Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Decreased Hematocrit And Hemoglobin In Cad
research looking for the best quality recreated ecosystems. All indications are that we find natural solutions and forget about experiments like the one pictured
amazing aquarium with coral reef biotope © Luis Pacas
miniatures of marine fungi © Luis Pacas
a reef aquarium
Water is the living environment of the aquarium
The most effective is to make artificial seawater. Nor is it advisable to use tap water directly without passing current treatment (osmosis), because although it is not harmful for human consumption may contain nutrients that promote algae growth. This water is usually rich in phosphates, silica, toxic metals (particularly copper) and an endless number of different compounds. A safe bet is to use water purified by reverse osmosis and deionization filtered (softened popularly known through special chemical resins to absorb unwanted components of the water).
The marine aquarium enthusiasts themselves decide finally produced water for their tanks © Luis Burbano
Once we have prepared our synthetic seawater have to be always consistent with the same process and elements, as it always is accurate depends on pH and specific gravity. Contrary to what many people think, this water can be stored without problems in a clean container, a bottle or bucket, provided that they close tightly, and store in a cool dark place (a basement or garage). So we have our water reserves indefinitely because it is not corrupted.
The stagnant water of an ecosystem undergoes artificial nitrogen cycle Ant © Graphic José Cabello
Many aquariums have been ruined by not making appropriate changes to do with water or excessive space in time. Just the biotope reef requires very clean water, or what is equally poor in nutrients. So in nature.
The accumulation of nutrients results in a significant decline in water quality. If we do nothing to reverse the process, the water conditions deteriorated to an unbearable point for most of the bodies sufir the consequences. © Luis Burbano
in recent years have made great strides in maintaining a reef aquarium. Among those great allies we have the same rock (biological filter bacteria), appliances or protein skimmers skimmers (works with beneficial bacteria live rock and help maintain a low concentration of dissolved organic matter), and drain or sump (another usually smaller tank that can contain macro algae to help also in the decline of nitrates).
Live rock, the protein skimmer and the sump, in addition to periodic changes of water, help maintain water quality aquarium inhabitants Thank © BIMBOA
This photo shows clearly the composition of the exposure tank (top) and drain tank or sump (bottom) © BIMBOA
Hence the great importance of acuapónico system applied in aquariums and in particular, on the reef. Plants following the procedure hydroponics, without requiring other nutritional elements, complete with the accumulation of these undesirable elements of the aquarium, purifying water as a natural filter. To date, as discussed an innovative technique, little information exists on their effectiveness but promises to be a real solution (or revolution?). On a commercial level, with real hydroponics and fish farms has meant a real breakthrough unprecedented. Who does not want an autonomous way of avoiding many tedious and water changes?
nano reef in this fantastic we can see the sump built into the rear, which also could implement a system acuapónico plants with the advantage of being illuminated with the same screen
This You can see a sample, but ineffectively exposed (assuming that the goal of these mangrove stems that are developed in the future to put in a better place). The aquaponics system in lush vegetation requires much more space for water quality
In the previous chapter explained in detail in the aquaponics consisting of a single system that optimizes within the aquarium water through a symbiotic process between fish and plants. The goal is achieve a balance in which plants are nourished with water surplus components, serving as biological filters, and fish (and other agencies of the tank) to produce its biological load (excreta and waste) of these same nutrients for plants. The aquaponics in a marine aquarium means a great advantage that it can be very beneficial to maintaining stable water parameters. Once we find the balance, get a tank with purified water at all times. The right place to insert the plants would be the so-called sump (secondary container of aquarium water.)
visual diagram of the system of a reef aquarium
1. Increasing the total volume of water (a few more liters, the easier it is to balance water parameters)
2. Simplify water changes and helps maintain stable water
3. Place aquarium husbandry (all equipment controller as the thermostat, the skimmer and filtration system)
4. keeps the water free of contaminants
There are many forms and types of sumps or drains
The maintenance of these plants would be simple: occasionally prune their branches to take advantage of space and the objective is to absorb excess water, let your roots grow up to look real biological sponges.
Normally the sump and is used also to add a system to help purify water, which for acuapónico system may be the most interesting site
The role of plants in filtering search aquaponic components that accumulate in the tank, thus purifying the water. In this case we find plants resistant to sea water. We emphasize that this technique is not new (although under the acuapónicos distant concepts) as long macro algae are used in many shelters (Sump) that absorb both phosphates, nitrates and other organic components that focus on water. We refer to the Chaetomorpha, Green Gracillara , Caulerpa , etc. It also uses the mangrove .
The macroalga Chaetomorfa is well known for its excellent characteristics as a natural filter
1. Mangrove
On the coasts, mangroves purifies water naturally, which is why his disappearance is an ecological disaster
red mangrove seedlings for sale! Its price does not exceed 10 €
specialty shops can be found in the red mangrove With
The mangroves can be planted in discovered an aquarium or in the shelter (sump). It is also advisable to place it in the sump, with the roots suspended in water to prevent entry into the substrate or the complex movement of water (plumbing pipes from the tank). The reason is always monitor their development, because growing up with a large force capable of breaking pipes, rock and even the aquarium glass.
Example mangrove tank DrPez exhibition © Revista1024 by Anthony Calfo
Example of a mangrove plantation on a sump © Johanna
Taking precaution, the mangrove is a plant candidate who follows the principles of aquaponics. Their slow metabolism makes them slow-growing plants, which prevents its effectiveness is absolute
These plants have a regulatory system that may exclude or excrete salt store. Exclusion takes place in the roots, where salt is simply not supported within the vascular wise. This may be involved in pumping out the salt using an ultrafiltration mechanism.
a very crucial detail to use aquaponics systems Salicornia marine aquarium is its rapid growth and its ability to form large root ball
Halophytes grow in soils with high salinity, the salinity is usually dominated by sodium chloride (NaCl), the waters of lakes that composition can differ greatly. This is important for plants. Adaptation to NaCl is apparently easier than adapting to MgCl3, NaHCO3.
The Salicornia responds well to irrigation continued as it always stays green and fleshy. It is very tough and is grateful for the pruning, the desired shape can
EcoReach The ERSCHG or under the help of Unesco, investigates how the natural ecological system to filter the Salicornia. In the 2 previous images can be seen from these experiments
© EcoReachThe Salicornia Sea or asparagus can look round or elongated with dense foliage
are several factors that make the Salicornia first in a new way to filter the aquarium water biologically ocean, it is fast growing (which necessarily means that nutrients absorbed very quickly), perennial, can be pruned easily (pinching the tips) to give a rounded shape saving space and has the power to produce large root ball of fine roots (which are to be encouraged to mimic real biological sponges).
's funny to think that the remains of pruning can be edible for the owner of an aquarium. Among other benefits, Sea Asparagus is a potent blood depurante and low body fat mass (the Lambs ate 50% grassland reduced their cholesterol by high content of linolenic acid). Nutritionally it contains 14% protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and 40% of essential fatty acids omega 6.
plant Another candidate for Aquaponics: the Maritime Suadea
This image can be seen that Suadea also produces a large amount of fine roots
Spartina Anglica The shows great strength when considered blight on the beaches and coastal areas. In the second snapshot in the foreground is seen Salicornia
Resembling a reed, the Spartina height is high and can live on substrates immersed in water marine
Normally the sump or refuge is located on the bottom of the aquarium displays. In most cases it is hidden so if you have a hydroponics system, we must adapt to space.
illustrated in this scheme describes the layout of what would culture in a sump acuapónico © José Ant Hair
1. Being a hidden place, we apply artificial light (as is done for those sump containing some kind of seaweed filter). But hydroponics lighting concepts are completely different from those applied for aquariums. The light should help the smooth operation of the plants growing in hydroponics. These plants should be combined blue and red light. Then, devoting an entire paragraph explaining this form of lighting.
Light is customary in the sump when keeping a macroalga. Although as we shall see in hydroponic culture using blue light mixed with red, white light 5500 ° K daylight to 6500 ° K may also be appropriate because it meets in its spectral composition all the colors of the rainbow. The plants take advantage of colors that need
2. Hydroponics are completely submerged or partially suspended in the water. The bottom line is that the roots of the plants are always in direct contact with water, either completely or end zone. In the aquarium to have continuous water movement, sound and oxygen, avoiding the typical organic decomposition (which happens with standing water) from the roots to be exposed continuously to water.
This diagram shows the placement of the plant in the pot. Phase 1 represents the level of water to touch the plant while it is small and phase 2 when the plant has grown © José Ant Hair
3. For better control of the plants growing under the hydroponic system, it is advisable to introduce them in small plastic pots or scaffold grand opening of holes, so that the roots can break through freely in the aquatic environment.
pots best are those that have openings for roots to break through freely
4. Among the advantages of aquaponics is that the water maintains adequate levels to appreciate the plants: a constant warm temperature (24-27 º C), which stimulates root growth. Our goal is to develop as much as possible to become a dense ball of fibers that facilitate the absorption of nutrients. These qualities of water to revitalize hydroponics also adds the stability of pH and specific gravity.
5. is advisable to use plants whose branches to prune or pinch, to give them a form adapted to the available space. The nutrients are metabolized and converted into vegetable fiber. For this reason, as with bonsai techniques, the plant should be pruned to control growth and branching (as opposed to the roots).The aquarium water is all the requirements for a lush plant (temperature, nutritional compounds, etc.)
6. These crops require no substrate, it seeks to nurture hydroponics plants only with water. Thus, no substrate is required to add their own sump. In placing the pots have thick gravel from the sea.
For plants such as Salicornia , sea gravel is best
7. With these premises we have our culture acuapónico ocean at full capacity. Now, with precise measurements of water parameters, we get the right balance. This means going adding plants (the more fit us better, because the idea is to err on the side and not by default to remove rather than
relocate if necessary). To get correct data, we have to wait about 3-4 months and the results accurate. Just add or remove plants.With Sump favorable conditions can be maintained without problems acuapónico culture
8. crops achieved commercial production acuapónicos ecological sustainability of the ecosystem, ie the perfect biological balance. The final objective is to avoid aquariums with a natural purifier, the water changes due to accumulation of all sorts of components and above all, molecules organic.
The objective is to adapt the sump as acuapónico container. In the picture you can see a standard hydroponics system in fact differs little from the proposed sump hydroponics. Necessary to analyze the extent to which light affects the roots, always hidden in nature
Many studies have been done on the light in crops hydroponics. Here we offer a complete summary of the best light that we apply to plants that will be useful for aquarium aquaponics.
A sump generously lit inside
This hydroponic tomatoes using white light. In our e-magazine AquaFlash we domumentado that sunlight at its zenith is pure white, with just the 5500 offering ° K. Is where the plants grow better. In these hydroponics are looking for maximum performance, so it resorts to the blue and red light accelerates metabolimo vegetables. Perhaps this idea is appropriate in Aquaponics , because when a plant grow faster, the more nutrients you need, so that water will absober which is our ultimate purpose
The plants have a photoreceptor for red light. It is a bluish green pigment called phytochrome which has been in the cells plant. Phytochrome can be compared with a visionary eye that only red light.
red light influences in different ways in plants. Those that are grown with plenty of this color is generously developed, but elongated and spindly (spiked). The red light also enhances flowering and seed production.
Blue light also perceived by plants. The color of this photoreceptor called cryptochrome. Plants increase your metabolism with this color, which, growing demand and nutrient absorption. Consequently, this makes them grow and develop more quickly, but thick in a sense that they fall short in height and narrow branches.
An inexpensive and full of advantages to hydroponics is to illuminate the LEDs. For just over € 30 you can buy these screens ( Hydroponic Lamp 225 LED Grow light Panel Red Blue 110 V ) of 225 red and blue LEDs to 50%
This light is vital, as it provides the energy required for photosynthesis of a plant with artificial lighting in a hydroponic culture. In aquaponics with aquariums that maintain ecosystems, part of the lighting, the water is stable at a warm temperature that stimulates root growth.
NOTE: The marine aquarium aquaponics is an innovative technique. In this article we offer in detail the bases for this method, still in experimental stage. The advantages are so great that foster a revolution in the care and maintenance of reef aquariums.
The dream of every fan of the aquarium is an aquarium always keep healthy, will the Aquaponics one more step to get it?
Salicornia seeds
Salicornia The object of study and research in the CAM for relevance in reef aquariums. When there is a serious and detailed information will be published a document which we will echo, as also part of this team, comprising members as ARKO, colofox, pepecarranza75, geomx, JMJMIKE, karlostorm, Victor Carpio, LordRiper, luigui, Johanna and everyone as they join (as is the case of E-CORALIA portal )
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