Increasingly which point to this system of deep water sanitation
The Sun is the main source of light in our world. Our star in the radiation projected total of 5% of ultraviolet rays
Our natural satellite, the moon, like a mirror reflects a fraction of these
Thus, the electromagnetic spectrum consists of different wavelengths within which the visible spectrum is intimately related to the process of photosynthesis performed by plants and serve as first trophic level to the complex networks that depend all living form.
Our planet is continuously exposed to different kinds of rays. The ozone layer and our atmosphere protects us from much of this radiation from outer space
As can be seen in this graph are 3 types of radiation. Reach the earth's crust to 95% of UV-A, 5% of UV-B and absolutely nothing UV-C. The ozone layer absorbs a significant portion of these rays ... No dangerous ozone layer UV-C produced the death of all living organisms!
Fortunately, the ozone layer surrounding our world in a protective bubble shield effect, preventing the entry of ultraviolet light with shorter wavelength (UV-C) which destroys the DNA in your photo induction.
The destructive effect of ultraviolet is applied to germicidal methods
Chart on the wavelength of the light spectrum
UV-B (medium wave) radiation is waves comprising between 280 and 315 nm . This type of radiation is biologically destructive and direct exposure in humans can cause damage and skin burns.
UV-C (short wave) radiation is an umbrella waves between 100 and 280 nm . This type of radiation is not found naturally and is absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, but it can be manufactured artificially. For example, the arc that occurs in an electric welder produces UV-C. It is also produced by UV lamps that are manufactured to medical sterilization, domestic and aquariums.
The germicidal effect is concentrated precisely in the 254 nm within the ultraviolet type C
germicidal sterilization before connecting to the liquid in the tank circuit, with the lamp on
Photon UV-C destroying a microscopic alga
UV-C light acts directly on the DNA chain of living beings is
A terrarium lamps lit with ultraviolet B (UV-B)
Picture taken by the ISS to observe the ultraviolet effect on our world. Can be seen that is more active in areas of the tropics and Ecuador, home to many species of reptiles and amphibians that are kept in terrariums
most common terrarium animals
Chart sheet on use of UV-B in terrariums
aquarium system that hides germicidal ultraviolet lamp type C
In nature, our species live in large areas in the aquatic environment such as rivers, lakes, oceans or seas. In the aquarium, as a means stagnant, the situation is different in that it focuses more on water pollution by accumulation of organic waste (nutrients), which multiplies the microscopic life in extreme amounts per cm ³. They are usually bacteria and fungi that live on the bottom or floating in the water.
In nature there are concentrated many microorganisms per cm ³ and in aquariums. For this reason, many experts say that a UV-C germicidal effect parameters precisely about the reality
On the other hand, new acquisitions (Fish and plants) that are added to the ecosystem of the aquarium, can carry parasites or other microorganisms that may become pests if the new medium found the optimal conditions to breed and multiply.
precisely the new aquarium guests can carry pathogens
germicidal sanitizing This method has great advantages:
1. not alter the pH or chemical structure of water2. not in any way affect the fish or plants3. Nor does it affect the colonies of bacteria or algae found in the filters, substrates or aquarium walls4. only organisms that pass through the sterilizer are eliminated
To be effective germicidal effect should apply at the very beginning of life aquarium, once we have matured tank water or when we have perfectly balanced ecosystem (just when you least expect the acquisition of UV-C system, because we forget that a tank should be kept in perfect condition and proactively).
1. The water is clear and transparent
2. UV-C lamp is new (they have expiration by type. Lifetime approx. 3 years).
3. radiation must penetrate within 2 cm of water and should keep in contact with the light for a little over a second
4. In the application of medicines or remedies we use them, it can inhibit its effectiveness
5. We must be aware that a UV filter is not effective when a problem has manifested itself in the aquarium. For example, if the white spot disease has appeared before installing the germicide, it will do nothing because the parasite is already installed in the fish
6. is a widespread error to think that it is not suitable for a reef aquarium, since it tends to assert mistakenly kills zooxantellas living in symbiosis with corals and other beneficial organisms that float inside the tank. This would be true if the exposure of UV-C light had been done in an intention (bathing in its rays across the tank), and not within its socket opaque. Beneficial microorganisms adhere to the substrate, glass aquarium, filter materials ... and form a bio film to attach to these areas as colonies work together to become more efficient.
As a general rule should be replaced when they reach 60% efficiency. Medium pressure lamps are lasting about Effective 1000 hours and there are other low-pressure lamps can last 9,000 hours effective. For example, Phillips Osram branded lamps extended under 100w, last about 8,000 hours.
Always looking for better performance, is desirable that the lamp used in an aquarium is at least 25w forward
This is a difficult issue. Here are the different reasoned opinions to this question.
Under the idea of \u200b\u200bsome experts, it is always best to leave the lamp in operation 24 hours a day (always). This favors its role to be effective, because all the water in the tank passes several times a day (depending on content) from germicidal irradiation. This continuous application is recommended especially in large tanks.
In aquariums with a great capacity liters were advised to always leave germicidal filter, whereas in smaller tanks do not need
ultraviolet light type LED UV-C (254 nm or 265 nm) to current date is becoming a reality, but are hard to find in a private capacity Many companies
But this not the case with LEDs. The light from the diodes is accurate calibration and units can be found right in the 254 nm and at 265 nm (most effective to break the chains of DNA from microorganisms).
Not all LEDs are actually called ultraviolet radiation. Indeed the most common are those diodes that are far below the 400 nm, so that its wavelength is so long that the violet light spectrum really
On the other hand, the LED light is long lasting, thus, would not need to change it until after about 10 years ago. We must also add its low power consumption.
UV-C LEDs from just 254 nm
BioUV 265 nm LED
A scheme developed by us which shows an example of UV-C LED applied in the aquarium. His presentation is effective germicidal putting him up in his elbow and illuminating a straight pipe to radiate bodies moving in suspension in the water circuit
People living in areas of high light exposure can suffer terrible conditions at the hearing by the UV-B. The UV-C cause irreversible blindness, so we always have great caution in handling these lamps
workers who work in open space three times the risk for bait in the cornea, and have much higher risk of forming-protein deposits in the form of drop-in the cornea.
The presence of a certain type of cataract has also been associated with UV exposure.
All UV lamps should carry a warning of danger. We must never expose to direct sunlight
surfaces illuminated with UV-B provide a fluorescent color effect
manual germicidal UV lamp to sanitize household linen
Ultraviolet light is part of the balance of our world. If you disappear ozone layer shields us, UV-C fatally affect all living creatures on the planet, including humans
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