The perfection to which the human senses that should be, is a slow journey , in which time does not count, just take the address space.
The Ancient Wisdom says that during countless trips v human experience takes place in the Signs that make the Mutable Cross, through the signs of Gemini - Sagittarius - Virgo and Pisces.
Under his message, we are influenced to whatever comes to us from our environment. We live the intense curiosity about all things, knowledge, studies, relationships, communication, all Gemini component leading eventually to the almost messianic Sagittarius deep, extending all engaged in complementary and sign this form with all the basis of ideals, sense of mysticism and religion.
Under Virgo, the desire for perfection is carried through the silence with a sense of reserve, developing a desire to serve, to help inner evolution getting through it all, carrying all to this fusion of personality and delivery of the very essence for the greater good in the sign of Pisces.
The problem may be too much to influence the opinions of others, but the desire to know and love is emphasized in this cross.
Lessons learned under previous cycles have consolidated our security, having formed ideas, opinions and assurances that stubbornness can lead to lower overall experiences of the Fixed Cross.
These experiences can be difficult to bear.
In Esoteric Astrology is called to the Cross The Crucifixion of the disciple or the death of personality. All our security are challenged again and again, especially learning the great school that represent relationships. Also desires, attachments and everything that helps to give us a sense of identity goes through periods of transformation and transmutation.
Axis Taurus - Scorpio, whose experience has involved all mankind, produced an understanding of the limitation of the attachments, the fears that emanate from them, ultimately leading to the realization that the only real membership is the person, the inner self.
Delivery to love for love itself is the release of Taurus when he realizes the beauty of Venus, your ruler.
The passion and the drama intense Scorpio, many deaths occur inland, deep web searches that end up leading to the serenity of true archetype of Taurus. Then Venus and Mars are understood, and balance.
"Mercy and truth are met, the Justice and Peace could embrace." (Psalm 85). Very desirable at the time in which we live.
sense of identity is full of nobility and ideals under the sign of Leo. The search for what makes us shine, the encounter with our creativity, works, children, all of which, once achieved moves to Aquarius, with the full and wonderful sense of impersonality that even in many cases, needs to project on the children, could easily adopt and care for other lives, even taking biological children. The meaning of leader, extends the importance of group identity Leo.
When we came to embody in this demanding Cruz, we are committed to take on our shoulders, the weight of responsibility, the power of decision and lead in the affairs of society.
In Cancer, a sense of fatherland, home, roots, nutrition in every way, take the person to deliver their energy to the commitment they feel toward those states inside or persons under their responsibility .
This was screened in Capricorn in a commitment to social and professional environment in their role in society. Has been preparing for this for eons, through other crossings in order to earn the spiritual axiom that "God writes his stamp on the face of Capricorn."
Laws will be the framework that will move and try to enforce others. Great legislators and judges are under the sign on the Cardinal Cross.
The Aries I'm captures the primal force of creative archetypes. Innovative seeds thrive under this operator Fire energy and identity is the desired achievement which may precede everything else.
in Libra, all that power that borders on selfishness is poured into fusion and delivery of all purchased in what constitutes the world of "its other". Respect for the couple, any team to collaborate and an overall sense of understanding of laws emanating from Capricorn. Also under this sign, lawyers and people associated with the law have their particular environment.
Soul must have acquired their stewardship, their proper development.
course all the above, indicate the primordial energy of each cross. Depends on how you have lived the experiences that they gained in the Mutable Cross, become unbearable in the Fixed stubbornness and dictatorial despotism or sense in the Cardinal.
From the Heart,
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