Wednesday, May 6, 2009
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Can we export our ecosystems on other worlds? Space, the final frontier ...
We are in an outer arm of the Milky Way galaxy. For now the Earth is the only planet to harbor life
Too many scientists say that our current society, in the late twentieth and early twenty-first will be remembered in history as encyclopedias, the most irresponsible and selfish. Not refer to individual behavior human being, but a global collective attitude which is seriously damaging the environment and accelerating climate change worldwide.
Among other ecosystems, it is devastating the Amazon rainforest
World governments, representatives citizens of different nations, are not conscious to make decisions and act for the benefit of a better world. The legacy we're leaving for future generations is really disheartening and pessimistic.
natural disasters happen more frequently and more violently. Some scientists say that's the way our planet has to complain
There is so much nuclear weapons to destroy more than 100 times our planet. Let us hope that never meets this apocalyptic vision of doomsday
In the first half of the twentieth century no one talked about these issues. Came the first social consciousness. Fundamental Rights were written for Humanity and Life in general. Not be ruled out that this is the germ of something that is growing and spreading. Will the vaccine virus? If so, hopefully for our sake that is fast with effects because the diagnosis is critical.
is as far as possible that someday we transforms worlds with scenes like this, but first we must learn to take care of our own planet
The terratransformación is the process of planetary engineering by which you can transform a planet, moon or other celestial body to make conditions more livable atmosphere, temperature and ecology.
technology first planetary engineering will be completed with our moon
The first human step on the moon turned into a pool surrounded by a moist substrate covered with algae are several
Humans will terraform worlds in other solar systems
The liquid water is essential for ecosystems to develop on Earth as
The aim is that Mars would evolve into a parallel world to Earth
promentedores's Phoenix spacecraft found evidence of water on Mars
The image provides a representation of Venus terratransformado. The upper atmosphere of Venus is too hostile for algae to prosper. The terratransformación of Mars would be more viable
One of the big questions that has arisen man is the origin of life. We have used religious and scientific answers answers. Exobiology precisely explains that life is a very common accident in the universe.
Carl Sagan was the first scientists to rigorously address the possibility of life in space: exobiology
1. The principle of causality: For a number of exceptional events in extraordinary circumstances and only for the creation of life only exist on our planet.
2. The Anthropic Principle: For the consequence of the laws of nature, it is a fact of the existence of other planets with life. This last principle is most supported by the scientific community
It seems that life is widespread in the universe
Panspermia theory states that life appeared on Earth did not come here, but elsewhere in the Universe and came to our planet using meteorites and asteroids as a way to move from one planet to another.
Panspermia is from the area and compared with a sperm (meteorite) and egg (planet) which is fertilized to the development of life
This theory supported the fact that molecules based on carbon chemistry, important in the composition of life forms that we know can be found in many parts of the universe. Astrophysicist Fred Hoyle also supported the idea of \u200b\u200bpanspermia by the finding that certain soil organisms, called extremophiles, are extremely resistant to adverse conditions and eventually can travel through space and colonize other planets.
extremophiles Image
A theory of Panspermia is also known by the name of 'theory of Exogenesis', although the scientific community both theories are not exactly equal, since the latter is not limited to the expansion of meteorites.
Panspermia can be of 2 types:
1. Interstellar Panspermia : is the exchange of life forms that occur among planetary systems.
2. Panspermia interplanetary: is the exchange of forms of life that occurs between planets belonging to the same planetary system.
panspermia theory with PTO interplanetary meteorites. This picture shows a fragment of a Martian meteorite (ALH84001) that can venture that there are structures belonging to fossilized bacteria
The most accepted explanation of this theory to explain the origin of life is that some living primitive (probably some bacteria) came from the planet Mars (of which there is a possibility that he had loved alive, with the traces left by bodies of water on its surface).
The hypothesis is that after a meteorite impact on Mars, some of these life forms trapped in a fragment, and then went with him to Earth, where he hit.
After impact the bacteria survived and managed to adapt to environmental conditions and chemical early Earth, we will succeed in this way to perpetuate their species. Over time these life forms have evolved to generate the biodiversity of today.
Before traveling to other worlds, first let's review what happened on our planet.
Once cooled the Earth, was a single continent called Pangea
Land, 5,000 million years ago, it was a fireball, orbiting a star (the sun). The Earth was cooling Paulato. The meteorite, which crashed against its surface, formed clouds of water vapor and other gases, which later became rain, giving rise to the seas. With the advent of water, about 3,900 million years (pre-Cambrian era) the first single-celled organisms appeared.
Life was born in the ocean
The next evolutionary leap (Paleozoic era) went for about 570 million years when these organisms evolved, leading to multicellular organisms and can these expelled to the atmosphere oxygen, thus preparing the conditions so that the first living things, leave the water, to inhabit the land.
When reptiles ruled the Earth
From here, with a few million years of evolution, there are large dinosaurs (Mesozoic era), which is fully extinguished about 65 million years. After this extinction, the next evolutionary leap (Cenozoic era) is the appearance of mammals, culminating, around 100,000 years ago, with the emergence of Homo Sapiens.
This evolution of life on Earth offers an intelligent creature capable of asking questions ... your mind makes progress technologically
If we assume, the evolution of life on Earth, we find conditions similar to ours, to begin the search for life. Thus, as the first parameter is the so-called habitable zone. This corresponds to the distance of a planet with its particular star. At these distances, the conditions of temperature, so you can have water in liquid form.
For a star similar to ours, the habitable zone would be reciprocated between 0.5 astronomical units (1 astronomical unit is the equivalent of the distance from Earth to Sun, 150 million kilometers) and 1.5 Astronomical Units.
Another parameter has to be the star like the Sun is about, since a much more massive stars (blue stars and white) do not have the time necessary for the development of life, and a less massive star (red stars ) do not have sufficient calorific value to allow a habitable zone.
DNA chains on Earth have a common origin
For example, in the solar system, planets would likely be Venus and Mars. The first one is closer to the Sun than us, but because of its carbon dioxide atmosphere 96% carbon and 3.5% nitrogen makes your temperature is over 500 degrees on the surface, which makes this temperature is too high. In the case of Mars is farther from the Sun than us (is 1.5 UI), just on the edge of the Habitable Zone. Mars is the case of Earth, icy poles (not mean they are solid water can be treated as other components). Although not detected the presence of water on its surface.
Its atmosphere is composed of carbon 95% 3% oxygen Nitrogen 0.13% etc .... so that its atmosphere is not suitable for life. There are other planets outside the habitable zone, which is speculated containing in its interior seas, but this should be a source of internal heat, these are cases of Europa and Io (satellites of Jupiter.) Have not detected any presence of liquid water in either case, as for that, to be within the rocky mantle, we would have to venture into the world.
worlds harboring life susceptible to first pass through a cooling process. The chemical and physical reactions contribute to the formation of gases and other elements such as water. The chance must make that final atmosphere is stable and fertile for Life
Casuistry in the Universe can give rise the conditions in which worlds could support life. In the beginning would be very simple shapes that eventually would evolve into more complex creatures.
First in a liquid medium will produce the first microorganisms
After several million years, out of the oceans began to expand Life. First the vegetation
pioneering creatures left behind the seas begin to colonize the rest of the media
The adaptation to the environment with different mutations is chipping all sorts of creatures (evolution of species)
Finally intelligence can be a branch of evolution Images © National Geographic documentary
exobiology creatures can offer quite different from what we know. Absolutely no one can guarantee that we can found in space ...
A snowflake with a central eye? It could be the representation of a creature evolved silicon molecules
A cabbage star? It represents a creature fragtal
Who does not give you chills the way of life?
has attempted to estimate the number of civilizations extreterrestres that can inhabit our galaxy. Frank Drake (radio astronomer, Carl Sagan colleague) gave a formula mathematics. This formula calculates the number of civilizations that exist in our galaxy. NET = Ns x fp x Ne x fl x fi x fc x L
Frank Drake was the pioneer in creating a formula for extraterrestrial civilizations
Although in recent years are discovering new worlds beyond our solar system (exoplanets), little information is being disseminated.
astronomers, with new instruments and techniques better able to see or infer the presence of planets around distant stars already have an extensive list of nearly three hundred alien worlds. A figure that is rising and whose new members are becoming more promising.
system 55 Cancri is 41 light years away in the constellation of Cancer
The Lost World was discovered a few weeks before writing this article. This is the fifth planet gathered in a single star, 55 Cancri. This solar system is at a distance of 41 light years. This makes the planetary system in the best known of all the universe except, of course, ours.
55 Cancri system representation
The New World, discovered by a team from the University of San Francisco, California, is very different from our Earth. It is a gas giant very similar to our Saturn. Is tens of times larger than Earth and is not capable of supporting life as we know it.
Images inspired by the planets and moons in the habitable zone of 55 Cancri
Astronomers speculate a very high probability that the moons of this new planet if they could have developed life. The reason for such optimism is that 55 Cancri f (adding their eventual satellite) orbits the exact distance from its sun within the "habitable zone." It is a narrow orbital, which in our solar system is populated by the Earth, and is the only one that allows the existence of liquid water, a necessity for life as we know.
A little closer to the sun, and water would evaporate due to excessive heat (such as Venus in the Solar System). A little further, and freeze, as this is the case of Mars. As for the star 55 Cancri, is quite similar to our sun, but slightly cold and dark. Around him had been discovered orbiting other four worlds, three gas giants so close to the star that are within distance of Mercury to the Sun keeps
Excellent artistic creation surface of a moon of the worlds 55Cancri
All of them have been discovered by observing the "pull" gravitational cause in 55 Cancri, thanks to a technique called "radial velocity". 55 Cancri f is the average distance from its star than 117 million km., 8% farther than Venus and 30 million miles closer to the Sun than Earth
This time we have the opportunity to interview Jose Antonio Cabello, won journalism awards in broadcasting as the Manos Unidas (1992 and 1994), Rafael Peris (1996) and Radio Association de Catalunya (2007).
Jose Antonio Cabello, in the radio studio
One of his creations available to the public, is a science-fiction serial that can be downloaded for free from the Internet under Creative Commons license: Agapito Spuk . From here we invite you to visit its splendid WEB , full of imagination.
Spuk Agapito, a radio serial science fiction with humor for all ages
1. How much of reality and imagination in a science fiction creation?
up to the author. For example, the case of Isaac Asimov represents a true scientist that he based all his works of fiction on real facts of astrophysics. For this reason, it was very critical of other literary figures or movies. He said he had many failures in the events presented in these stories, science fiction never reached a position was always deserved as "Series B".
2. What bugs are you referring to?
For example, you hear the sound of a spacecraft in space, when this is impossible because the sound waves can not propagate without a medium like air or water ...3. why many scientists approach their ideas in fiction?
From a journalistic point of view I can respond by saying that this is an easy way to express their ideas the public. More accessible and understandable is a novel with characters that tell scientists made a book with a technical discourse. I remember for example that Carl Sagan, one of the first exobiologists, had more success with his novel "Contact" (which inspired a movie) with informative books.
4. From communicative facet that you know do you think it will be possible contact with other civilizations?
Well, first we should know whether there really such extraterrestrial civilizations. In the event that it were so, the communication process would not be an easy task. Here in our world, not least away, live with creatures believed to possess complex language and yet we have not yet deciphered. A clear example
are whales and dolphins (cetaceans) ... I can not imagine what could happen with another consciousness from evolving nature, I mean different morphologies involving different senses from ours. This is in addition to their degree of intelligence is difficult to match ours. For communication to occur both the sender and receiver must be common and interpretation channel (code) the message. The forms of language can be infinite: electric shock, colorful flashing lights, vibrations, etc.
5. Is there any reliable information confirming the existence of life on other worlds?
More information and misinformation that I am not referring to cases archived files full of mysteries that are supposed to governments. Speaking of media, there is a huge demand for programs that address issues that are actually pseudoscientific more fantasy than anything else. More interested to know if there have been sex with aliens news about exoplanets that are being discovered in recent years. For better or worse, send audiences.6. What can explain about the SETI project?
The SETI project is looking for signs of non-terrestrial origin. Since 1998 this way of listening for something or "someone" in deep space, took a different turn with the availability of the world's largest radio telescope located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Internet precisely the possibility that anyone who wishes to receive at home, in real time, monitoring frequency of different stars and even galaxies prefixes. This requires downloading a program that automatically adds to our team's fan ...
7. Speaking about his work, what can we explain the radio serial Spuk Agapito?
Let me explain that radio is a medium in which everything fits, and not just the radio musical formula. I think we are very few who still use their imagination to create modern stories that are far from the nostalgic radioseriales. Although I have done many stories on radio, Agapito Spuk particular have much effect. The originality is that I play almost all the characters using totally different records, which is not easy. It's a parody of space travel and intergalactic adventures in which they appear all sorts of creatures. Was conducted in 1996 and the best episodes were remastered CD sound quality. They can be downloaded free online. Many schools have used it as an example. I invite you to visit the web site, which also included drawings inspired by the series. You can listen to In your opinion, in that situation is the actual radio?
Radio is a media immediately broadcasts the news at the moment. This means that their credibility is huge, with its freshness and impact on the listener. Radio always has his audience, which is usually very accurate. It is the medium where they are born great communicators. Returning to the theme of life on other worlds, I remember that in 1938 Orson Welles terrified their listeners with the radio adaptation of War of the Worlds, by HG Wells. People thought we were really being invaded by aliens ... this mass reaction to an event as spectacular as improbable has never been repeated. Not the case with television, radio happened to ...9. Under his opinion, do you think humans will reach other worlds? Always
I have been a convinced optimist about humanity and its future. Although we behave irresponsibly as collective creature, someday will mature and be able to solve our problems and conflicts. We have this great power. There was a time when humans in prehistoric times, we almost extinct. At that time, we were small scattered groups who joined when they were, for survivors' union made us stronger to face the hostile world. In the future we discover that our dreams become reality, with an infinite universe in which we have no time for boredom. It is hard to think that our spirit curious and explorer will reach us wherever we want and not just as invaders.
10. Want to add something else?
appreciate very much the team to be part of this e-magazine. I will not praise it, just say the readers to judge its quality. I never would have imagined that maintained ecosystems could offer many interesting topics for which we have a passion for animals. Thank you very much.
NOTE: This time we tried a really interesting topic that transcends little. Perhaps the most optimistic destiny of humanity is spread through the universe, conveying the life that has developed in Earth.
In this hypothetical raid on the Cosmos are likely to find other unexpected events of life. Our spirit will make us curious to investigate further and analyzed, with the old attempt to understand our own existence and to know if we are unique.
Will our grandchildren go on holiday to other planets terratransformados? Notebooks
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