Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Peditrician Markham Ont

SEC closed ecological system
independent A nice little world? "Does not that sound a children's story?? The challenge is exciting!
Two proposals closed worlds
Closed ecological systems (SEC) are ecosystems that do not exchange matter by any party outside the system. Although the land itself can be clearly seen in this definition, the term is used most often to describe much smaller artificial ecosystems. Such regimes are relevant and can potentially serve as a life support system during space flight , in space stations or submarines.
.not really a completely closed system, because energy (especially light and heat) can enter and leave the system.
The large ecosphere can sustain life for several decades
In a closed ecological system, any waste produced by a species should be used for at least another species. If the purpose is to maintain a way of life higher, for example a mouse or a human, such as waste carbon dioxide the feces and urine should eventually become the oxygen, food and water.
Maybe now they are discovering a new concept of independent eco-assisted technology: PASCO zooténia ©
A closed ecological system must contain at least one autotrophic organism (producing their own food like plants and some bacteria). While agencies chemotrophs (which gets its energy by metabolizing waste from other agencies) and photoautotrophs (that gets energy from light) are plausible, almost all closed ecological systems to date are based on a photoautotrophs as green algae.
algae Just give a look of neglect to the proposed closed ecosystems © Experiment Jose M. Avilar
This is a topic that fascinates many people. Is it possible to artificially create a closed ecosystem and sustainable self-sufficient?
The aesthetic appearance of the proposed closed ecosystem is unattractive, but inside it has generated a micro
Finally, a closed ecological system when it has finished its biochemical imbalance
in a drop of water can be a microcosm of microscopic life, represented by bacteria and microbes
spherical designs for a greenhouse that seeks to be self
The interior of a conditioned space for the development of nature. Ecosystems are looking to develop alone. Here we address this issue with Biosfera2 and Eden.
If we make a metaphor between a ecositema and chair, both are kept in perfect balance, the chair for being fixed with its four legs on the ground for their own weight. But when we analyze a closed ecosystem, is like analyzing a chair that has gotten the full balance on one leg raised.
If you want to create something close to a closed ecosystem and independent, in the simile of the chair, we must hold to be lifted on one leg, otherwise always be rocked to one side, and possibly for a few seconds can be maintained in the air ... but always end up unbalanced. Indeedcan create a closed ecosystem, but we have to assist you before or after to restore balance.
The representation of a nature reserve in the future, or our world? ©
As we want to give a rigorous and objective, we try to learn from the best information sources contrasted serious. Transcribe very understandable definition of closed ecosystems, published in the journal Artificial Intelligence Chilean. In this case we have wanted to illustrate visually graphic designs to make it easier to explain.
© José Antonio Hair
We will prepare the recipe for a closed ecosystem
1. A closed ecosystem is a man-made ecosystem where there can be no material exchange with the outside.
Well, we have introduced the field ....
2. Living things a closed ecosystem can be divided into 3 groups: producers, consumers and decomposers.
prepare a container specially designed to be hermetically sealed
3. All closed ecosystem must contain at least one species of autotrophic organism.
4. Most closed ecosystem used phototropic organisms such as green algae.
In our case, we will help with biotechnology (animal husbandry). These devices are vital to balance internal parameters, recycling waste into oxygen, water and food
5. If the purpose of closed ecosystem is to maintain higher life forms such as a mouse or a human being, it is necessary that feces, urine and carbon dioxide are converted into food, water and oxygen.... And here the creature autotrophic, vital part of the closed ecosystem
6. The microecosystems are ecosystems that measure only microns, typical of bacteria and other microscopic life. As can be seen only under a microscope, are not interesting for leisure nor decorative, but they can help us better understand how to build mini-ecosystem closed.
LED Under our entire ecosystem, balanced and closed is developed to perfection © Jose Antonio Cabello
Several proposals called Closed Ecosystems:
ecosphereBottle: introduce a transparent plastic bottle of 1.5 liters, a bit of mud at the bottom of a stream, water, water fleas (Daphnia pulex ) and algae ( Riccia .)
Closing the bottle and letting the sun, water fleas last more than 3 years. The larger the bottle, but last year the water fleas.
The Daphnia, interesting animal because it helps to purify water, but small for the human eye
ecosphere: is a crystal ball that contains shrimp, filtered seawater, algae, bacteria, gorgonian and gravel.
The origin of the Ecosphere goes back several decades ago when they were developed by Joe Hanson and Claire Scientific Folsom.
The ecosphere stores light energy and converting it biochemically. The light, along with carbon dioxide water allows algae to produce oxygen.
The shrimp breathe the oxygen in the water and feed on algae and bacteria. The bacteria convert animal waste into nutrients for algae. Algae and bacteria also produce carbon dioxide using algae to produce oxygen.
Temperature also affects health of the ecosphere. Maintain a constant temperature increase viability.
say that in an area of \u200b\u200b21 cm shrimp actively survive and reproduce for over 6 years. Aquarium
closed: is an unnatural ecosystem in which it is to maintain aquatic species as long as possible and they can interact in balance. Many people try their aquariums may require minimum maintenance. Some have managed to maintain an aquarium closed for years, without filtering the water with machines or to provide any nutrients.An aquarium that offers the greatest independence of ecosystem, creating
© Pako_84There aquariums of various types: cold, fresh water, heat and salt water. Living beings are using algae, bacteria, mosquito larvae, shrimps, crabs, invertebrates and even fish.
bright Life flows in small ecosystems designed by © Jose
The Aquaponics is another solution to maintain self-sustaining ecosystem in balance virtually closed. From here, we recommend visiting research osmaroi , of \u200b\u200bwhich we do not lose your progress. Is published in the WEB The Rinconete © osmaroi
Terrarium closed: is a type of crop that requires no care. The only task performed is the process of introduction of the specimens inside the terrarium. In closed terrariums are often grown humidity loving plants with little need for lighting solar. A closed terrarium is not good for the copies gross, flowering plants or fast growing.
transcribe, for their informative value, an excerpt from the book written by ECOLOGY Rafael Chaves Julian Monk and published by University Publishing details of Costa Rica (excerpt): Ecosphere
Spaceship Earth
p. 113. 4.
The ecosphere is the entire set of abiotic and biotic elements of the world. In other words, the ecosphere is the region consisting of the outer layer of the Earth, oceans and biomes it contains. To understand, imagine that we are astronauts. (...)
(...) The Earth is like a big spaceship, without which we would die. Ecologists similar study of it in bottles and submarines, where so everything is recycled, but without the stability of a natural ecosystem.
As happened to Carl Sagan in 1986, I have a world that has arrived in a cardboard box labeled 'very fragile'. It is a crystal egg, hermetically sealed, home to algae, bacteria and four shrimp. A scientifically perfect world where light life has come. It is an ecosphere, a complete ecosystem, treated with care, I can watch them grow over the next four or five years.
The ecosphere is the product of research developed by NASA's Aerospace Laboratory, seeking ways to carry, in the future, ecosystem distant planets like Mars. The ultimate aim of the space agency is to install a closed system that can meet the needs of water, air and food for astronauts to land on a planet, so they can live in a kind of 'ecosphere' oversized. For NASA, the ecosphere planet Earth is like a small-scale and shrimp, the human species. (...)
So the result of years of research by NASA gave birth to the ecosphere, small ecosystems in balance encased in glass with a little water. They live red shrimp, algae and microorganisms active in a deciliter of filtered seawater. Following all citizens can live between two and five years, although there have been cases of some areas that are in perfect working ten and 18 years after his 'birth'.
Carl Sagan wrote a very instructive little story enclosed ecosystems in a fun titled: World arrived in the mail I
: .
Title: World arrived in the mail I
Author: Carl Sagan.
A part of having a prodigious mind, Carl Sagan had a great sense of empathy
(...) Some were pale (almost transparent), while others showed a reddish orange color.
In a way, of course, they were different from us: they had their skeletons on the outside of their bodies, they could breathe in the water, and a kind of year was placed near their mouths. They seemed concerned about their appearance and cleanliness, using a pair of pliers that have as a brush. Occasionally could be seen wiping one of them himself.
But otherwise it was beings like us, with their brains, hearts, blood and eyes. That is something that could not be ignored. That apparently disordered set of appendages for swimming propelled by throwing water contrasted with the precise purpose of their movements. When they arrived at their destination handled the filaments of algae with the precision, sensitivity and know-how of a "gourmet." Two of them, more adventurous than the rest, prowled the world ocean, swimming over seaweed, surveying his domain.
From other angles, the curvature of the glass makes them look bigger, so I can see in detail how they really are. I realize that they have whiskers. Two of them swim to the edge of the water and spin again. Then, return to the depths, arms crossed casually, as if to indicate they have not found anything new with your experiment. It seemed nice.
If I can clearly see a shrimp due to the curvature of the glass, it also should be able to see me, or at least to my eye (something like a black disc, surrounded by a greenish-brown crown.) In fact, sometimes when I start to look any handling the algae, it seems that he realizes and looks at me. We have crossed our eyes and I wonder what he will think about what he sees.
After a day or two of preoccupation with work, I wake up, I give out my world of glass ... and all the shrimp seem to be gone. I blame myself. I should not feed them or give them vitamins, or change their water or take them to the vet. All I have to do is make sure that not expose the system to too much light or too long in darkness and always kept at temperatures from 5 to 30 º C: 40-85 degrees Fahrenheit (above those limits, I imagine preparing a cake and not an ecosystem). Do I have died due to lack of attention?.
If you are in charge of one of these worlds, and consciously worry about the levels of temperature and light, then you end up realizing what is inside (whatever your thinking at first). But if they are sick or dying, you can not do anything to save them.
In a way, you are much more powerful than them, but they do things (like breathing under water) that you can not. You're limited, painfully limited. You wonder if it is cruel to put them there. But you make sure there are at least safe from other dangers such as whales, oil spills or cocktail sauce.
The ancient skeletons that move off the shrimp, like the carcass of a dead shrimp do not remain long. Serve as food for shrimp and other organisms invisible part of the world's oceans. That way you realize that these creatures not work in isolation, but that "we need others. Some take care of others (in a way that I would consume oxygen in the water and produces carbon dioxide.
The existence of shrimp is much more fragile and precarious than of other beings. Algae can live without shrimp much longer than they could do without algae shrimp. The shrimp eat algae and microorganisms, but primarily consume algae light.
© Akela
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