The Gambari are aquariums full of life with small tenants increasingly popular
A little more than two decades, customers of stores specializing in aquatics were first shrimp tanks sale. It was a beautiful almost transparent shrimp which soon became a place in the aquarium. In our ignorance wondering: a freshwater shrimp? At that time they were called Caridina japonica, a name that has been replaced today by Caridina denticulata. They became popular because of its reputation comealgas, useful in densely planted aquariums with vegetation.
Calls glass shrimp (Caridina denticulata ) were the first at Charlotte
©In recent years, many people prefer to take care only of invertebrate tanks. These are usually Asian biotopes, dominated these lively animals accompanied by snails. These are called Gambari, who every day have a bigger following for its beauty and easy care (see chapter: 14. Mini aquariums: the Gambari ).
ecosystems Tonny Dencas are genuine parts of life
Just in recent years have become popular tiny shrimps that have become favorites of many fans of all ages highlights Cherry Red, the Red Crystal and the list is growing. But as with all animals kept in captivity should be knowledgeable about their behavior and needs. So always enjoy a healthy prawns and "happy" in a recreated with green plants.
also worth noting that there is a big difference in ease of care from one species to another, being the more resistant Cherry Red. Must have more experience with the beautiful species are appearing on the market, mostly from the island Sulawesi (Indonesia archiélago). Apart from its high price, they are much more sensitive.
For those who have not seen up close: for example, and smaller, are the aquarium shrimps
Here we will present information and advice drawn from the knowledge of experts.
Anatomy of a shrimp
The Red Cherry is without doubt the number The color red one so appealing, its small size, resistance to adaptability, ease of reproduction and its affordable price.
The Red Cherry ( Neocaridina heteropoda ) comes from southern China and northern Vietnam. He lives in the currents of the rivers and ponds.
South China River, habitat of the Cherry Red © M. McGuerty
The red variety, which gives the name Cherry Red (Cherry Red), was discovered in Taiwan and began exported in 2002. Up in 2006 it was called Neocaridina denticulata sinensis . Its intense color depends on the genetics, sex (females are more red), age (is increasing over time) and your mood (stress the pale).
Other varieties of Neocaridina heteropoda are Normal (clear and blue) and Yellow (yellow and orange). Behavior
Being a small shrimp that seldom exceeds the 3.5 cm, not the other predatory fish in the aquarium, on the contrary, special care must be taken to include it in a tank as it may turn out to be the food of the other inhabitants. We suggest that shares the aquarium with small fish.
If we provide good parameters in the aquarium water and a quiet, preferably well planted, Cherry Red will for a long time, then interact with their peers and live monitoring of the different generations that will be happening within this small world.
shrimp in aquariums have a peaceful existence long and full of hustle
Extension of the head of a Red Cherry
The Cherry Red body is cylindrical elongated and slightly compressed laterally. Your body is mainly divided into cephalothorax, abdomen and telson, which carry different types of jointed appendages, which depending on its function can be divided into Sensory
: 1 pair of antennae, 1 pair of antennae, 1 pair 1 pair of eyes and jaw.
Nutrition: 2 pairs of maxillae, 3 pairs 2 pairs of maxillipeds and pereiopods with tweezers. Locomotor
: 3 pairs of pereiopods.
Details of the process of copulation. The larger shrimp is the female
Expanding the female carrying eggs, can oservarse the eyes of the offspring as black dots When
are adults reach 2.5-3.5 cm, with females larger and more red coloration intense than males. As they mature females they can see a yellow stain on the back of the cephalothorax. Apart from this, the pleopods of the females are larger than males and antennae (the two smaller antennas) are longer in males.
Precisely the Red Cherry shrimps are among the most resistant. This means they are very tolerant and adaptable to water parameters and temperature. Anyway, we should always avoid abrupt changes, they may cause the premature death of these invertebrates.
tolerate a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 and soft to medium hard water, although the ideal is a KH around 4 and a GH of 10 º. Also can be adapted to slightly hard water.
Regarding temperature, we found a shrimp with a good range, with a preference for cooler waters to warm. There are fans who have kept to 8 º C. At the other extreme warm 30 ° C (in the warm season is very probable to reach this temperature) should always aerate the water.
Keep in mind that we are talking about an aquatic invertebrate, and which certainly requires a water pure and free of some components that can be toxic death. We refer to copper (present in algaecides, fertilizers, colored substrates), the malachite green (anti-parasitic drugs) and high levels of nitrates (should not exceed 20 mg / l), nitrites and ammonia.
We strive to Cherry Red lush vegetation habitat (extensible to any other shrimp).
The CRS, a really beautiful and eye-catching prawns
Network Crystal (CRS), also called Caridina Ccantonensis (formerly was called incorrectly Caridina serrata) is one of the most beautiful species are of its bright red and pure white. The real color in the wild is black. Behind the CRS is a mutation that, artificially, was subjected to genetic selection to fix the red character we know.
The Red Crystal likes living in numerous communities
Mr. Hisayasu Suzuki gave us to know this excellent choice of shrimp
Mendel's Law on the inheritance of dominant caráter (black bars) and recessive (red stripes), applied to the Caridina cantonensis
The origin of Red Crystal has its genetic origin in Hong Kong in the backwaters of rivers, vegetation, right where the current is weak. Although the mutation occurs naturally in red 1 in 1000 shrimp, it was not until 1993 that the breeder Hisayasu Suzuki decided to set the character across individuals found in nature. In 1996, unveiled this new variety characterized by preserving this recessive gene.
The genetic origin of the Red Crystal is in so-called Black Crystal. In nature, born in 1000 about a variety red
Today Red Crystal are spread throughout the world, but his popularity began in Asian countries like Japan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Singapore ... then came to America (USA) and finally to Europe (Germany).
Many fans complain that it has abused the inbreeding of these beautiful prawns, so too there are items sensitive. The ideal would be getting people from different breeders (or acquire trust breeders who strive to cross them to enrich their lineage).
in Japan has created so much demand for these shrimp are bred commercially in tanks where noted carefully the genetic lineage
The Red Crystal is a life expectancy of about 15 months. Reach reproductive maturity at 3 months old.
male sexual dimorphism (top) and female (below)
The Caridina cantonensis under appropriate conditions, have a very fertile reproductive cycle, which means that during your life can be repeated many times their pregnancy and generation of new shoots.
in an appropriate environment, the CRS will be played without problem
The female is ready for breeding by a molt. The male is aroused frenzied swimming around the tank until it reaches the female. If accepted by it, gather the abdomen and fertilization occurs. After the female will carry the fertilized eggs to pleopods. The eggs are usually 20 to 40, first in brown and as they develop they become transparent.
eggs in transparent phase
Small fully develop in the mother's pouch
The female is ovate for 3 or 4 weeks, depending temperature. The birth of the young occurs when fully developed and have a measure about 1.5 mm.
A newborn CRS!
The body of the Red Crystal is shaped like elongated cylindrical, slightly flattened at its sides. His body is divided into cephalothorax, abdomen and telson, armed with jointed appendages different depending on your role can be distinguished in:
Detail of the head of a CRS
Sensory: 1 pair of antennae, 1 pair of antennae, 1 pair of eyes and 1 pair of jaws.
Nutrition: 2 pairs of maxillae, 3 pairs of maxillipeds and 2 pairs of pereiopods with tweezers. Locomotor
: 3 pairs of pereiopods.
Natatorium: 5 pairs of pleopods and 1 pair of uropods.
as adults measure 2.5 to 3.5 cm. Females are larger, with a prominent abdomen, a more curved caparax and 2 pairs of pereiopods more developed than males.
The body of the Red Crystal is colored by red and white stripes. Individuals can also be monochromatic, with only red or only white. When affected by stress pale tone.
The coloration of the Red Crystal is set in degrees. Unless more white spots and is considered more valuable. These examples can command prices of 3 zeros
graduation was established according to the size and color spots occupying the body of the Red Crystal:
Grade C: low intensity red and hardly any white portion.
Grade B: Red more intense and more white portion of the grade C.
Grade: same portion of red and white. There is no sign of transparency of the animal.
Grade S: in the body has a larger portion of white colored red.
SS Grade: Almost the entire body is covered in immaculate white. They are considered the best and most desirable. Here highlight the call and mosuras hinomarus.
and water quality parameters
As previously mentioned, these shrimp require a bit more demanding care for their delicacy, although it is not especially of a species difficult to maintain.
live well between 18 and 30 º C. Upon reaching the temperature of 28 º C should add extra water aeration. The optimum temperature at which they develop is really comfortable between 22 and 24 º C.
can live in pH ranges 6.2 and 7.5, being the optimal parameters between 6.5 and 6.8. It is advisable to maintain a slightly acidic water and the nitrogen cycle takes place in a less dangerous (which avoids the possible peaks of ammonia, deadly for these shrimp).
Regarding KH, put up large margins between 5 and 20. A vital information for the Red Crystal is not acquiring all the calcium from the water, which must be supplied through food.
are extremely sensitive to nitrites and ammonia from the aquarium, which must be kept to zero. On the other hand also have conditions that can cause death to metals in concrete with copper. We must watch a lot of water source the aquarium and all that we can add additives, especially fertilizers for plants. Obviously, the water tank should have a fully matured product of a cycle that should last a minimum of four weeks (to avoid shocks it would be best to wait patiently until 6 weeks). Food
Unlike Cherry Red, the Red Crystal is a very delicate shrimp for lunch. It is an omnivore that is particularly invertebrate preference for green algae. It also feeds on the remains of food found in his wanderings. Many hobbyists recommend
specialized food stores, it has all the nutritional inputs necessary for its proper growth and development. Some also prefer to use a varied diet based on plant foods (spinach, carrots boiled), flakes, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae red ... but you should take special care with the amount, as the leftovers can cause a fatal increase nutrients in the aquarium that can lead to the appearance of nitrate and ammonium. Many experts eat their prawns Spartan way, preferring to err on defect not by excess.
Another tip is to provide them with leaves trees that do not decompose easily and have no resinous residue. The best are collected dry leaves away from the pollution, trees such as oaks, beech, Indian almond, etc.. Your preparation should be sterile, introducing the sheet 5 minutes in a microwave to kill bacteria, germs and fungi. Many of these sheets and can be found in specialty stores for very low prices. Help promote the beneficial microorganisms in the aquarium and humic acids which are an excellent contribution that water is part of the original natural habitat.
One of the most beautiful shrimp from Sulawesi, the Cardinal. When one is lucky enough to watch closely, you can not believe that is so tiny
in recent years are finding new varieties of colors and flashy designs. Are shrimp whose beauty recalls those from marine biotopes.
In the Sulawesi archipelago are finding some amazing prawns. Today, many can already be found in stores and start being bred in captivity. But I must say that it is extremely sensitive animals that deserve to fall in expert hands.
each passing year new species are discovered
Since many species and are a world apart, we will devote an entire chapter exclusive to such wonderful creatures.
We keep prawns in common tanks, along with other fish that common sense does not end with them (ideally species from similar biotopes Asia, as small Rasboras and the like). Lately it is revolutionizing the concept of small bowls called Gambari.
Although there is much literature on the size of Gambari, who may be from a 4-liter, here looking after the welfare of these animals suggest not to make any kind in aquariums under 18 gallons. From the experience of many fans, it is best to put these invertebrates in aquariums, which are loose for them where they can reproduce and live in large groups, which is how they really feel comfortable. These tanks should be larger than 25 liters and up.
The Gambari come in all shapes and capacities
An aquarium Gambari should be aimed at a true gem to behold. This means that we should careful and plan it well before entering the prawns, with patience and with the aim of creating a small green space, which can be a beautifully landscaped grounds in a room or hall.
By common sense, Gambari should never be too small and difficult access to the interior
For those looking for playing a completely adequate habitat for shrimp propose the following guidelines:
1. Pay particular attention to the substrate. It may be fine gravel or grit. The substrate must be completely natural to doubt whether it is better not to buy artificially colored. There has been many times that a black substrate (or other more tinted with artificial colors as green, blue, yellow or red) contains substances harmful to invertebrates that die within days of insertion.
2. As we intend to have a planted tank, we find a good lighting for the plants to grow healthy and strong. The recommendation is to use a pure white light of 5500 º K. There are PL's, LEDs and other lights just this white hue. This light, depending the size of aquarium should have a light output from 500 to 1000 lumens low exposure (photoperiod) for 10-12 hours daily.
3. is strongly recommended to use ground cover type plants, to cover the entire surface. Among these plants, as a decorative element, you can put river pebbles without edges (we are offering a cozy world for prawns).
4. Like fine wine, we must allow time for vegetation to develop and beneficial organisms in the aquarium (do not confuse with cycling, as we are talking about a long maturation of the water in search of balance-of 3 to 8 months! -). While CO2 can be additive.
5. No organisms that produce a biological load in the tank, water changes can be made more widely spaced in time (so far there will be a beneficial microscopic constant development). Once the plants have covered much of the soil, with adequate and stable parameters, and can include prawns, which delighted begin to graze and act like real flower in this place so pleasant for them.
on all this, we note that there are fans who choose not to include the substrate in Gambari and used instead a plate of perfectly aligned white polyethylene on the ground. The choice of plants is limited exclusively to the Java moss and plants that do not require root. All this they do so in order to prevent the accumulation of waste from the gravel and sand substrate (a technique also used in marine). We have previously explained
which are the best parameters of the water. It is very important for any aquarium introduced its first water, or water base, it will be of great importance in the future of this liquid medium. Although there are many tricks and techniques should ideally be based on an osmotic water and add the necessary components accurately. In the specialized forums can help and know exactly what compounds exist for additively water for each species.
Good tools are also part of caring for Gambari, scissors and forceps
Although this is not an exact science, many fans are turning to bottled spring water, which previously have made a test parameters. Once you confirm that this water contains no harmful elements, mix in a minimum amount established osmotic water (for example, at a rate of 20% of the first and 80% of the second). From this first mix, and always use the same system for water changes. To replace the evaporated water osmotic just add water in the aquarium.
as tank mates, a very suitable option is to include snails. The most recommended for its control, is the beautiful snail Planorbis. Together with prawns, act as an effective cleaning brigade. The interesting thing about this type of ecosystem is to get clean water, ie free of nutrients. The great mass of Gambari plant is essential to achieve this. The first thing that catches the attention of these tanks is transparency and crystallinity water.
A Gambari also be a natural landscape in miniature
may also include other kinds of snails, such as Neritina and Vittin , and of course depending on the size of the tank, the apple. The latter despite their large size can coexist without any problem with prawns, even harmless to newborns.
may include other species of shrimp. Whenever a species predominate and will play more fertile than others.
fish can be included small size, but it is interesting to note that each fish is equal to about 12 prawns for their biological load in the aquarium. If we want to keep an aquarium as free as possible of impurities better discard. But this is a personal decision.
Once we have taken special care with the water and our desire is to stay as clean as possible.
Some fans are perfectly capable of maintaining the unfiltered Gambari, only periodic water changes. Although you can seduce the idea, it is a task for experts.
filters come in many shapes and systems, and usually the most used backpack (and the mini size is very appropriate). As filter media usually take a sponge to collect waste. Although the articles of this e-magazine are no friends to recommend brands, as advertising can discern an intention, in this case we recommend for its good results by replacing the sponge bag with Purigen (Seachem). It is a powerful absorbent resin, as it removes water and organic solvents, toxic nitrogen.
Finally, we propose a system under aquaponics (See chapter). Given the small size of the tank and its location, as a whole may be an attractive place for sustainable living.
The idea is to create a small backpack hydroponic system in the rear view. The ferns border the Gambari, taking harmful substances in water, letting the nitrites and ammonia to zero. This is an experimental proposal.
INTERVIEW AN EXPERT IN INVERTEBRATES site is a benchmark in its sector. To write this chapter we had the honor of having the excellent cooperation of Ramon Bueno (Rabuenga), that part of its commitment to the tanks of shrimp also occupies his time as administrator of this site. In is a team of real experts who know what it means to keep invertebrates in captivity. Pictures accompany an interview with a visually stunning work of active members who are part of , a meeting point for lovers of invertebrates
1. How did the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a forum dedicated only to invertebrates?
The idea came from my obsession-fascination "by invertebrates, as in all aquarium forums you could find lots of information on almost any fish, in contrast to such a broad topic such as invertebrates, there was only a section and this individual move me a bit, so I thought that if I did a forum invertebrates perhaps only time could go all "lovers" and are familiar with these, and do so fairly specialized forum in this world where information was well sorted and were abundant.
2. What are the favorites to be maintained by fans?
Undoubtedly the shrimp. See in an aquarium for the first time an invertebrate of this type will not leave you indifferent. When you've been able to see the whole cycle of them that's when you really can be "trapped."
3. Is it more difficult to care for an invertebrate that another kind of animal?
at all, is Moreover, when you've managed to have the aquarium conditions can be a very long time even without putting any food. Mind you, I do not recommend this, but if that is possible as I found in one of my tanks for more than two months. (I speak of freshwater invertebrates, marine certainly has a ton of very tough, like slugs and corals).
4. What can we learn from the care of an invertebrate?
First, cycle the aquarium, the second cycle the aquarium and last cycle the aquarium ... Well, part of cycling an aquarium, before trying to put any invertebrate always have to have some eye with Ph especially in the case of alkaline pH will always shellfish, with shrimp instead we must first know which species we want to introduce in the tank and try to put the Ph as according to him. As power is nothing sensitive, except for some sensitive species, as a rule are scavengers. As for tank mates try not to put him teammates with big mouths, the latter often happens.
5. Specifically, what kinds of invertebrates has specialized You?
Freshwater Shrimp, mostly CRS. Quite difficult to obtain or to raise just a couple of years, but thanks to information exchange forums and exchange or sale between fans is a species which any fan of freshwater invertebrates and ends up having, with patience and a little knowledge, to raise.
6. on shrimp, or so-called Gambari, what we could highlight? Do not highlight?
... All my tanks, now only 5 are of different species of shrimp. Everything revolves around a shrimp fascinates me, birth, reproduction, change of exoskeleton ... nothing leaves you indifferent. On invertebrate aquariums or "Gambari" there is nothing remarkable, are identical to those of fish, nothing special. The plant can garnish or as you like and often use the same equipment.
7. Do invertebrates are great unknown to the general public?
course, although less and less. Those who have only invertebrate aquariums seem something "weird" by the fact that in an aquarium for almost all people outside this world, there must be fish. A common question from people who see my tanks is "Can you eat shrimp?, Which you have not ever seen ask someone who has an aquarium with fish.
8. In your opinion, are we able to explain the reason for the revulsion felt by many people to invertebrates?
(The truth is that no I have never been repulsed by freshwater invertebrates, I guess I wonder why the land.) People who go to any animal is always repulsive ignorance and more on invertebrates which is then related to the word "bug", which usually use quite negatively. If such people are arches its better known these "bugs" sure that repulsion was transformed into admiration as all we are trying to discover this wonderful "little world."
9. Can you advise what type of invertebrate is more interesting to care?
I really love aquatic invertebrates, both marine and fresh water and, in particular, freshwater shrimp as the CRS. As I said, its life cycle is fascinating, just thinking that a newborn is to be able to "look for" life by itself is now to stop and reflect.
10. Want to add some final comments?
I would just like to recall that we have a site where we talk deeply about these animals so little known. For this reason, I invite all concerned to know us and to enjoy with us in this hobby that offers so many rewards. Thank you very much.
NOTE: The images that accompany this interview are in excellent photographers members. All photos are links to the websites of these artists at their base. Your galleries are really fascinating.
The prawns are the stars of invertebrates in the field of freshwater. Many people with experience are making great progress in this field easier to balance small ecosystems. Invertebrates do not produce a biological load as big as other animals and this helps keep stable water parameters. For this reason it may quite easily recreate these small paradises full of life.
The ecosphere are another variety of Gambari, but very questionable in many aspects, in particular, because it is a closed ecosystem sentenced to aging and death of living
With good care and dedication, we have beautiful aquariums for small shrimp, which offer a very interesting behavior not bored anyone.
alsomutations have occurred with the variety of blue smurf Is not it amazing? Notebooks
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