably undiscovered qualities.

As archetypes pre-date the consciousness, having the ability to produce changes in it. He adds: "... then not only some natural numbers and combinations of numbers relate to certain archetypes and influence them, but the reverse is also true. The first case is equivalent to the magic number, but the second is equivalent to explore whether the numbers in conjunction with the combination of archetypes found in astrology, would show a tendency to behave in some special way. "

The One:

The Tao, the Absolute, engenders the One, will first into existence, initial active impulse, represented by the point in geometry, by Do note in music, the "Let there be light" of Genesis, the Christian Word, by the Sun in our planetary system. But the One, as pure impulse, can only provide a starting point, because nothing can be done without action object. When there was light, had to be distinguished from all, simultaneously emerging darkness. The One and all male principle, is receptive to its counterpart, the that instead, it just is.

The Two:

the concrete possibility of production, creation, is the Two, the polarity from one in which each pole is present in the other, the note D, the structure of the line. The Two. as a symbol, is the feminine, being well established duality, the basic polarity is essential for life. On the one hand, the will to be light, active, warm, the upward, male, yang, and the other, the desire not to be. dark, passive, cold, receptive, feminine, yin, mutually dependent.

Astrologically, the Sun and Moon, Fire and Water are the two basic elements of life: the first leads us to climb, to seek union with the higher transcendental, and second, to draw down, transforming the transcendent immanent.

The Three:

Creation, the persistence of life, depends on the interaction between the forces that tend to be and they tend not to be, among the urge to go to, and the patient expects to receive and welcome. As product of this dynamic emerges Three: fruit releasing the tension between the extremes, a stabilizing, balancing principle, the new element from the fertilized field. Three stands as the germ of new life, as matter in a state created as the result of one plus the two. Considered as the material impregnated by the spirit, or the original Pythagorean triangle, or triad mother-father-son, three is the source and origin of all existing things through substance components - Form - Movement. Many concepts have been symbolized by triads, triangles and trinities in different cultures. We find this expressed in various ways in most cosmologies existing.

Sufism speaks of the Law of Three: the active force, passive force and the neutralizing force or conciliatory. Taoism, the Yin, Yang and Tao, expresses the same idea, going back to ancient Tao The King, we find: "The Tao begets the One On One generates the Two. The Two begets Three. The three begets the ten thousand things. "In Hinduism we have to Brahma - the creator - Vishnu - maintainer - and Shiva - the destroyer. The Trinity in Christianity, is the relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Freemasonry we find the triangle symbol with the Eye-to-all-you-go. In yet Astrology now uses a triangle with its apex upwards to refer to the Fire element, and one with its apex down to the water element, the latter being more insubstantial matter, but still palpable, to be breathed into life by the way perhaps more substantial of the spirit, the Fire. Moreover, at the wheel of the zodiac each element is represented three times, each emphasizing one aspect of it, which will produce all possible variations.

The Four:

The Four is among the greatest potential symbolic numbers partnerships. It relates to the cross and the square with the seasons, rivers of Paradise, temperaments, body fluids, cardinal points, evangelists, the four-letter name of God - YHWH - the phases of the moon, the ages of man - childhood, youth, maturity and old age - the astrological elements - earth, water, fire and air - the four alchemical qualities - cold, dry, wet, hot - the four psychological functions, according to Jung - intuition, sensation, thought and feeling. The Four Noble Truths are the foundation of Buddhism. The Four is the one who directed the three-dimensional world: how I am, as opposed to how I am, where I, in contrast to where I am, where I go, as opposed to where I come from, etc.. It is the most synthetic, the most basic expression of the ten thousand things created, that is the condensed form of all existence, representing stability, which is preserved in time.

The Four merged again to represent the One, the All materialized that polarized and combined in different proportions, produce the variety of all things. Each and every thing described to the whole. But every little entirety in microcosm, singled out a step beyond the elementary nature of matter, a point ahead makes is that thing and not another, an essence that defines or determines its nature. It is considered the archetype of wholeness. The "quaternity of One" is the outline of the image of God, as it appears in the visions of the prophets Exequiel, Daniel and Enoch, or representation of Horus and his four children, or that of Christ with the four evangelists. In alchemy speaks of "squaring the circle." Geometric means was sought to construct a square that had the same area as a given circle.

The Five:

The Five includes the material, but not limited to them. Becomes the link between the One and diversity, the bridge between the corporeal with the divine and which gives meaning and integration in a given organism. The Five is the ether, the quintessence of the alchemists, the fundamental magma emerging all! To matter. Jung speaks of the transcendent function, which is consummated merger of four functions, and stands as the pinnacle of a pyramid of square base. Are the five senses through which man knows and apprehends its environment. He is described geometrically as the Pentagon, where we derive the five-pointed star. It is part of the human figure with arms outstretched and legs apart. Is the cross, with four arms over the intersection. In music is the staff, the original sound substrate resulting in the formation, and the sun is the man shout unified, which culminated the process of individuation, self-conscious, faced with the matter (the Four), with which can create, interact, sublime. He is the mediator between the elements and the emergence of the new through an act of creativity.


The number six is \u200b\u200bthe sum of the first three numbers: 1 + 2 + 3. Represents the quality of love in creation, harmony and balance. Symbolically, it appears as six-pointed star of Solomon's seal, or Shield of David, consisting of harmonic fusion of two triangles, one with the point upward and the other down: male and female, fire and water. Interestingly, the human couple was created by God according to Genesis, on day six. The Six is \u200b\u200bthe vibration of Venus, love and beauty in music, the note in geometry, the hexagon. It is also the attraction and opposition of the divine versus human world, guided by love, as in the old emblem sealed "as above so below."

is the possibility of merger or reflection of the divine trinity of the transcendent world with the human trinity. Hinduism speaks of the "six senses": the five body more discriminating mind, capable of separating the true from the false. In astrology, there are six active signs - fire and air - and six persons - land and water. In the I Ching, the response of the client is given a "time cut" called hexagram, it is linear time stops for a moment to represent the timeless reality of the client. Each hexagram is composed of two trigrams, twice three, being the minimum number of forces that constitute any circumstances.

The Seven:

After three, is the most important of the sacred numbers, from 1 to 10. The achievement of Seven will require a workforce, a high understanding and a strong momentum, it is not easy to leave the quiet and cozy stability six. There were seven classical planets of astrology - before the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - identified as responsible for human qualities and experiences, and give rise to the names of the seven days a week. Both the Old and New Testament there are numerous references to this number, always sacred connotation. Seven are also musical notes, colors of the rainbow, the arms of the menorah - Jewish candelabrum - major chakras of Hinduism. In the Middle Ages, considered seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the sacraments, the virtues and deadly sins, the arts and sciences.

in spiritual disciplines are seven steps to access test realization. There are seven major religions: Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. The Seven is made up of four plus three, the fourth man, and three divinity. In music, the note is in man, the predominance of spirit over matter, or the triumph of the spirit, perfect reasoning, the result of introspection and analysis. Finally, seven are the rays in which the One is expressed in creation, each with its own vibration: Will - Power, Love - Wisdom, Intelligence Active Harmony through Conflict, Concrete Knowledge, Devotion - Idealism and Order Ceremonial - Magic.

The Eight:

The eight is double four, representing a higher level in the domain of matter. Is the geometric octagon, the law of cause and effect on the three dimensional world. It has come to power in seven, which is now deployed in worldly activity, where it will be harvest time applied to the outside world, but it automatically brings implicit warning to take charge, take responsibility for your actions, because every action generates a reaction, every action brings an unavoidable consequence. Likewise, the eighth consciousness - consciousness alaya Vijnana or deposit - of Hinduism is that which contains everything that man is capitalizing on their hard road to evolution from the pain of humanity to the enjoyment of the divine. The eighth day of creation is seen symbolically as the resurrection of Christ, reason often baptismal fonts are octagonal. It's like a recreation, the beginning of a new stage. expansive in the underworld, once known the transcendent. The resurrection comes from the struggle, death to the world of desire, the liberation of the wheel of existence and suffering. This is expressed in Buddhism through the Eightfold Path, and in Sufism by the symbol of Octagon.

The Nine:

Nine is the perfection of the three, is three squared. Has been achieved here the point of highest development, is the perfect man - nine are initiations - the enlightened man who lavishes his wisdom to others. It also represents man as such, which consists of an earthly trinity (body, emotions, intellect), a trinity of your soul and your spirit, The Nine is Love and Light, in the wisdom from the knowledge of Truth. Similarly, the Enneagram, with its structure nonagon, is a unit of radiant light and love, prompting the path of evolution.

The Ten:

The Ten, a symbol of wholeness and perfection, the sum of the first four numbers are anchored almost all primitive cultures of the earth, as it began to have ten fingers. Are the Ten Commandments given to Moses, the ten "Sephiroth" (divine emanations) of the Kabbalah, corresponding to the ten secret names of God. It's the end of a cycle and start a new one, on a larger scale. One is again, but the one achieved, accomplished, not the One itself prior to creation. One is made from an evolving consciousness that went through all the developmental stages. You have reached the eternal now, preparing for a new beginning, all possibilities are available, and with full freedom of discernment is a choice the next stop to make.

Excerpted from the website of Aurora Diaz


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