Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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35. Aquaponics: environmentally sustainable and productive ecosystems


. Aquaponics
The great advantage with the symbiosis of plants and fish © LOCALRIVER
The aquaponics is the activity that brings together a production of fish and plants and ornamental trade performance in a recirculating system (aquaculture + hydroponics).

Basic Scheme acuapónico

Instant where you can be a productive performance acuapónico with

This system uses the waste generated by the fish to feed the plants, which in After releasing the water from these compounds making it available to fish again. That is why the aquaponics maximizes the water, space and waste generated, so it becomes a way of producing environmentally sustainable.

The general principle of aquaponics is that the waste produced by organisms in the culture units are used by plants for growth and, therefore, water is released from various solids, which represents an increase in water quality. Nitrates, which are the end products of biological filtration, represent the most widely used forms of nitrogen by plants.

acuapónico vertical system. ©

To understand how nutrients are transformed solution please refer to the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen can be found to form various chemical combinations, and how the constituent organic molecules. Those that concern us here are: ammonia (NHз), ammonium (NH4, a basic ion), nitrite (NO2) and nitrate (NO3, ionic form of acid).

These combinations are dissolved in water aquariums and can be used by plants, with the exception of nitrite, for the synthesis of proteins.

home Prototypes and experimental systems with aquariums acuapónicos


illustrated diagram of the system based on Aquaponics. © Graphic Jose Antonio Cabello

All these forms can interconvert, and may do so spontaneously both ammonium as ammonia, in other cases it requires the action of organisms. All these compounds are toxic to a greater or lesser extent. You have to understand that fish ammonia has a low toxicity but the ammonia can cause injury to the gills and intestine, causing bleeding and attacking the nervous system of fish.

pH in a very important influence on the relative production of aminiaco / ammonium existing in the aquarium. With an acidic or neutral pH there is virtually no ammonia, with basic or alkaline pH throughout the ammonia is converted spontaneously into ammonia, as this is 500 times more toxic all fish start to gasp at once. PH changes are easily provoked by the change of water is why it is very important to maintain a stable pH with an acidity of pH 6.5.

This activity increases the profitability of the farm, since the production of plants with this system acquires a greater market value to be considered as "green products" (free of chemicals such as pesticides, fertilizers, etc..), And not have extra charges for plant fertilizer because the nutrients are contained in the flow of water flowing through the system.

With aquaponics organic production is achieved food twice: first fish and other vegetables

Another advantage of these systems is to maintain better water quality by removing nutrients such as ammonia, nitrates, or carbon dioxide, among others. The integration of plants and animals is a type of mixed farming that increases the diversity and, therefore, provides stability to the system. In addition, when using such plants require nutrients and solar energy, prevent the proliferation of phytoplankton as the unwanted algae aquarium.


system design aquaponic is made according to the recirculation system with the addition of hydroponic beds and the possible removal (or decrease) capacity of bio-filters or devices for removal of dissolved solids and fine. This deletion of components is feasible if the ratio between the area of \u200b\u200bplants and aquatic organisms is appropriate.

In our homes we can have a small orchard and fish farm, as well as a highly ecological corner and ornamental

The mineralization is the transformation of organic matter (protein, sugars, etc..) simple compounds such as ammonia, carbon dioxide, phosphate, etc.. This process is performed by mineralizing bacteria, which are capable of degrading organic matter in oxygenated half. Mainly produced as waste CO2 and nitrogen as ammonia or ammonium.
There are two kinds of nitrifying bacteria: Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter.

Nitrosomonas bacteria convert the ammonia / ammonium to nitrite. For its development the bacteria need CO2, oxygen, ammonia and trace elements (minerals). Organic matter is toxic to Nitrosomonas.

Ammonia Molecule

Nitrites are converted to nitrate by bacterial action Nitrobaster. These bacteria also need CO2, oxygen, nitrites and trace elements (minerals). Ammonia metabolism blocks.

Finally, nitrate is consumed by plants and converted into organic compounds (plant tissue). There are also the denitrifying bacteria that live without oxygen are able to transform nitrate to nitrogen gas, which we see as small bubbles escaping into the atmosphere.

Nitrosomonas Image

Nitrobacter looks

Importantly, bacteria that degrade organic waste and carrying out nitrification have different needs, for the first is fundamental to organic matter and second it is a poison, all require oxygen, but the former are much more able to absorb the nitrifiers, so if the oxygen concentration is low the Nitrosomonas and, above all, Nitrobacter can not survive. In change the denitrifying die quickly in the presence of oxygen.

Because 13 of the 16 essential elements required for plant growth are produced by the fish tanks, and the remaining 3 (C, O, H) from water and carbon dioxide, one can say that virtually all depend on the nutrients that you eat the fish. That is why if you feed the fish with balanced food and use certified organic calves without hormones and without chemicals we can achieve organic certification for both organisms, plants and fish.


Joint activity following acuapónica © Rebecca NELSON

A promising experiment: growing peppers in an aquarium 60 liters!

Apart from the advantages of organic commercial production, this symbiosis proposed by the aquaponics can be very helpful for the maintenance of ecosystems such as aquariums, as an achievement of steady, eliminating the need for water changes . Due to eliminating the accumulation of nutrients by the action of plants, algae blooms disappear and you get an excellent water quality for aquarium inhabitants. Only the addition of water as it evaporates (osmotic).

Simplified schematic of an aquarium acuapónico © Graphic Jose Antonio Cabello

Little has been investigated in this aspect within the aquarium, which seeks to rid water of excess nutrients in chemical processes may end up unbalancing the water tank system.

A proposed aquarium acuapónicos great design aesthetic © LOCALRIVER

The best plants that can grow under acuapónico system, offering the best benefits as a biological filter, are those with the ability to absorb as sponges true biological compounds that inevitably accumulate in the aquarium. These plants are ferns, which have shown an exuberant growth in hydroponics. Can be an excellent solution to combine with sweet aquaponics aquarium, ornamental for its beautiful appearance and lack of light requirement.

The sword ferns are some strong candidates for application in an aquarium acuapónico

is evidence that plants like Potus not give the result expected, because their metabolism is very slow. It is important to look for those species that produce large amounts of roots.

aquaponics plant for the aquarium should have thick roots that act as true biological sponges


Until now, the aquaponics has always developed from a business perspective for the production of fish and vegetables. In the section of the aquarium are in the beginning of a promising activity which is much to learn and investigate. If no further information is simply not there. Today no one has developed this line of improvement that promises huge advances, even in marine aquariums.

Are viable reef aquariums acuponia?

Precisely one of the greatest difficulties in maintaining an aquarium with reef ecosystem due to the highest elimination of remaining compounds, as these have little nutrient marine waters. Following acuapónica discipline, the idea would be to find a type of plant capable of feeding water generously in a reef aquarium, and release of surplus.

Incredibly, this plant exists, but no one, until this article, has made its use for that purpose. In fact, the crop might even be commercial because it is an edible plant, we refer to the Salicornia (for those interested, we recommend going into this link which details more depth information and everything related to this plant).

The Salicornia live in salt water and acts as a true biological filter

The Salicornia required seawater for growth (even with rate of salinity too high). Absorb heavy metals and large organic molecules. Another great advantage of this plant is its use as a cash crop, as it is considered a tasty gourmet vegetable food quality in restaurants (in addition, the prolific oil from its seeds can be used to produce biodiesel). Is a candidate resistant perennial whose roots can live fully immersed in salt water, nice looking and very widespread in Mexico.
Hopefully this article will serve to open a door as proposed biofiltration aquarium with coral reef biotopes, as happened with the Berlin Method (Does the new "Method Mexico"?).
is a wise bet, as in the aquaponics all point to great benefits and no downside, not to mention that the fish grow much better, because they live in water very close to their natural habitat (water quality , without resorting to changes as their parameters are stable).

Besides its resistance characteristics, the Saliconia is a popular food that can take many forms. In addition to its seed oil is extracted can be converted into biodiesel

As if this were not enough to motivate research in large scale, economic benefits could be gained looking for the production of its cultivation and breeding of fish ( reef!). Following the trend of market demand for healthy products, fresh and organic production systems agricultural objectives seek to meet those needs. One of the major goals to achieve in the aquaponics is the conversion to organic fish both to the plant. In this case, aquarium, without rejecting an economic gain, certainly got a great yield from fish in captivity to avoid capture in the wild.


Below is an interview with Daniel Fernandez, a young researcher, a chemist at the National University of Colombia who is studying in the practice of hydroponics and organic. We recommend likewise visit his blog My Growing setting out in detail such interesting topics as hydroponics and other activities of this discipline.

Article: My Culture Blog
Author: Daniel Fernández

1. What is acuapónico culture?
is a mixture between aquaculture and hydroponics. The idea is easy, fish are raised in a pond and the pond water is used to feed a hydroponic irrigation system. The result is clean water for fish and fertilizer for plants.

2. What is the crop yield acuapónico?
Most studies agree that the first 2 to 4 months, acuapónico crop yield is lower than a hydroponic culture. Apparently after this time occurs an adaptation of the microflora to the conditions and start to get yields up to 20% higher than in the hydroponic system.

acuapónico A more complex system: 1. Tables hydroponic crops, 2. Readers of temperature and water parameters, 3. Production pool fish, 4. Glass for observation

3. What plants can be grown in aquaponics?
usually grow plants such as lettuce and cabbage as they are the ones that benefit most from the system. However, the system can be adapted to any plant that can be grown hydroponically.

Although lettuce is the flagship product, there are many vegetables that give excellent results in the aquaponics

4. What Aquaponics waste generated?
Basically none. The system is closed, the fish water is circulated through hydroponics and this is returned to the pond. Harvested both fish and plants. Each year however, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the fish tank because some sediment accumulate (although in many cases this sediment can be removed with other animals).

5. What fish are grown in aquaponics?
tilapias generally they are very resistant and can stand very high population densities. However, the system can be adapted to almost all freshwater fish of medium size.

Although tilapia is the fish most resorted to aquaponics, we have also developed well other species such as trout and carp

6. What components do a acuapónico?
acuapónico system generally has the following components:

A pond where fish are grown, a pump to bring water from the pond to hydroponic growing, hydroponic troughs where plants and watering is done, piping to bring the entire solution and a filtering system to prevent clogging the pipes.

7. What substrate used in aquaponics?
gravels are mainly used different size, as this type of substrate is ideal for the symbiosis become necessary to turn fish waste into fertilizer.

The images can be arlita (expanded clay balls) as the sole substrate plants

8. What irrigation systems are used?
best performing systems are continuous irrigation. NFT-like systems. Drip irrigation and similar systems do not work very well in aquaponics.

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of culturing acuapónico?

Advantages: Performance

similar or higher than the hydroponic culture. Not contaminated with residues of hydroponics. No need to prepare nutrient solutions. Fish are healthier than traditional aquaculture. The volume of fish production is many times higher. Two different sources of income, plants and fish, unlike hydroponics and aquaculture. Not required to treat the waste of fish and aquaculture.


is limited to areas where fish can live. Most fish do not thrive in cold climates. The production volume of plants is limited by the amount of fish.
is required to achieve an almost perfect balance between the number of plants and the number of fish not to affect either. The amount of space required is larger because the fish ponds and filtration systems.

10. You have to make any additions to the system acuapónico? Yes
add the water lost through evaporation system. You have to add pH control agents (since the bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrate tend to acidify the water.) Also be added as chelates iron supplements because this is the only element that fish do not produce in their waste adequately. Finally we have to add fish food.

11. you ever made a crop acuapónico?
So far my experience is merely that I have acquired through reading. This month however aquaponic begin a project on a farm about 2 hours from Bogota.

12. Where can we find more information?
So far the best information I have found is the one found on the internet, searching for "aquaponics". Unfortunately I have no information in English.

appreciate the courtesy of Daniel Fernandez for his informative work on the network, and re-WEB recommend it provides excellent knowledge about ecology and hydroponics: My Growing .


Publication: Bulletin Hidroponí

Basically, the production system uses water as a substrate, so is the authentic culture hydroponics, since plant roots are suspended in a liquid medium (nutrient solution) using the culture technique with laminar flow of nutrients (NFT).

This culture technique laminar flow of nutrients (NFT) is a water culture in which plant roots are contained in a canal in this If PVC pipe 3 "through which passes a thin laminar flow of nutrient solution.

System Components:

components acuapónico indoor system for the production of lettuce and tilapia, in general consists of the following elements: a pool of nutrient solution and fish culture channels, a submersible pump, a distribution network and a manifold or drainage. Below are the most important features of the main elements of the system components:

1. nutrient solution and Pond with fish:
The pond with dimensions of 30 meters long by 2 meters wide and 1.60 meters deep, with a capacity of storing 90 cubic meters of water, can be used for growing hydroponic lettuce tilapia in the tank pumping. By design the system's productivity is 2,000 fish and 5 of 600 lettuce crops each harvest, in its initial phase.

2. Channels culture: culture
channels are tubes of 3 "diameter and 3 meters in length, with holes 2" in diameter each 0.20 meters, placed with a slope towards the collector tank 2 %. Each tube has a capacity of 15 greens, with 40 tubes (3 meters long). The whole system has the capacity to house 600 lettuces. The Nursery is composed of 14 tubes up to 45 small lettuce each for a total of 630 greens in the first phase of growth, which will be for a period of 13 days for rooting.

3. Submersible :
were calculated two small submersible pumps that give a load of 3.8 meters and a flow rate of 3.500 liters per hour, which are capable of feeding tubes or channels 58 growing at a rate of 2 liters per minute with a pressure of 5.4 pounds per square inch. These pumps are used to recycle all nutrient solution system.

4. Distribution Network:
The water distribution network with nutrient solution, the pump is connected to a 1 "pipe, which is connected to a sub-branch pipeline pipeline that feeds water to the channels of culture spaghetti through a ¼ ", the flow must be 2 liters per minute.

5. Collector or drain pipe :
All water entering the channels of culture (slope 2% towards bulk tank) from the distribution system, passed as a thin film of water leaving wet and nutrients to the roots, then falls to a manifold where it is piped to tank of nutrient solution. Is armed with pipes and fittings of the same diameter as the channels of culture.

Calculation of materials and equipment to build a system acuapónico:

23 tubes of 3 "white PVC 80 psi

15 white tubes of 2" PVC to 80 psi

7 tubes 1 ¼ "PVC 125 psi

5 tubes 1" 125 psi PVC

22 Co / Dos the 1 ¼ "PVC

22 Tee the 1 ¼" PVC

40 Tapones the 3 "the PVC

39 Tee the drenaje 3 "PVC

2 Co / Dos the 3" PVC drenaje

13 Tapones the 2 "PVC

12 Tee the drenaje the 2 "PVC

2 Co / Dos the 2" PVC

2 Pints \u200b\u200bof PVC solvent cement

8 Packaging boot connector 16 mm

8 boot connector 16 mm

8 T hose of 16 mm

20 m hose 16 mm blind

20 micro-meter of 5 / 3

20 micro meter 7 / 4

53 360 microyet Gray 60 L / H

2 water pumps AT-107

2 PVC gate valves of 1

100 plastic straps


lettuce seeds (Romana, Red Seal, endive)
4000 Purchase Purchase
Tilapia fingerlings for fish concentrate

acuapónico System Layout proposed for the production of 600 lettuce month
Another proposal for the production acuapónica

NOTE: The aquaponics means a great progress that has only advantages. It may be a solution to world hunger. Production system is a surprisingly affordable, simple, sustainable and environmentally friendly ... which combine more nutritional elements necessary for human beings: the provision of good quality protein with little saturated fat by fish and vitamins and carbohydrates by plants.

Products aquaponics, unbeatable for its ecological quality

From the point of view the aquaponics aquarium is certainly a step forward that we continue to explore and evolve. Here we have opened a challenge for us to investigate this new aspect of biological filtration. The aquaponics offers the possibility of creating a small garden lush and aquariums have an excellent quality of your water. And best of clean and sustainable way, saving work for their caregivers.

is worth following research on aquaponics in aquariums as the benefits are enormous


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